category eva-report]
Crew 263 EVA Report 01-03-2022
EVA # 12
Author: Marine Prunier
Purpose of EVA: Analysis of geology transition zones using a handheld LIBS (Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) analyzer.
Start time: 10:14
End time: 11:46
Narrative: EVA Participants entered the airlock at 10:14. Depressurization ended at 10:19. EVA participants checked the rover batteries. The obtained information is:
Perseverance: Usage Duration – 228.1 Battery Charge – 100%
Spirit: Usage Duration – 157.2 Battery Charge – 100%
Opportunity: Usage Duration – 84.7 Battery Charge – 100%
Curiosity: Usage Duration – 168.7 Battery Charge – 100%
The EVA participants took Opportunity and Curiosity at 10:25 and drove on Entrance Road until Cow Dung Road. They drove on Cow Dung Road until Marble Ritual, after Marble Ritual the road was partially flooded on 1-2 meters, they stopped and parked the rovers along Cow Dung Road at 10:29. The EVA participant walked on Cow Dung Road until the junction with Stream Bed Connector (10:38).
They walked on Stream Bed Connector and reached two points of interest at 10:45 (the two points of interest were located 20 meters from each other, GPS location 519297 E 4251286 N). The EVA participants stayed about 35 minutes in this area, they proceeded on sketches and pictures. A software issue with the LIBS analyzer prevented the participants to use it on the field, therefore three samples of rocks have been taken for further analysis at the station.
At 11:19, the participants left the point of interest. At 11:39 they reached the rovers parked on Cow Dung Road. When starting the return to the station, a tourist car surprised the participants from behind, they waited for them to evacuate the road and returned safely to the Hab.
At 11:41, the participants arrived at the Hab:
Opportunity: Usage Duration – 84.8 Battery Charge – 99%
Curiosity: Usage Duration – 168.9 Battery Charge – 97%
They entered Airlock and at 11:46 the pressurization was over.
Destination: Zone F -final point of interest reached located on the Stream Bed Connector road at 12S 519297 E 4251286 N.
Participants: Marine Prunier (EVA leader), Léa Rouverand, Cerise Cuny, Elena Lopez-Contreras. HabCom was Valentine Bourgeois.
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Entrance Road, Cow Dung Road, Stream Bed Connector Road.
Mode of travel: Rover on Entrance Road and Cow Dung Road till Marble ritual, foot on Cow Dung Road and on Stream Bed Connector.
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