EVA Report – January 28th


Crew 220 EVA Report 28JAN2020


Author: Johannes Svensoy, MD

Purpose of EVA: Geological EVA

Start time: 10:30

End time: 13:30

Narrative: The morning was spent on preparing for the Geological EVA. We began with a lecture on geological soil sampling and analysis at the MDRS station by MDRS Science Officer Morgan Kainu, BA. Afterwards, the crew members from both MAU Station and MDRS Station set out on a joint geological EVA.

Crew members used the rovers Spirit and Curiosity south on the Cow Dung Road 0110 to the first planned geological site by the Kissing Camel Ridge W. Crew member Morgan Kainu led the search for good sample-sites in these areas. After walking along the ridge two samples were collected from different sites along the same area. Both samples collected just North of the Kissing Camel Ridge W along Cow Dung Road 0110.

The Geological EVA then returned to the rovers and drove North on Cow Dung Road to North Ridge. The crew members walked West, where samples were taken from something that resembled an ancient Martian stream. Excited to have found traces of water, the crew members went further to investigate, and a total of three samples were collected from the area around the lower parts of the Eastern part of North Ridge.

The Geological EVA was a success, meeting its objective of safety first. On return to the Hab, the crew members were very eager to analyze the soil samples in the Science Dome with the guidance of Science Officer, Morgan Kainu, BA.

Destination: MDRS Station and proximity.

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 4249500, 518000 (Kissing Camel Ridge W) and 4251500, 518500 (North Ridge).

Participants: HabComm: Connie and Marufa (MDRS). EVA Crew: Shawna, Morgan, Matt, and Johannes.

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110

Mode of travel: Rovers Spirit and Curiosity and by foot.

Support Requested: No support requested during EVA.


EVA Report – January 28th


Crew 220 (MAU) EVA Report 28JAN2020


Author: Johannes Svensoy, MD

Purpose of EVA: Geological EVA

Start time: 1030

End time: 1330

Narrative: The morning was spent on preparing for the Geological EVA by getting lectures on geological soil sampling and analysis at the MDRS station by MDRS Science Officer and expert Morgan Kainu. Afterwards the crew members from both MAU Station and MDRS Station went on a joint geological EVA.

Crew members used the rovers Spirit and Curiosity south on the Cow Dung Road 0110 to the first planned geological site by the Kissing Camel Ridge W. Crew member Morgan Kainu led the search for good sample-sites in the area. After walking along the ridge two samples were collected from different sites along the same area. Both samples collected just North of the Kissing Camel Ridge W along Cow Dung Road 0110.

The Geological EVA then ventured back to the rovers and drove North on Cow Dung Road to North Ridge. The crew members walked West, where samples were taken from something that resembled an ancient Martian stream. Excited to have found traces of water, the crew members went further to investigate, and a total of three samples were collected from the area around the lower parts of the Eastern part of North Ridge.

The Geological EVA was a success and when coming back to the Hab the crew members were very eager to further analyze the soil samples with the guidance by MDRS Science Officer Morgan Kainu.

Destination: MDRS Station and proximity.

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 4249500, 518000 (Kissing Camel Ridge W) and 4251500, 518500 (North Ridge).

Participants: HabComm: Connie (MDRS). EVA Crew: Shawna, Morgan Kainu, Matt, and Johannes.

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road 0110

Mode of travel: Rovers Spirit and Curiosity and by foot.

Support Requested: No support requested during EVA.

EVA Report – January 27th


Crew 220 (MAU) EVA Report 27JAN2020

EVA # 8

Author: Johannes Svensoy, MD

Purpose of EVA: Martian Medical training EVA

Start time: 1030

End time: 1230

Narrative: The morning was spent on medical lectures by Dr.Shawna and Dr.Svensoy at the MDRS Hab. Especially focusing on P-MARCH-P for first assessment of trauma patients and secondary survey including full check of patient. We also went through SAMPLE for patient history and METHANE for calling in the incident.

The crew members were eager to test their skills on the simulated patient and on our medical manikin. Realistic training was conducted in proximity of the MDRS Hab in the sunny and windy Martian terrain. Simulated exercises included a dislocated knee after fall and crushed lower limbs after rover accident. The Golden Bubble pressurized medevac device invented by one of the crew members was used for transferring the patient to safety. The Golden Bubble pressurized medevac device can be used for suit breach and for doing medical procedures out in the Martian field.

The crew members did well and expressed valuable learning points. Accidents will happen here on Mars we are glad to have the opportunity to train on these situations before real situations rise.

At the end of the EVA crew members Matt and Shawna went over to the MAU station on an Engineering EVA to secure the area because of heavy wind.

Destination: MDRS Station and proximity.

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 4250050,518500

Participants: HabComm: Morgan and Marufa (MDRS). EVA Crew: Shawna, Connie, and Matt Wise.

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: MDRS proximity

Mode of travel: On foot.

Support Requested: No support requested during EVA.

EVA Report – January 27th


Crew 220 EVA Report 27JAN2020

EVA # 8

Author: Johannes Svensoy, MD

Purpose of EVA: Martian Medical training EVA

Start time: 1400

End time: 1600

Narrative: The morning was spent on medical lectures by Dr. Shawna and Dr. Svensoy at the MDRS Hab. The lectures on P-MARCH-P for first assessment of trauma patients and secondary survey that included full check of the patient. We also went through SAMPLE for patient history and METHANE for calling in the incident.

The crew members were well fed and hydrated leaving the airlock eager to test their skills on the simulated patient and on our medical manikin. Realistic training was conducted in near proximity of the MDRS Hab in the sunny and windy Martian terrain. Simulated exercises included broken ankle after fall, consciousness patient with neck injury after fall from a ladder, and crushed lower limbs after rover accident. The Golden Bubble pressurized medevac device invented by one of the crew members was used for transferring the patient to safety. The Golden Bubble pressurized medevac device can be used for suit breach and for doing medical procedures out in the Martian field.

At the end of the EVA crew members Morgan and Johannes went over to the MAU station on an Engineer EVA to secure the site because of heavy winds.

The crew members did well and expressed valuable learning points; they report being more prepared for taking care of patients if accidents would happen.

Destination: MDRS Station and proximity.

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 4250050,518500

Participants: HabComm: Shawna (MDRS). EVA Crew: Johannes, Morgan, and Marufa.

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: MDRS proximity

Mode of travel: On foot.

Support Requested: No support requested during EVA.

EVA Report – January 26th

Crew 220 EVA Report 26Jan2020

EVA # 1

Author: Johannes Svensoy, MD

Purpose of EVA: Moving personnel and equipment between MDRS and MAU Stations.

Start time: 1500

End time: 1700


PRE-EVA: Midday was used to pack and to go through equipment. All EVA Crew were hydrated and fed before leaving for EVA. The terrain here on Mars is muddy, however with no addition precipitation it is drying up some places.


The airlock was loaded with personnel and equipment before depressurization, which was done without problems. Spirit and Curiosity rovers were used to move equipment over to MAU Station. After returning the rovers, the crewmembers walked over to MAU station doing some very nice terrain observations and photos on the way.

Destination: MAU Station

Coordinates: 4250050,518500

Participants: HabComm: Connie. EVA Crew: Johannes, Shawna, and Morgan.

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Entrance road out to Cow Dung Road. Cow Dung Road South to MAU station.

Mode of travel: EVA with rover to move equipment.

Support Requested: No support requested during EVA.

Eva Report – January 26th

Crew 220 EVA Report 26Jan2020 (MAU Station)

EVA # 1

Author: Johannes Svensoy, MD

Purpose of EVA: Moving personnel and equipment between MDRS and MAU Stations.

Start time: 1500

End time: 1700

Narrative: Incoming MDRS crew members helped the outgoing MDRS crew move their equipment over to MAU Station. The Spirit and Curiosity rovers were used to move equipment over to MAU Station. After returning the rovers, the crewmembers who are now going to stay at MAU Station walked over to MAU station to settle in. It was a nice walk between the stations taking in the beautiful Martian terrain along the way.

Destination: MDRS Station and MAU Station.

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 4250050,518500

Participants: HabComm: Connie (MDRS). EVA Crew: Johannes, Shawna, Morgan.

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Entrance road out to Cow Dung Road. Cow Dung Road South to MAU station.

Mode of travel: EVA with Rovers to move equipment.

Support Requested: No support requested during EVA.

EVA Report – January 24th


Crew 220 EVA Report 24-01-2020

EVA # 1

Author: Johannes Svensoy, MD

Purpose of EVA: Medical EVA Trauma training

Start time: 0900

End time: 1200


PRE-EVA: The crew woke up eager for our first Medical EVA. The morning before EVA we set up to conduct some science related to crew health in the Science dome. This took more time than anticipated, but all EVA Crew were hydrated and fed before leaving for EVA. But the terrain here on Mars was muddy, as usual.


During depressurization one crewmember, had communication problems, this was due to a loose connection and was resolved in the airlock during depressurization. The EVA crew walked over to MAU Station by foot and met up with the MAU EVA Crew. During the MAU briefing one of the crewmembers felt uncomfortable, and it was decided to return said crew member to the hab. Unfortunately, there were ongoing radio and comms problems after this, therefore the remaining crew docked at MDRS Hab for a debrief and testing of communication equipment. The aforementioned crewmember was assessed in Hab and found to feel better.

Destination: MAU Station, Medical EVA site 2 (12s518287,4250596)

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS):

Participants: Hab Com: Skywalker. EVA Crew: Johannes, Marufa, Connie

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Entrance road out to Cow Dung Road. Cow Dung Road South to MAU station.

Mode of travel: EVA Walk.

Support Requested: No support requested during EVA.

EVA # 2

Cancelled because of radio communication problems. Decided to rather debrief and go through radio communication protocols.

EVA Report – January 24th


MAU Crew 220 EVA Report 24JAN2020

EVA # 007

Author: John Hanacek

Purpose of EVA: Go to Scouted Site From EVA 003 and Engage In First Medical Simulation

Start time: 09:20

End time: ABORT 10:24

Narrative: Pre-EVA: Terrain is muddy, weather is overcast. MDRS crew commander Shawna “Night Owl” had stayed the night at MAU station as a first introduction to the next week when teams will switch. MDRS and MAU commanders briefed EVA plan at MAU before heading out.

MAU team left the airlock to await arrival of MDRS team in front of the MAU station. At 09:55 both teams head out to the previously scouted injury site (12s518287,4250596) for medical practice. Shortly after, an EVA team member expresses discomfort and pain in their arm. HSO assesses non-critical condition and plans are made to return that crewmember to MDRS hab and continue the EVA. Yet, communications then began to break down. The radio of the MDRS EVA crew leader was not operable and relay measures and hand signals were employed to get the affected crew member back to MDRS. The situation was slightly chaotic as it became clear that both crews were having difficulties reliably connecting to each other and habcom, both MDRS habcom and MAU habcom. The crews admirably attempted to continue, yet the decision was made to abort the EVA for safety reasons. The affected crewmember was able to completely recover inside MDRS station and all crew made it safely back into the MDRS hab.

The post-EVA debrief was extremely useful and gave the combined two station crews a chance to establish and solidify all safety mechanisms. Getting to experience an abort on a non-life-threatening medical condition gave the crews a real world test of abort protocols and has strengthened the overall ability of the crew to perform EVAs. Further testing of the radio characteristics and enhanced communication guidelines will ensure that future EVAs are bolstered by a rock solid abort plan to ensure that safety is first in the exploration of Mars.

Destination: Previously scouted EVA site, labeled “number 2”

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12s518287,4250596

Participants: Hab Com: Susan EVA Crew: Morgan, Shawna

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Valley along Cow Dung Rd

Mode of travel: Walk from MDRS to MAU, plan to walk to injury site 2.

Support Requested: No support requested during EVA.

EVA Report – January 23rd

Crew 220 EVA #5 Report 23-01-2020

EVA # 5

Author: Johannes Svensoy, MD

Purpose of EVA: Recognition for sites usable for Medical Trauma training.

Start time: 0900

End time: 1200

Narrative: Pre-EVA: All EVA Crew members physically fit, hydrated, and mentally prepared. Crew was briefed about mission for finding two sites which will be good for medical trauma training. Preferably around the MAU station. Terrain muddy. Extra caution was taken throughout the mission.

Airlock working perfectly, and after a successful depressurization the Crew drove over to MAU station with the Spirit and Curiosity rovers. At the MAU station, the MDRS Crew met up with the MAU Crew. After a quick brief and visual recognition of the surrounding area, the whole group ventured south west. The first site was marked at 12s518124,4250680. From there another site were located west of the MAU station at 12s518287,4250596. Several places around the second site were identified as potential good places for training which is of major importance for the Crew for future possible medical traumas here on Mars.

All astronauts returned safely to MDRS with no issues. They all went through post-EVA medical checkup with no issues found.

Destination: Recognition of area South of MDRS

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS):

Participants: HabCom: Lee. EVA Crew: Shawna, Johannes, Susan.

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Entrance road out to Cow Dung Road. Area around MAU station.

Mode of travel: Rovers Spirit and Curiosity from MDRS to Cow Dung Road. Parked at MAU station. Trek around the MAU station area.

Support Requested: No support requested during EVA.

Spirit rover used:

Beginning Hours: 127.7

Ending Hours: 127.8

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 88%

Currently charging: YES

Curiosity rover used:

Beginning Hours: 133.7

Ending Hours: 133.7

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 87%

Currently charging: YES

EVA Report – January 16th

Crew 219 EVA Report 16-01-2020

EVA #17

Author: Dave Masaitis

Purpose of EVA: Sample return

Start time: 0908 hrs
End time: 1013 hrs

Narrative: EVA #17 completed a five-minute decompression by 0908 hours, mounted Spirit and Curiosity, and departed the Hab campus after reporting hours and SOC. The rovers proceeded northbound on Cow Dung Road until achieving a positive ID of Streambed Connector. The EVA team parked rovers and dismounted, proceeding east on foot along Streambed Connector. The streambed was full of patchy snow and ice, so the team moved cautiously along their directed route.

The route added approximately thirty minutes to planned transit time, so the team had to move swiftly to deposit samples once at their destination. Once complete, they discussed their route back and opted to try and retrace their incoming route as closely as possible. Only one team member fell through the ice, but no injuries were sustained, so they continued their movement to the rovers. The team proceeded southbound on Cow Dung Road to the Hab, re-entering the airlock at 1013 hours.

Destination: West of Candor Chasma
Coordinates: 0520000/4251500

Participants: D. Masaitis (HSO), N. Hadland (GHO), A. Elnajdi (GEO)

Roads and routes per MDRS Map: North on Cow Dung Road to Streambed Connector, East through Streambed Connector

Mode of travel: Rovers (Spirit and Curiosity) and Walking

EVA #18

Author: Cynthia Montanez

Purpose of EVA: Sample Return

Start Time: 1407 hrs
End Time: 1539 hrs

Narrative: EVA #18 is the last EVA crew 219 was able to do before completing their Mars analog mission. At 1407 hours, Cynthia (acting as CO) and Keith (acting as XO) lead their team 1 km south of Kissing Camel on Curiosity as Dave and Alejandro followed on Spirit.

When reaching their destination, Dave directed his crew to the specific locations each sample was taken from so that they could return their samples. Once completed, the EVA crew made their way back to the rovers and proceeded safely back to the Hab at 1539 hours.

Destination: 1 km S of Kissing Camel
Coordinates: 0518500/4248300

Participants: Cynthia Montanez (CO), Keith Crisman (XO), Dave Masaitis (HSO), Alejandro Perez (ENG)

Roads and Routes per MDRS Map: South on Cow Dung Road (0110), approximately 1 km south of Kissing Camel to return samples.

Mode of travel: Rovers (Spirit and Curiosity) and walking.

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