EVA Report – February 11th

Crew 240 EVA Report 08-02-2022

EVA # 12

Author: Julie Levita

Purpose of EVA: Exploration and looking out for interesting features for 3D mapping. Changing batteries on atmospheric experiment

Start time: 9:40

End time: 12:05

Narrative: Everything went great! The landscape was beautiful and very interesting. We think it is a good spot to try some 3D mapping with the drone. We were able to change out the battery for the atmospheric experiment without any problem.

Destination: Lillith Canyon, Exploration zone D (through Special Region, Exploration Zone C)

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 518 000, 425 600

Participants: Julie Levita, Clément Plagne, Francois Vinet, Maxime Jalabert

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Rovers, foot

EVA Report – February 10th

Crew 240 EVA Report 08-02-2022

EVA # 11

Author: Pierre Fabre

Purpose of EVA: Replacing batteries for atmospheric experiment, performing climb of North Ridge with updated 3D mapping data, this time with the remainder of the crew for additional data from our biometrics tools

Start time: 10:26

End time: 12:15

Narrative: Everything was fine, no issues were noted when replacing batteries. Climb occurred nominally, except for one crewmember with poor ventilation in their suit. Crew returned early thanks to more efficient climbs than planned.

Destination: North Ridge

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 518 500, 425 0500

Participants: Pierre Fabre, Marion Burnichon, Julie Levita, François Vinet

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Entrance Road, Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Rovers, foot

EVA Report – February 9th

Crew 240 EVA Report 09Feb2022

EVA # 9

Author: Pierre Fabre

Purpose of EVA: Change of batteries for the atmospheric experiment, and carrying out EVA based on 3D maps for summiting of the North Ridge

Start time: 10:01 am
End time: 11:22 am

Narrative: Battery change was carried out nominally. The ascent went extremely well, aided by the 3D maps, which have proved a very valuable asset, and allowed us to return much earlier than previously estimated.

Destination: North Ridge

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 518 500, 425 0500

Participants: Pierre Fabre, Maxime Jalabert, Clément Plagne, Marion Burnichon

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Entrance Road, Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Rovers, foot

EVA Report – February 07th

Crew 240 EVA Report 07-02-2022

EVA # 8

Author: Marion Burnichon

Purpose of EVA: Battery change on atmospheric experiment, Exploration for Hab view

Start time: 9:30am

End time: 11:30

Narrative: Changed the batteries on the atmospheric experiment and checked it was behaving as expected. Brought back the rovers to the Hab. Started walking towards North Ridge and turned left to go up to Hab Ridge. Walked along to have nice views of the Hab. Captured some nice photos with camera and drone. Habcom also managed to take pictures of us from the kitchen window while on the Hab Ridge.

Destination: North and South Hab View

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 518000 425000

Participants: Marion Burnichon, Pierre Fabre, Julie Levita, Francois Vinet

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Entrance road, Cow Dung Road
By foot : 1103, Hab Ridge Road

Mode of travel: Rovers (Perseverance and Curiosity) and foot

EVA Report – February 6th

Crew 240 EVA Report 06Feb2022

EVA # 7

Author:Clément Plagne

Purpose of EVA: Replacing battery on LOAC atmospheric experiment

Start time: 11:05

End time: 11:32

Narrative: All went quickly and nominally, no issues to remark.

Destination: Crossing between Cow Dung Road and Entrance Road

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 518 300, 425 0500

Participants:Clément Plagne, Julie Levita

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Entrance Road, Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Opportunity, foot

EVA Report – February 5th

Crew 240 EVA Report 05Feb2022

EVA # 6

Author: Maxime Jalabert

Purpose of EVA:

– Taking pictures around the station of possible small cracks or impacts for an outreach mission about the usefulness of 3D printing

– Changing batteries on LOAC experiment

– Exploring the Candor Chasma area

Start time: 10:09

End time: 12:53

Narrative: We took pictures and measurements of small impacts caused by wear and tear around the station, which went rather quicky. Battery change went quickly. We moved on to the crossing between Cow Dung Road and Stream Bed connector, but before reaching it spotted human activity in the area, and decided to turn around and park near Pooh’s Corner – this didn’t slow us down much. We then advanced by foot into Candor Chasma, where exploration went well, and return occurred without issue as well.

Destination: Candor Chasma

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 522000 4251000

Participants: Maxime Jalabert, Clément Plagne, Marion Burnichon, François Vinet

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: By rover: Entrance Road, Cow Dung Road. By foot : Stream Bed Connector.

Mode of travel: Rovers Perseverance and Curiosity

EVA Report – February 4th

Crew 240 EVA Report 04Feb2022

EVA # 5

Author: Pierre Fabre

Purpose of EVA: Examining the impact of 3D mapping data to EVA efficiency, following a 3D scan of the North Ridge area.

Start time: 11:15

End time: 13:43

Narrative: Driving to the crossing between Cow Dung Road and Galileo Road went well, following which we headed West. Finding ways to climb up the ridge from its northern face, which no participant had visited prior was arduous, and many attempts were stopped to ensure the utmost safety. During a safer climb, Clément’s radio dropped and took his headset with it. He managed to communicate efficiently through non-verbal means, and shortly after successful return to the rovers took place. We drove back to the LOAC experiment, and battery was replaced without issue. I then took some aerial shots of campus from the drone, and we went back in.

Destination: North Ridge

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 5185000 4251500

Participants: Pierre Fabre, Julie Levita, Maxime Jalabert, Clément Plagne

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Entrance Road, Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Rovers Spirit and Opportunity

EVA Report – February 3th

Crew 240 EVA Report 03-02-2022

EVA #4

Author: François Vinet

Purpose of EVA: 3D mapping North Ridge with a drone, climbing up Hab Ridge

Start time: 2.00pm

End time: 3.45pm

Narrative: It took 20 minutes to reach North Ridge on foot. The 3D mapping by drones was complicated and had to be done 2 times but the end result was satisfactory. The following goal was to climb the Hab Ridge to see the station from above and explore the area. However, one of the members had a significant back pain because of the suit followed by a loss of headset and microphones (the microphone used was different from the others and it is the second time we have a problem with it. A replacement request will be done in the Operation Report. Moreover, some tests will be done during the evening with the suit to adapt it better to the member). We decided to turn around before reaching Hab Rridge and we went back to the Hab.

Destination: North Ridge

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 518500, 4251500

Participants: Marion Burnichon, Pierre Fabre, Julie Levita, François Vinet

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Entrance Road

Mode of travel: by foot

EVA Report – February 2nd

Crew 240 EVA Report 02Feb2022

EVA # 3

Author: Clément Plagne

Purpose of EVA: Setting up atmospheric experiments

Start time: 09:10

End time: 10:15

Narrative: Drive went well with equipment securely loaded at the back of our rovers. Setup was quicker than expected, though still tough physically, and logistically due to some mistakes in protocol for setting up our weather station. This will require further checks as we go along.

Destination: Crossing between Entrance Road and Cow Dung Road

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS):
518 300, 425 5000

Participants: Clément Plagne, Maxime Jalabert, Marion Burnichon, François Vinet

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Entrance Road, Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Rovers Perseverance and Curiosity, foot

EVA Report February 1st

Crew 240 EVA Report 02-01-2022

EVA #2

Author: Clément Plagne

Purpose of EVA: Acquiring EVA experience, performing capture of the first 3D maps from a drone.

Start time: 14:36

End time: 16:24

Narrative: Pre-EVA briefing went smoothly, and we walked on northbound to reach the bottom of the North Ridge. Unfortunately, the head band that held Pierre’s headset in place started falling over his eyes. He still could see, and we organized with the rest of the EVA group to lead him back to the Hab, where he successfully set up his headset correctly and got back out, with enough time remaining on the EVA to reach the objective. We arrived at the spot where Pierre could carry out his observations, where he sadly once again lost some ability to listen out of his earphone but could still successfully communicate. He successfully performed a flyover with his drone and acquired good quality 3D mapping of the area. The return went on without a hitch. My spacesuit turned off its ventilation intermittently across the EVA, but never for more than a second or two, which led me to continue as planned and assess the suit post-EVA with the Engineer.

Destination: North Ridge

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 518500 4251500

Participants: Clément Plagne, Maxime Jalabert, Pierre Fabre, Marion Burnichon

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Entrance Road

Mode of travel: foot.

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