EVA Report – January 31st

Crew 220 EVA Report 31JAN2020

EVA 12

Author: Johannes Svensoy, MD

Purpose of EVA: Joint Station-to-Station Medical EVA training

Start time: 09:00

End time: 12:00

Narrative: This is the second medical EVA where we integrated search and rescue (S&R) in austere environments, P-MARCH-P protocol, METHANE protocol, second survey assessment, and SAMPLE. This scenario integrated several simulated injured astronauts.

The EVA started with the MDRS crew members coming over to the MAU Station with the medical mannequin, EVA bag, First Aid kit, and Golden Bubble pressurized medevac device. The medical mannequin was placed at the first medical site just South of MAU Station at GPS 12s518124, 4250680. The EVA lead from MDRS was then informed about the simulated missing astronaut and possible injury. The team started S&R and localized the astronaut. EVA lead took the command post role, while the two medical personnel, one from each station, assessed the injured astronaut. A major Incident was declared with METHANE to both MDRS and MAU Station, then the Injured astronaut was transported in the Golden Bubble pressurized medevac device to the nearest station, MAU Station. Per the simulation, the EVA team was informed that the facilities were not suitable for assessing the patient, the decompression sequence was aborted, and the patient was evacuated quickly to MDRS via rover.

Arriving at MDRS there was a simulated rover accident with another victim. The first patient was decompressed in the airlock together with two other astronauts. The lower deck of MDRS was turned into a surgical bay for surgical interventions with the leg injury. The crew members inside then performed a secondary survey and SAMPLE history. The second simulated victim was assessed by the two medical officers, and then transported to the airlock for decompression.

The EVA ended at this point when all the astronauts and simulated injured astronauts were inside the Hab. The post-exercise debrief highlighted communication challenges, which are anticipated in larger incidents. Learning points also included how to divide the team during decompression of patients, and following the current state of the patient before and after decompression.

The crew performed admirably and demonstrated practical skills application of S&R skills, P-MARCH-P, METHANE, evacuation techniques, and secondary survey including a SAMPLE history. Except some initial communication challenges, everything went as planned. The crew returned in good health.

Destination: MDRS and MAU Station proximity

Coordinates: 4250050,518500

Participants: HabComm: Morgan. EVA Crew: John, Connie, Marufa, and Johannes.

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110 between the MDRS and MAU Station.

Mode of travel: Mainly walking, but rovers used for transporting equipment and extraction of simulated injured astronaut.

Support Requested: No support requested during EVA.

Operations Report – January 31st

Crew 220 Operations Report 31JAN2020

Sol: 12

Name of person filing report: Matt Wise

Non-nominal systems: Primary Generator, Water Heater, Hab lower deck 1 fluorescent light ballast.

Generator: Primary is inoperable. Rental was run-the following information is for the rental.

Hours run: 11.5
From what time last night: 20:00

To what time this morning: 07:30

List of any additional daytime hours when the generator was run: N/A

Solar- SOC% (Before the generator is run at night): 79%

Diesel Reading – Just over 1/4 mark

Station Propane Reading- 76%

Ethanol Free Gasoline- N/A

Water (loft tank) (gal) – 35

Water Meter (units)- 0148627,9

Water (static tank) (gal) – 43

Static to loft Pump used – Yes 38 gal

Water in GreenHab (gal): 100.04

Water in Science Dome (gal): 0

Toilet Tank Emptied – Yes

Deimos rover used: Still in the workshop


Beginning Charge:

End Charge:

Currently Charging:

Sojourner rover used: No


Beginning Charge:

End Charge:

Currently Charging:

Spirit Rover used – Yes

Starting Hours: 128.6

Beginning Charge: 100%

Ending Hours: 128.7

Ending Charge: 91%

Opportunity Rover used: Still in workshop


Beginning Charge:

Ending Charge:

Currently Charging:

Curiosity Rover used: Yes

Starting Hours: 134.6

Beginning Charge: 100%

Ending Hours: 134.7

Ending Charge: 91%

Notes on rovers: Opportunity and Deimos off-site for maintenance. Should be operational within a few sols

ATVs Used: (Honda, 300, 350.1, 350.2, 350.3): No

Reason for use:

Oil Added? Checked and added as necessary

# hours the ATV’s were used today: 0

Notes on ATVs:

Habcar used and why, where? Yes. For water resupply

CrewCar used and why, where? Yes. In SLC picking up supplies

General Notes and Comments: A small white bowl was accidentally broken while washing the evening dishes.

Summary of the internet: Nominal

Summary of Suit and Radios: 3 radios malfunctioning
Suits Nominal

Summary of Hab: Main fluorescent lights in Hab lower deck malfunctioning. The problem seems to stem from irregular electrical current flow from temp generator. Center light bar has been fixed and seems to function properly at all times, light bar near back airlock has been repaired and seems to be functioning properly, while light bar near stairs has no bulbs.

Summary of Science Dome operations: Nominal

Summary of Ram operations: Crew member using RAM for assembly of 3D printer

Summary of any observatory issues: Nominal

Summary of Health and Safety issues: MDRS crew all healthy

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support: Please remove trash from rear airlock. Final trash pickup Feb 2. Resupply of toilet paper.

EVA Report – January 31st

Crew 220 (MAU) EVA Report 31JAN2020

EVA 12

Author: Johannes Svensoy, MD

Purpose of EVA: Joint Station-to-Station Medical EVA training

Start time: 09:00

End time: 12:00

Narrative: This is the second medical EVA where we integrated search and rescue (S&R) in austere environments, P-MARCH-P protocol, METHANE protocol, second survey assessment, and SAMPLE. This scenario integrated several simulated injured astronauts.

The EVA started with the MDRS crew members coming over to the MAU Station with the medical mannequin, EVA bag, First Aid kit, and Golden Bubble pressurized medevac device. The medical mannequin was placed at the first medical site just South of MAU Station at GPS 12s518124, 4250680. The EVA lead from MDRS was then informed about the simulated missing astronaut and possible injury. The team started S&R and localized the astronaut. EVA lead took the command post role, while the two medical personnel, one from each station, assessed the injured astronaut. A major Incident was declared with METHANE to both MDRS and MAU Station, then the Injured astronaut was transported in the Golden Bubble pressurized medevac device to the nearest station, MAU Station. Per the simulation, the EVA team was informed that the facilities were not suitable for assessing the patient, the decompression sequence was aborted, and the patient was evacuated quickly to MDRS via rover.

Arriving at MDRS there was a simulated rover accident with another victim. The first patient was decompressed in the airlock together with two other astronauts. The lower deck of MDRS was turned into a surgical bay for surgical interventions with the leg injury. The crew members inside then performed a secondary survey and SAMPLE history. The second simulated victim was assessed by the two medical officers, and then transported to the airlock for decompression.

The EVA ended at this point when all the astronauts and simulated injured astronauts were inside the Hab. The post-exercise debrief highlighted communication challenges, which are anticipated in larger incidents. Learning points also included how to divide the team during decompression of patients, and following the current state of the patient before and after decompression.

The crew performed admirably and demonstrated practical skills application of S&R skills, P-MARCH-P, METHANE, evacuation techniques, and secondary survey including a SAMPLE history. Except some initial communication challenges, everything went as planned. The crew returned in good health.

Destination: MDRS and MAU Station proximity

Coordinates: 4250050,518500

Participants: HabComm: Shawna. EVA Crew: Matt, and Lee.

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110 between the MDRS and MAU Station.

Mode of travel: Mainly walking, but rovers used for transporting equipment and extraction of simulated injured astronaut.

Support Requested: No support requested during EVA.

Commander Report – January 31st

Crew 220 (MAU) Commander’s Report 31Jan2020

Author: Shawna Pandya, Commander

Title: Twelve we meet again…

Sol 12. Last day. Wow. Time flies here on Mars. The morning at MAU started with a breakfast with our visiting Ambassador, MDRS Engineer Wise, and myself and MAU Engineer Roberts had fruitful discussions on mission and station operations and logistics.

Before long, it was time for our joint search-and-rescue and medical simulation with MDRS Station. I genuinely enjoyed this experience as this was one of the rare EVAs in which I served has HabComm, which afforded me a birds-eye view of the crew’s movements in the simulation. Let me say, they made my job easy today, due to their admirable and competent performance in a complex scenario.

The afternoon was spent on end-of-mission and check-out duties, such as science and project summaries, cleaning and reports, with a view to squaring ourselves away in time for one last evening together tonight.

There is still so much to say, but sometimes brevity says it all. I have thoroughly enjoyed co-commanding this mission with MDRS Commander Hanacek, and learned something from every single member of this crew.

When you hear from me next, it will be from Earth. This is the end of one mission yes, but with the bonds formed here, I suspect we have also sown the seeds for many more adventures. I wonder what the future holds…

Until my next communication (from Earth!),

Commander Pandya
Callsign: Nightowl
MAU Station, Crew 220

Sol Summary – January 31st

Crew 220 (MAU) Sol 12 Summary 31Jan2020

Summary Title: Sol long, Marswell
Author’s name: Shawna Pandya, Commander
Mission Status: Winding down… (already?!)
Sol Activity Summary: Today is our last Sol at MAU station, and we made the most of it! The Sol started with MAU Station hosting MDRS Engineer Wise as its Ambassador, yielding a fruitful and productive exchange regarding mission and engineering operations and logistics. Next, both MAU and MDRS stations conducted a a joint medical EVA exercise which tested the EVA team’s search-and-rescue, medical assessment and evacuation capabilities. The team shone and performed admirably amidst a complex situation! The afternoon was rounded out with check out cleaning, inventorying, report-writing and wrap-up activities, leaving the evening free for the crew to enjoy each other’s company one last time amidst art and Indian food. Sol long, Mars! You’ve been good to us.
Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow, we return to Earth!
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: -6C low / 5C max, 0C average.
Crew Physical Status: MAUtacular
EVA: Successful search-and-rescue, medical triage and evacuation mission accomplished today in a joint exercise with MAU.
Reports to be filed:
Sol Summary
Commander’s Report
Photo Report
Operations Report
EVA Report
EVA Request: None
Support Requested: Commander requesting a half-sweet almond milk mocha with an extra shot of espresso pretty please

GreenHab Report – January 31st

GreenHab Officers: Marufa Bhuiyan and Morgan Kainu

Environmental control: Heating. GreenHab door shade cloth (40%) (30%) on.

Average temperatures: 19.3 °C
Floor Unit: 20 °C
Floor Unit: 26 °C
Floor Unit: 15 °C
Floor Unit: 16 °C

GreenHab door opened: 12:30 and closed: 13:49

Hours of supplemental light: 19:30 to 00:00

Daily water usage for crops: 13.7 gallons

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: NA

Water in Blue Tank 100.04 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 2
08:33 = 6.3 gallons
18:15 = 7.4 gallons

Changes to crops: The following tubs/plants need to be relabeled:
• Ginger (fresh from market – it was brought in to mission by crew member Matt Wise).
• Mystery seed ( Crew member M. Bhuiyan re-arranged found a mystery seed, there was no label in it and no one knows yet what plant this is. Probably it will be a surprise for the next MDRS crews).
• Romania lettuce, Radish sparkle, Bell pepper (California Wonder)

Harvest: 22 g icicle radish, 14 g purple sun radish, 7 g cilantro, 4 g basil, 4 g oregano, 3 g lemon balm, 4 g marjoram, 14 g wild rocket, 3 g buttercrunch, 1 g chives, 7 g lettuce

Support/supplies needed: NA

Other notes:
• Sweeped the floor, getting ready to introduce our GreenHab to the next MDRS crews.
• Labelled two tubs as recycle bins: 1. Organic (plant remains/dead plants) and 2. Inorganic (non-burn items).
• Added a new cleaning brush (red color)

Operations Report – January 31st

Crew 220 (MAU) Operations Report 31JAN2020

SOL 12

Name of person filing report: Johannes Svensoy, MD

Non-nominal systems: N/A

Generator: Operating nominally.

Hours run: Not run overnight

From what time last night: N/A

To what time this morning: N/A

List of any additional daytime hours when the generator was run: 2 hours

Solar- SOC% (Before the generator is run at night): N/A

Diesel Reading – N/A

Station Propane Reading- 100% + Backup (1.6 cylinders)

Ethanol Free Gasoline- N/A

Water (loft tank) (gal) – N/A

Water Meter (units)- N/A

Water (static tank) (gal) – N/A

Static to loft Pump used – N/A

Water in GreenHab (gal): N/A

Water in Science Dome (gal): N/A

Toilet Tank Emptied – no

Deimos rover used: N/A


Beginning Charge:

End Charge:

Currently Charging:

Sojourner rover used: Assigned to Director


Beginning Charge:

End Charge:

Currently Charging:

Spirit Rover used – Used for medical training EVA

Starting Hours: 128.6

Beginning Charge: 100%

Ending Hours: 128.7

Ending Charge:91%

Opportunity Rover used: Still in workshop


Beginning Charge:

Ending Charge:

Currently Charging: Yes

Curiosity Rover used: Used for medical training EVA

Starting Hours:134.6

Beginning Charge: 100%

Ending Hours: 134.7

Ending Charge: 94%

Notes on Rovers: Opportunity and Deimos off-site for maintenance.

ATV’s Used: (Honda, 300, 350.1, 350.2, 350.3): No

Reason for use:

Oil Added? No

# hours the ATV’s were used today:

Notes on ATVs:

Habcar used and why, where? Used to go to town for water.

CrewCar used and why, where? Is in Salt Lake City picking up stuff.

General Notes and Comments:

Summary of the internet: N/A

Summary of Suit and Radios: Nominal

Summary of Hab: Nominal. Have cleaned and started to prepare for return to Earth.

Summary of Science Dome operations: Temperatures are hovering around 4°C during the day.

Summary of RAM operations: Nominal

Summary of any observatory issues: Nominal

Summary of health and safety issues: Nominal

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support: None

Sol Summary – January 30th

Crew 220 (MDRS) Sol Summary 30Jan2020

Sol: 11

Summary Title: Integration of Medical Assessments, Search and Rescue

Author’s name: Connie Delisle

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: The Crew rose at 07:00 to an intensive skyscape. The orange glow of the forever red dunes of Mars is a sight to always remember. After a light breakfast, the MDRS Crew began preparations for the morning Medical EVA (MEVA), starting with a rendezvous at the MAU station. Each station fielded its own team, meeting at MAU station to commence the MEVA. The Crews successfully met most of the MEVA objectives set by Commander Hanacek; namely to integrate medical assessment and Search and Rescue techniques and tools. Medical techniques drilled in previous MEVAs include: P-MARCH-P for primary trauma survey, Secondary Survey, and SAMPLE. The Golden Bubble and a semi-autonomous drone was slated for testing for the first time in the Mission with a view to obtaining comparative data concerning the challenges in rescue and medical assessments in ICE environments.

XO Wise remained at MDRS to allow time to focus solely on setting up a test MAU-MDRS WIFI connection which is part of the objectives set for this mission. Should connectivity be established it would represent another piece of the MAU Crew Lead’s vision clicking into place.

Look Ahead Plan: Sol 12. Additional training will be conducted tomorrow, in order to reinforce the medical and Search and Rescue (SAR) already delivered. In addition, a second attempt will be made to test the drone. The main objectives are to add this capability, test it, as well as drill and become more fluent with what has already been learned. The Crew will be asked to take mental note of the challenges in applying these well establish techniques in ICE conditions. This information can be fed back to the organizations and innovators that are designing technology and procedures for ICE environments.

We continue to receive top quality advice and guidance from CapComms and we really appreciate the kind comments and interest showed. As a final word, it was a pleasure and honor to Command MDRS; at the same time I was delighted to welcome back Commander Hanaceck to take command of MDRS late last night. I continue working with him to assure he is fully supported and up to speed as the overall Mission is quickly coming into its final few days.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Tonight’s low to -2 degrees (Celsius). Mostly sunny tomorrow with high cloud tomorrow with a high predicted to be 7 degrees Celsius night. Near zero percent perception forecast.

Crew Physical Status: All the Crew is good health, despite a very short night.

EVA: One morning three-hour EVA.

Reports to be filed:

Journalist Report

Sol Summary

Photo Report
Operations Report
GreenHab Report

Support Requested: Garbage pick up from the rear airlock would be very much appreciated.

Sol Summary – January 30th

Crew 220 (MAU) Sol 11 Summary 30Jan2020

Summary Title: Hey Sol Sistah!
Author’s name: Shawna Pandya, Commander
Mission Status: aMAUzing

Sol Activity Summary: As our Mission winds down, we are working together to coordinate the final touches on our projects, studies, technology demonstrations and academic activities. The morning at MAU started with a team breakfast as we hosted our second-ever MDRS ambassador, MDRS GreenHab Officer Bhuiyan, whose presence delighted us all, and who herself seemed to enjoy the visit. Next, the MAU and MDRS teams united to conduct a joint search-and-rescue, triage and evacuation exercise that tested the skills the two crews had learned this mission. The day continued with expert-led knowledge transfers and demonstrations as various crew members led demonstrations of virtual reality, ultrasound and medical technologies. The evening will end with some medical teaching regarding airway management, as well as arts and wellness actvitities, including a Mars Circle.
Look Ahead Plan: As our Mission winds down, we will be filling the final Sol with one last advanced medical drill involving search-and-rescue, triage and evacuation, and some final wellness, arts and teaching activities.

Anomalies in work: None
Weather: -6C low / 5C max, 0C average.
Crew Physical Status: MAU-velous, dahling
EVA: Successful search-and-rescue, medical triage and evacuation mission accomplished today.

Reports to be filed:
Sol Summary
Commander’s Report
Photo Report
Operations Report
EVA Report
EVA Request: Pending.
Support Requested: Can you please bottle some of the Mars magic for us to take back to Earth?

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