Operations Report – May 14th

Crew 297 Operations Report 5-14-2024

SOL: 2

Name of person filing report: Rishabh Pandey (Engineer)

Non-Nominal Systems: Suit 9 (broken visor), Suit 11 (fan issue)

Notes on non-nominal systems: Issues with both suits were noted before our mission, both will not be used during our mission.

Rovers Used: Curiosity, Perseverance, Opportunity, Spirit
            Hours: 280.7
            Beginning charge: 100%
            Ending charge: 82%
            Currently charging: yes
            Hours: 290.3
            Beginning charge: 100%
            Ending charge: 74%
            Currently charging: yes
            Hours: 187.9
            Beginning charge: 100%
            Ending charge: 84%
            Currently charging: yes
            Hours: 252.4
            Beginning charge: 100%
            Ending charge: 72%
            Currently charging: yes
General notes on rovers: NA

Summary of Hab operations:
      WATER USE: 10.31 Gallons
      Water (static tank): 409.2 (using effective value from spreadsheet)
      Static tank pipe heater: off
      Static tank heater: off
      Toilet tank emptied: no

Summary of internet usage: Catch up on Earthly news, email responses, code development, entertainment

Summary of suits and radios:
      Radios 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 were used
      EVA Suits 6,7,8, and 10 were used

Summary of GreenHab operations: NA, GreenHab out of operation

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Radishes were watered and notes were taken on their condition.

Summary of RAM operations: Multimeter and Measuring tape used
Summary of observatory issues: NA

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