EVA Report – April 26th

Crew 265 EVA Report 04/26/22

EVA # 1

Author: Levesque

Purpose of EVA: To set up a radio repeater on North Ridge.

Start time: 0830
End time: 1030

Narrative: The team proceeded on foot to the base of the North Ridge, where it began a steep climb to attain the ridge. Despite the steepness in a couple of sections and the heavy equipment, the team made good time. At the deployment site, the crew then set up the mast, antenna, and repeater before checking and securing all components. A final check was made to ensure the repeater was working before returning to the Hab.

Destination: North Ridge
Coordinates: UTM NAD27 CONUS 0518428 4251615
Participants: Levesque, Iakymov, Blanco, and Licea
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: North from the Hab
Mode of travel: On foot

EVA Report – April 26th

Crew 265 EVA Report 26-04-2022

EVA # 2

Author: Laude

Purpose of EVA: To capture comparison coordinates, check road conditions, and test repeater operation.

Start time: 13:30

End time: 17:05

Narrative: We had a timely start and made some comm checks along the way to The Peanut. The Peanut is actually a ridge about 8M in height, 20M in-depth, and 100M in width and somewhat resembling a peanut on its side. Coordinates were recorded in 3 systems of coordinates for later comparison. We then returned to the rovers and drove to where Lowell Rd 1104 should intercept Galileo Rd 1104 and stopped. Galileo road conditions were mostly smooth with a few rougher spots requiring a crawl.

Laude walked the area to find the best access to Lowell Rd as there has been little traffic to make a noticeable trail at that point. Finding a probable route, we drove to what was obviously Lowell Rd and went some 2KM all the while logging GPS coordinates. Lowell road conditions were similar to Galileo’s except narrower.

A semi-skilled or better rover driver would be able to drive these roads. At that point, Percy (one passenger) was down to 74% SOC while Spirit (two) was 94% and so we doubled back to find easy access into Candor Chasm on foot. We entered the Chasm and traveled ~1.5KM testing radio comms and logging data as we went. There were blocks of conglomerate rock composed of pebbles and coarse sand particles indicating water flow in the distant past. Also, the stratigraphy of the walls indicated water flow. No other signs of liquid water were apparent. After completion, we traveled back to the hab. The EVA was completely successful and rewarding.

Destination: The Peanut and Candor Chasm

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): UTM NAD27 CONUS 0519598 4252491 (The Peanut); 0520347 4251078 (Candor Chasm entrance)

Participants: EVA Commander Laude, Iakymov, Treadwell

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road to Galileo Road to Lowell Road if accessible and return

Mode of travel: Spirit and Perseverance and on foot

EVA Report 2 – April 20th

Crew 245 EVA Report 20-04-2022
SOL: 10
EVA #: 15
Author: Vittorio Netti

Purpose of EVA: Fourth EVA of the spit cortisol test.

Start time: 10:45
End time: 13:00

Narrative: This EVA was part of 4 EVAs to evaluate the cortisol levels in 2 crew members before and after an EVA, with or without the help of a detailed map of the area obtained previously with a drone. In this EVA, Vittorio navigated between 2 waypoints with a map generated by a drone (the other crew member will have a GPS in case). The EVA team walked in the beautiful landscape, trying to find their way to the arrival waypoint. Once reached, they went back to the rover and got back to the Hab.

Destination: Tank wash
Coordinates (UTM NAD27 CONUS): 4252697 N; 519588 E

Participants: Vittorio Netti (EVA Commander), Nadia Maarouf (HSO), Simone Paternostro

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: North on Cow Dung Road 0110
Mode of travel: Rover and Walking

EVA Report – April 20th

Crew 245 EVA Report 20-04-2022
SOL: 10
EVA #: 14
Author: Paolo Guardabasso

Purpose of EVA: Third EVA of the spit cortisol test.

Start time: 07:50
End time: 10:00

Narrative: This EVA was part of 4 EVAs to evaluate the cortisol levels in 2 crew members before and after an EVA, with or without the help of a detailed map of the area obtained previously with a drone. In this EVA, Paolo navigated between 2 waypoints with the map provided by MDRS (the other crew member in EVA had a GPS in case). The EVA team walked in the beautiful landscape, trying to find their way to the arrival waypoint. Once reached, they explored the area a little more and then went back to the rover and got back to the Hab.

Destination: North Ridge
Coordinates (UTM NAD27 CONUS): 4251500 N; 518500 E

Participants: Paolo Guardabasso (EVA Commander), Luca Rossettini (HSO), Benjamin Pothier
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: North on Cow Dung Road 0110

Mode of travel: Rover and Walking

EVA Report – April 19th

Crew 245 EVA Report 19-04-2022
SOL: 9
EVA #: 12
Author: Vittorio Netti

Purpose of EVA: First EVA of the spit cortisol test.
Start time: 07:45
End time: 10:00
Narrative: This EVA was part of 4 EVAs to evaluate the cortisol levels in 2 crew members before and after an EVA, with or without the help of a detailed map of the area obtained previously with a drone. In this EVA, Vittorio navigated between 2 waypoints with the official MDRS map (the other crew member will have a GPS in case). The EVA team walked in the beautiful landscape, trying to find their way to the arrival waypoint. Once reached, they went back to the rover and got back to the Hab.
Destination: North Ridge
Coordinates (UTM NAD27 CONUS): 4251500 N; 518500 E
Participants: Vittorio Netti (EVA Commander), Nadia Marouff (EVA HSO)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung road
Mode of travel: Rover and Walking

EVA Report – April 19th

Crew 245 EVA Report 19-04-2022
SOL: 9
EVA #: 13
Author: Paolo Guardabasso

Purpose of EVA: Second EVA of the spit cortisol test.
Start time: 11:15
End time: 13:00
Narrative: This EVA was part of 4 EVAs to evaluate the cortisol levels in 2 crew members before and after an EVA, with or without the help of a detailed map of the area obtained previously with a drone. In this EVA, Paolo navigated between 2 waypoints with a map generated by a drone (the other crew member will have a GPS in case). The EVA team walked in the beautiful landscape, trying to find their way to the arrival waypoint. Once reached, they went back to the rover and returned to the Hab.
Destination: Tank wash
Coordinates (UTM NAD27 CONUS): 4252697 N; 519588 E
Participants: Paolo Guardabasso (EVA Commander), Luca Rossettini (HSO)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: North on Cow Dung Road 0110
Mode of travel: Rover and Walking

EVA Report #2 – April 17th

Crew 245 EVA Report 17-04-2022
SOL: 7
EVA #: 8
Author: Dr. Nadia Maarouf

Purpose of EVA: Samples collection for the geology, sample collection tool testing, and Helmet testing

Start time: 07:35
End time: 10:00

Narrative: Crew drove to Moon Overlook (zone D from the new map), the "Moon" from the old map, then (possibly) up to north Copernicus to zone A from the new map. we tested the new helmet and aborted the EVA due to a backpack malfunction (#3). We drove back to the hab fast but safe.

Destination: Moon Overlook
Coordinates (UTM NAD27 CONUS): 4254400 N, 516000 E
4256400 N, 517000 E
Participants: Nadia (Commander) Paolo (HSO). Luca and Benjamin
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: North on Cow Dung Road 0110 then Brahe Hwy1572 then Copernicus Hwy 0157
Mode of travel: Rover and Walking

EVA Report – April 17th

Crew 245 EVA Report 17-04-2022
SOL: 7
EVA #: 9
Author: Simone Paternostro

Purpose of EVA: EVA to collect a biological sample, retrieve the lost shoe sensor and perform a mapping run with the drone.

Start time: 15:30
End time: 18:00

Narrative: The crew took Spirit and drove in the direction of Peanut hill where they followed the path performed on Sol 7 and found the lost shoe sensor. After that, they walked to Peanut hill to collect a sample for the microbiology experiment. Once collected, they went back to the rover and drove to the Wash tank where they performed the mapping of part of the area with a quadcopter.

Destination: Peanut hill and Tank wash
Coordinates (UTM NAD27 CONUS): 4252697 N; 519588 E
Participants: Simone Paternostro (EVA Commander), Vittorio Netti (HSO)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road and Galileo Road
Mode of travel: Rover and Walking"

Crew 245 EVA Report April 7th

See corrected version below. Sorry.

Crew 245 EVA Report 17-04-2022
SOL: 7
EVA #: 7
Author: Vittorio Netti

Purpose of EVA: 3D scanning and drone mapping
Start time: 10:30
End time: 12:00
Narrative: The wind was too high for the drone mapping, Vittorio Netti and Paolo Guardabasso performed 3D scans of two rock formations. Opportunity rover overheated during the travel back to the habitat, but the commander has been able to drive it back to the habitat with additional time.
Destination: North on Cow Dung Road 0110 until Tank wash
Coordinates (UTM NAD27 CONUS): 518282 N, 4253779 E
Participants: Vittorio Netti (EVA Commander), Luca Rossettini, Paolo Guardabasso, Nadia Marouff (EVA HSO)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road
Mode of travel: Rover and Walking

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