Crew 216 Greenhab Report 26Nov2019

[title Greenhab Report – November 26th]

Crew 216 GreenHab Report 26-NOV-19
GreenHab Officer: Michael Ho
Environmental control: Door left closed for the day.
Average temperature: 23C
Hours of supplemental light: Automatic system
Daily water usage for crops: 16L ( blue cans)…of which 6L were from a 3/4-full watering can left from previous rotation.
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: nil
Water in Blue Tank – enough
Time(s) of watering for crops: 10:00 & 16:30
Newly sprouted:
from 1 pot of Swiss Chard,
from 1 pot of tomatoes,
from 1 pot of pepper colour mix,
from both long trays of nassissus,
from 1 round tray of snow peas.

1 more avocado seed planted today.
3 terracotta pots of 4 succulents each planted today, placed on the same shelf as the aloe vera. Soil mix: Potting soil and local sand.

(Established plants introduced since 03/11/2019 till 22/11/2019 please refer to Crew 215 GreenHab Report of 22/11/2019.)

Harvest: None
Support/supplies requested: None

Crew 216 EVA Report 26Nov2019

Crew 216 EVA Report 26-Nov-2019
EVA # 04
Author: Kennedy
Purpose of EVA: Evaluate communication range to east of Hab with 5W radio transceiver, explore locations for communications rebroadcast, collect drone footage for education.
Start time: 1400
End time: 1545
Narrative: We began with a small technical difficulty with the drone footage. Michael had to replace the battery and reevaluate the auto follow feature. He eventually manually operated the drone while we drove the vehicles. Once in transit the drive to Galileo Road was uneventful. Near the junction of Galileo Rd 1104 and Cactus Rd 1104 the road travels in the wash. Due to recent precipitation, signs of vehicle travel were erased, we had to scout on foot to confirm the route that was in the GPS and maps was accurate. After a short survey of the area we found the rest of the road and continued down Cactus Rd 1104. At 0520999E 4252250N we stopped and evaluated the area. Comms were solid as there are few obstructions between that area and the Hab. The area was still quite grassy and not terribly Martian. We returned without incident.
Destination: Eastern end of Cactus Rd 1104
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12 S 0521940 4252800.
EVA Participants: Kennedy, Ho, Levesque
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
1) Hab to 12 S 0519100 4251980 via Cow Dung Rd,
2) 12 S 0519100 4251980 to 12 S 0519880 4251540 via Galileo Rd 1104
3) 12 S 0519880 4251540 to east end of Cactus Rd 1104
4) Explore suitable areas either side of road on foot
5) Return to Hab via reverse route
Mode of travel: Rover/Walk
Vehicles used: Opportunity, Spirit


Crew 216 EVA Report 26Nov2019

[title EVA Report – November 26th]

Crew 216 EVA Report 26-Nov-2019
EVA # 03
Author: Whittle
Purpose of EVA: Evaluate communication range to S of Hab with 5W radio transceiver, explore locations for communications rebroadcast, collect more footage for documentary.
Start time: 0900
End time: 0945
Narrative: Crew left Hab to test range of 5W radio transceiver. Continued radio checks every minute until lost comms with Hab when passing through Kissing Camel Ridge (this had been the hypothesized loss of comms point due to terrain) at approximately 0905. Crew parked on road at grid 12 S 0518682 42488798. After discussing plan to evaluate high points at 12 S 0518585 4248798 and 12 S 0518758 4249076 (West and East of Cow Dung Rd), crew climbed West point (12 S 0518585 4248798). Here crew reestablished communications with Hab at 0915, discussed plan to evaluate second point to East of Cow Dung Rd (12 S 0518758 4249076). Crew captured landscape footage here. On route to 12 S 0518758 4249076 at approximately 0930 crew received message from Hab instructing return to Hab due to comms issue. Crew complied and returned to Hab, arriving at 0940. It should be noted for the report that crew maintained good internal EVA communications at all times (save for approximately 2 minutes after exiting rovers when ARES 9’s microphone fell off his head), and had good communications with Hab at all times except for the aforementioned loss of communications between passing through Kissing Camel Ridge and arriving at the high point at grid 12 S 0518585 4248798. On return, crew was made aware of communications issues at Hab, these did not affect internal comms amongst EVA members on channel 22, or communication from EVA to Hab using the 5W transceiver.
Destination: High Point South of Kissing Camel Ridge
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12 S 0518585 4248798.
Participants: Whittle, Lawson, Alexandrova
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
1) Hab to 12 S 0518682 4248879 via Cow Dung Rd
2) Walked from 12 S 0518682 4248879 to high point at 12 S 0518585 4248798
3) Walked from 12 S 0518585 4248798 to 12 S 0518682 4248879
4) Returned to Hab via Cow Dung Rd
Mode of travel: Curiosity, Spirit

Astronomy Report- November 26th

Crew 216 Astronomy Report 26-NOV-19
Name: Michael Ho


Robotic Telescope Requested: none

Objects to be Imaged this Evening: NGC 281

Images submitted with this report: none

Problems Encountered: none


Solar Features Observed: Good sunny morning, getting the hang of observation. No prominences observed.

Images submitted with this report: none

Problems Encountered: Waiting for cable for astronomy laptop for imaging by camera.

Research Report – November 25th

Crew 216 Research Report 25-Nov-2019
Sol 1
Submitted by: Crew Researcher Whittle

1) Psych Scale (TAMU IRB2019-1042D) – NFTR.

2) Medical Casts – Continuation of Crew 215 research. 2 EVAs completed, a large quantity of gypsum collected for evaluation later on during the week during expected inclement weather.

3) In-Situ Fluorescent Mineral Prospecting – Still searching for radioactives and rare Earths.

4) MDRS Mapping – NFTR (awaiting return of map with desired annotations from CapCom).

5) MDRS Communications – 5W transceiver tested on EVA 02 resulting in significantly increased range to N (0.65 km to 1.45 km). Testing similar architecture set up with 2 EVAs (03 and 04) on Sol 2 to look at current ranges to S and E. These EVAs will also evaluate potential spots to place radio rebroadcast stations. Future EVAs will aim to test these with by placing a rebroadcast station to increase comms range to Hab.

EVA Report #2 – November 25th

Crew 216 EVA Report 25-Nov-2019
EVA # 02
Author: Whittle
Purpose of EVA: Collect gypsum samples from 1 sites iot produce plaster for research. Alexandrova to film.
Start time: 1400
End time: 1615

Narrative: Tested new comms on route out: much greater range, good comms with Hab to Cowboy Corner/Reservoir Dam. Retrieved gypsum samples from TW site and evaluated for future use/projects. Alexandrova collected lots of footage for documentary work. Cut EVA short due to approaching inclement weather, Martian dust storm began to hit just as crew arrived back at Hab and were plugging in rovers.

Destination: Tank Wash (TW) head

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS):
TW: 12 S 0517045 4253364.

Participants: Whittle, Kennedy, Alexandrova

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
1) Hab to 12 S 0518228 4253500 via Cow Dung Rd
2) Walk to/fm TW
3) Return to Hab via Cow Dung Rd
Mode of travel: Opportunity, Spirit

EVA Report #1 – November 25th

Crew 216 EVA Report 25-Nov-2019
EVA # 01
Author: Whittle
Purpose of EVA: Collect gypsum samples from 3 sites to produce plaster for research
Start time: 0830
End time: 1030

Narrative: On route to first point (Beige Moon, BM), realized the battery was draining quickly due to cold weather. Decided to drop BM as out of range, and just visit 2 closer sites (WM2 and WM1). Scattered gypsum at WM2, lots more at WM1, collected approx. 1 kg. Both sites precisely marked for future reference.

Destination: White Moon 2 sites (WM2, WM1)
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS):
WM2: 12 S 0517833 4254621;
WM1: 12 S 0517681 4254318.

Participants: Whittle, Kennedy, Lawson

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
1) Hab to 12 S 0517742 4254636 via Cow Dung Rd
2) Walk to/fm WM2
3) 12 S 0517742 4254636 to 12 S 0517773 4254333 via Cow Dung Rd
4) Walk to/fm WM1
5) Return to Hab via Cow Dung Rd
Mode of travel: Curiosity, Spirit

Operations Report – November 25th

Crew 216 Operations Report 25-Nov-19
SOL: 1
Name of person filing report: Mike Lawson
Non-nominal systems:
Notes on non-nominal systems: N/A

Generator: Run
Hours run: 12
From what time last night: 1909
To what time this morning: 0710
List any additional daytime hours when the generator was run: N/A

Solar— SOC % (Before generator is run at night: 72% as of 1649
Diesel Reading – 43
Station Propane Reading – 61
Ethanol Free Gasoline: N/A

Water (loft tank) (gal): 47
Water Meter (units): 1461353
Water (static tank) (gal): 436
Static to Loft Pump used – Yes
Water in Green Hab (gal): 279
Water in Science Dome (gal): 0
Toilet tank emptied: Yes

Deimos rover used: No
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging:

Sojourner rover used:
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging:

Spirit rover used: Yes
Hours: 114
Beginning charge: (Before EVA): 100
Ending charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging): 65
Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: Yes
Hours: 69.7
Beginning charge: 100
Ending charge: 50
Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: Yes
Hours: 119
Beginning charge: 100
Ending charge: (On return from EVA, before charging): 42
Currently charging: Yes

Notes on rovers: 100

ATV’s Used: (Honda, 300, 350.1, 350.2, 350.3): No
Reason for use: N/A
Oil Added? No
# Hours the ATVs were used today: 0
Notes on ATVs:

HabCar used and why, where? N/A
CrewCar used and why, where?

General notes and comments: Crew morale is high.
Summary of internet: Crew usage triage meeting tonight.
Summary of suits and radios: Conducted a ranging test between EVA and HAB, comparing Midland H/H and TERA TR-590 with 5/8th wave antenna. Superior performance from the TERA; will use for future EVAs as HAB NCS on Channel 22.
Summary of Hab operations: Repaired exposed wiring connection in HAB living area.
Summary of GreenHab operations: Routine watering.
Summary of Science Dome operations: Gypsum samples deposited for further processing. Agate and pretrified wood samples UV tested. Fluoresed yellow/red and magenta respetively under low band UV.
Summary of RAM operations: Require replacement light bulb, standard screw in base. Airlock ready room bulb broken, have cannibalized bulb from spare bedroom. 0 balance on hand. Fabricated expedient 4 x 4 junction box cover, exposed wiring connections, HAB living area. 0 balance o/h.
Summary of any Observatory issues: No solar obseration because of cloud cover.
Summary of health and safety issues: Placed CO alarm is spare stateroom. Some crew complaining of evening headaches. Likely just symptomatic of mild dehydration, test is simply to eliminate a possible cause.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: Light bulb resupply. Suggest two, one for spare stateroom and one for maintenance float. Need power cable (outlet to transformer) for astronomy laptop.

Journalist Report – November 25th

Crew 216 Journalist Report 25-Nov-19

Sol: 1

Author’s Name: Evgenia Alexandrova

After months of travels you finally arrive on Mars, your first day has just began, what do you do? I suppose in life every hour of the mission will be planned years ahead. At the MDRS we woke up this morning with an idea what each of us had to do, still we had to figure out the best way to organize our day. There were two EVAs planned, and we kept ourselves busy the rest of the sol. There was some GreenHab work, observatory testing, and film equipment adjustments. This made me think of whether there is a place for inspiration in space exploration. Or is it only pure discipline that reigns everything there? My guess is during the Mars colonization, discipline wouldn’t work without one thing you need to bring to any great idea to life – motivation. Motivation makes you get up at 0600 before sunrise. Motivation makes you carry 16kgs with you on an EVA. Motivation makes the shower-free days less unbearable. And what is motivation? It is when something constantly occupies your mind, gives you goosebumps, and creates an energy flow within your body. Sounds exactly like inspiration.

Here is a recent creation by one crew member to illustrate what kind of inspiration you can get on Mars:

How to describe a day on Mars

It was our first down from the stars

We went in search of rocks of note

And fixed the solar telescope

We have so much to do and test

We’re glad we’re at MDRS

GreenHab Report – November 25th

Crew 216 GreenHab Report 25-NOV-19
GreenHab Officer: Michael Ho
Environmental control: Door left closed for the day.
Average temperature: 17C
Hours of supplemental light: Automatic system
Daily water usage for crops: 6L (blue cans)
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: N/A
Water in Blue Tank – Sufficient
Time(s) of watering for crops: 10:40 and 17:00

Established plants introduced since 03/11/2019 till 22NOV19.
Please refer to Crew 215 GreenHab Report of 22NOV19.


Harvest: None

Support/supplies requested: Would be desirable for more wire hanging points be installed on roof frame for white IKEA hanging pots.

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