Journalist Report – May 24th

Hello Mission Control,

It’s officially the end of our stay. The Bevonauts are officially analog astronauts and we couldn’t be prouder.

Today we had a lot of last day chores to do and that was mainly it. We concluded the experiments in the science dome and are having a few samples sent out to an external lab for spectroscopic analysis! We cleaned up the area and dumped out all the samples we no longer need. We also took the leaves from the radishes and the plants for further lab analysis. However, our measurements are done and we have some good news (see research summary :D).

The astronomy team processed two images today! They also wrapped up their project. Rishabh finished up his map as well. We had a lot of good and complete results!

We also filmed a video for our donors and sponsors today.

MDRS, thank you for welcoming us. We have enjoyed our stay and learning and growing here as scientists and engineers.

Bevonauts out <3

Thank you!

Best Regards,
Prakruti "Pari" Raghunarayan & the Bevonauts

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