Crew 271 Journalist Report 24-DEC-2022

Crew 271 Sol 6 Journalist Report 24-12-2022

Sol: 6

Author’s name: Helen Eifert, Crew Geologist

Title: Watneys

Mission control alerted us that the WATNEY (Water Assessment and Thermal at Nadir Experiment Yield) drone lost contact with its rover at 1027 on Sol 1 somewhere northeast of the Hab. Remote recovery efforts were unsuccessful so they asked the IMARS team on the ground to conduct a search and recovery mission.

An EVA team of four, composed of Levesque, Iakymov, Guariniello, and Eifert headed a click on foot to the start of a search grid. They spread out and did around four passes across the grid and back. After an hour and a half of finding nothing but space junk, the search was called unsuccessful. We cached most of the trash found south of the search grid before doing one more pass. As we stopped to grab Sergii’s new art project before heading back to the Hab, Marc stumbled on the WATNEY drone 328 m outside the anticipated drop zone. It had a broken propeller, but was otherwise undamaged. Spirits lifted, the EVA team made their way back to Hab – mission success. Crew 271 brought WATNEY home, the first successful search and rescue mission on Mars.

Grete held down the Hab all day today, prepping her research, and well, breaking legs. This afternoon, most of the crew took turns breaking their tibia and then reducing and fixating someone else’s. No one seems to be holding this against Alicyn, though. Possibly because she offered to cook our Christmas Eve dinner. We must be quick studies, because Andres was on the bike within an hour of his own surgery. We will circle back to find out if anyone notes in Kaosaar’s daily psych surveys whether having 11 cm screws drilled into their lower legs was their biggest stressor of the day.

To celebrate Christmas Eve and a successful search, Marc brought real potatoes as a special martian treat, which he calls “watneys.” We roasted them to go with the traditional lentil soup cooked up by Grete and hot cider brought by Iakymov. Sergii insisted that I also include his lunch creation, which he dubbed Sergeronii. Everyone wants their food fame immortalized in the journalist report. You can send your bribes for future mentions to berthing room 4. I accept food or rocks as payment.

Finally, NORAD has alerted mission control of a strange Christmas display detected outside the RAM. Sure enough, our rovers were decked with what appeared to be holiday lights. According to the short morning EVA with Eifert and Kaosaar to the soil moisture experiment site, the dirt is still not dry. Based on these current soil moisture conditions and biosignature evidence we’ve discovered on other EVAs, we suspect it must be some sort of martian bioluminescent algae. Too bad we didn’t bring a botanist.

26 December, 2022 10:11

Crew 271 Operations Report 24-12-2022

SOL: 6

Name of person filing report: Sergii Iakymov

Non-nominal systems: Suit # 5.

Notes on non-nominal systems: N/A


Spirit rover used: No

Hours: 205.1

Beginning charge: No measured

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: No

Hours: 109.6

Beginning charge: Not measured

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: No

Hours: 217.8

Beginning charge: Not measured.

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Perseverance rover used: No

Hours: 252.5

Beginning charge: Not measured

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

General notes on rovers: None

Summary of Hab operations:

WATER USE: 29.41 gallons

Water (static tank): 380.09 gallons

Static tank pipe heater (on or off): On

Static tank heater (On or off): On

Toilet tank emptied: No

Summary of internet: Nominal

Summary of suits and radios: Suit #5 was found not charged this morning but after repluging suit has fully charged.

Summary of GreenHab operations:

WATER USE: 7 gal

Heater: On

Supplemental light: plugged

Harvest: none.

Summary of ScienceDome operations: used Grete project.

Dual split: On

Summary of RAM operations: N/A.

Summary of any observatory issues: N/A

Summary of health and safety issues: None

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: Thank you for Christmas lights on our rovers. Merry Christmas!


Crew 271 GreenHab Report 24-DEC-2022

Crew 271 GreenHab Report 24-12-2022

GreenHab Officer: Alicyn Grete

Environmental control: heater

Average temperatures: 76 degrees F, about 25 degrees C

Hours of supplemental light: 4 hours

Daily water usage for crops: 7 gallons

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 0 gallons

Water in Blue Tank 144 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 1100, 1630

Changes to crops: N/A

Narrative: Watered plants

Harvest: N/A

Support/supplies needed: N/A

Crew 271 Research Report 24-DEC-2022

Crew 271 Mid-Mission Research Report 24-12-2022

Submitted by: Marc Levesque, Crew Commander

Titles: Coping Strategies for Long-Duration Space Exploration (Study 1); Team Challenge Resolution Mechanisms in Isolated and Confined Space Analog Mission Through Ethnographic Methods (Study 2)

Crew member: Andres Käosaar

The projects are going great. For the first project, the subjects have been filling in the questionnaires as requested. For the second project, although no big challenges have been encountered, there have been smaller challenges that the crew has resolved well and thus provided the research some useful data.

Title: Drying trends of a clay-rich surface

Crew member: Helen Eifert
A location was selected north of the Hab for the experiment and the initial wetting was conducted on Sol 4. The immediate drying trends were measured for an additional two hours following saturation of the surface on this first EVA using an ASD FieldSpec3. This data shows visible near-infrared surface reflectance in order to better understand whether water is being trapped in the chemical structure of clays and how long it can be retained. Return EVAs were conducted on Sol 5 and Sol 6 for an additional two measurements each day. As far as what is left, since the surface still appears wet, additional measurements will be taken in two days, hopefully capturing the soil back at equilibrium. A dry sample was collected on Sol 5 to get initial water content. I will bake this in the science dome in the coming days. Finally, I will post process the spectral data and plot it for use in my research.

Title: Geology – Samples for ISRU

Crew member: Cesare Guariniello

Collected samples on one EVA to Barrainca Butte. The samples include some igneous rocks from southern provinces, and conglomerates and mudstone fallen from the top layers of Barrainca Butte. The samples have been transferred to the Science Dome for processing.

Title: Astronomy

Crew member: Cesare Guariniello

After adjusting the MDRS-14 telescope, multiple observations have been taken when the sky was clear. The most notable was M42 (Orion Nebula).

Title: Medical

Crew member: Alicyn Grete

All participants have completed the pre-assessment survey and training module. Three of six crew members have passed the skills test and completed the post-assessment survey. A prospective EVA is in the planning phase, which would simulate a tibial fracture occurring during an EVA, and crew members will respond by delivering the injured patient back to the Hab for simulated surgery in the Science Dome. I have written the methods and most of the introduction for the paper that will follow the research.

Title: Engineering

Crew member: Sergii Iakymov

The first part of the project was delayed together with the mission. Currently EVA suits power systems are being inspected and due to frequent anomalies with suits batteries. One of the suits, particularly #3, has run into a charging issue and was fully inspected and tested, root cause identified, and declared as a battery charging anomaly. The second part of the project is scheduled for the second part of the mission.

Title: Communications

Crew member: Marc Levesque

The antenna on the new radio repeater was raised to 6 meters to improve reception for EVA teams. Comm checks were made on EVAs beyond the immediate Hab area, but it appears that the height of the antenna remains insufficient to improve communications and eliminate the many black holes the crews have encountered. Further comm checks will be conducted during the remaining EVAs to confirm this finding.

Crew 272 Sol Summary 25-DEC-2022

Crew 271 Sol Summary Report 25-12-2022

Sol: 7

Summary Title: Christmas on Mars

Author’s name: Marc Levesque, Commander

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: The crew celebrated Christmas on Mars with crepes for breakfast, napping, constructing a miniature Hab from gingerbread, games in the afternoon, and baked ziti for dinner to complete the sol. All in all, a nice break from our hectic project schedule.

Look Ahead Plan: One EVA is planned to Candor Chasma for Guariniello’s geology project while continuing other projects.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Warmer and sunny

Crew Physical Status: Good

EVA: Two

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Operations, Journalist, GreenHab, and EVA Request.

Support Requested: None

Crew 271 GreenHab Report 25-DEC-2022

Crew 271 GreenHab Report 25-12-2022

GreenHab Officer: Alicyn Grete

Environmental control: heater

Average temperatures: 66 degrees F, about 20 degrees C

Hours of supplemental light: 4 hours

Daily water usage for crops: 7 gallons

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 0 gallons

Water in Blue Tank 137 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 1100, 1830

Changes to crops: N/A

Narrative: Watered plants

Harvest: N/A

Support/supplies needed: N/A

Crew 271 Operations Report 25-DEC-2022

Crew 271 Operations Report 25-12-2022

SOL: 7

Name of person filing report: Sergii Iakymov

Non-nominal systems: Kitchen sink cabinet hinge

Notes on non-nominal systems: Right bottom hinge of the kitchen sink cabinet came off today. It is unknown when exactly it was damaged. We will try to fix it tomorrow.


Spirit rover used: No

Hours: 205.1

Beginning charge: Not measured

Ending charge: Not measured

Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: No

Hours: 109.6

Beginning charge: Not measured

Ending charge: Not measured

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: No

Hours: 217.8

Beginning charge: Not measured

Ending charge: Not measured

Currently charging: Yes

Perseverance rover used: Yes

Hours: 252.5

Beginning charge: Not measured

Ending charge: Not measured

Currently charging: Yes

General notes on rovers: None

Summary of Hab operations:

WATER USE: 29.41 gallons

Water (static tank): 350.68 gallons

Static tank pipe heater (on or off): On

Static tank heater (On or off): On

Toilet tank emptied: Yes

Summary of internet: Nominal

Summary of suits and radios: N/A

Summary of GreenHab operations:

WATER USE: 7 gal

Heater: On

Supplemental light: plugged

Harvest: no harvest

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Not used.

Dual split: On

Summary of RAM operations: N/A.

Summary of any observatory issues: N/A

Summary of health and safety issues: None

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: N/A

Crew 271 Journalist Report 25-DEC-2022

Crew 271 Sol 7 Journalist Report 25-12-2022

Sol: 7

Author’s name: Helen Eifert, Crew Geologist

Title: Gingerbread Hab

Mars-y Christmas from Crew 271! After four straight days of two EVAs a day, we had a mandated day of rest today. While we all got a little bit of work done indoors today, we spent most of the holiday celebrating together. We played games, finished more puzzles, enjoyed many sweet treats, and exchanged wrapped gifts left under the inflatable baby Yoda tree. Cesare wined and dined us (minus the wine) with breakfast crepes, baked ziti for dinner, and traditional Italian panettone for dessert. It was a restful day indeed.

The feat of the day came from our crew engineer, Sergii Iakymov. To celebrate the holidays, I brought a pre constructed gingerbread house for the crew to decorate. To our martian readers, Earth houses are typically cubical or rectangular, with distinct corners. These standards don’t exclude houses of the gingerbread variety. Sergii took on the task of deconstructing and then reconstructing the gingerbread house to properly represent our living quarters. It only took a few hours, but a gingerbread hab was erected on this day. I suspect it would not withstand the inhospitable space environment, but it’s quite likely any breaches were the result of hungry crew members and not engineering deficiencies.

The rest of the day remained relatively uneventful – always a good sign in space. We nearly had an unplanned launch of space tourists, but our on-the-ground mission support, Shannon, managed to scrub the launch before they made it out of lower Earth orbit. Although we dodged one bullet, we were informed we would have to fill out two psych surveys tonight for Kaosaar’s research project. We had been betrayed by his time estimates before, so we will likely be pulling out the scissors tonight. Sleep with one eye open, Andres, it won’t be Santa coming down the chimney tonight.

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