EVA Report – October 23rd

EVA # 2

Author: Jen Carver-Hunter

Purpose of EVA: Geologic sample collection

Start time: 09:00

End time: 11:00

Narrative: Rachel, Alex, Jason, Mike, Steve, and Jen drove to 1101 (the road to Barrainca Butte), where they stopped to collect specimens from the wash on the west side of Cow Dung Rd. After collecting specimens, they returned to the rovers and drove north on Cow Dung Road to the southwest side of Kissing Camels Ridge. There, they collected additional rock specimens along the wash on the west side of Cow Dung Rd before returning to the rovers and continuing back to the Hab.

Destination: Road to Barranca Butte and Southwest Kissing Camel Ridge

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 519700, 4247300 and 518200, 4249300

Participants: Rachel Johnson, Michael Ho, Jason Trump, Alex Grab, Steve Kirsche, Jen Carver-Hunter

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Crew took rovers from the Hab, turned south on Cow Dung Road, and continued to Route 1101 (the road to Barrainca Butte). They did collect specimens on foot in the wash near the road. From there, they returned North on Cow Dung Rd, stopping at Kissing Camels Ridge before continuing back to the Hab on Cow Dung Rd.

Mode of travel: Crew drove rovers (Spirit, Curiosity, Opportunity) to the collection sites and walked a small area on foot to collect specimens.

EVA Report – May 23rd

Crew 299 EVA 10 Report 5-21-2024

EVA #11

Author: Aravind Karthigeyan

Purpose of EVA: Travel to Hab Ridge to get interesting pictures and to see the Hab from a higher elevation. We also tested the UV detector and Geiger counter at different elevations.

Start Time: 10:18 AM

End Time: 11:47 AM

Narrative: EVA crew embarked on a hike up Hab Ridge. We started on a riverbed which eventually led us to a more path-like area up the ridge. We were eventually able to get to the highest local elevation and then were able to see the Hab and have people in the Hab see us and take photographs.

Destination: Hab Ridge


518000, 4250000 (Hab Ridge)

EVA Participants: Noah (Biologist), Avery (XO and Astronomer), and Aravind (Chemist)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Hab Ridge Trail

Mode of travel: Walking

EVA Report – May 23rd

Hello Mission Control,

Crew 299 EVA 10 Report 5-21-2024

EVA #12

Author: Kristina Mannix

Purpose of EVA: Collect final samples from Marble Ritutal.

Start Time: 2:00 PM

End Time: 2:45 PM

Narrative: The crew drove to marble ritual, then took samples and drone footage at marble ritual.

Destination: Marble Ritual


518750, 5251000 (Marble Ritual)

EVA Participants: Kristina (HSO), Pari (Commander), and Rishab (Engineer)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Driving

EVA Report – May 14th

Crew 299 EVA 1 Report 5-14-2024

EVA #1

Author: Rishabh Pandey

Purpose of EVA: Test EVA up to Marble Ritual to get certified.

Start Time: 8:30AM

End Time: 9:25AM

Narrative: The EVA team took curiosity and perseverance rovers up to Marble Ritual for their first-ever EVA. The crew took some fun pictures to be uploaded to social media and for the journalist. After walking around the area and climbing the hill for a short period, the crew returned to the HAB.

Destination: Marble Ritual

4251000 5187500 (Marble Ritual)

EVA Participants: Prakrut (Crew Commander & Journalist), Noah (Biologist), Aravind (Chemist)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Driving Opportunity + Walking

EVA Report – May 14th

Crew 299 EVA 2 Report 5-14-2024

EVA #2

Author: Rishabh Pandey

Purpose of EVA: Test EVA up to Marble Ritual to get certified.

Start Time: 10:39AM

End Time: 11:23AM

Narrative: The EVA team took curiosity and perseverance rovers up to Marble Ritual for their first-ever EVA. The crew took some fun pictures to be uploaded to social media and for the journalist. After walking around the area and climbing the hill for a short period, the crew returned to the HAB.

Destination: Marble Ritual

4251000 5187500 (Marble Ritual)

EVA Participants: Rishabh (Engineer), Avery(XO), Kristina(HSO)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Driving Opportunity + Walking

EVA Report – May 15th

Crew 299 EVA 4 Report 5-15-2024

EVA #4

Author: Aravind Karthigeyan

Purpose of EVA: EVA to Kissing Camel Ridge and Robert’s Rock Garden in order to collect samples and test radioactivity of the environment.

Start Time: 4:09 PM

End Time: 5:20 PM

Narrative: The EVA team took Curiosity and Opportunity rovers down to Roberts Rock Garden. The crew took some fun pictures to be uploaded to social media and for the journalist. The crew walked around and hiked up a hill to find some interesting samples unique to Roberts Rock Garden and tested the radioactivity of the environment.

Destination: Roberts Rock Garden


518500 4249500 (Roberts Rock Garden)

EVA Participants: Avery (XO/Astronomer), Kristina (HSO), Aravind (Chemist)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Taking Cow Dung Road 0110 to Roberts Rock Garden

Mode of travel: Driving Opportunity + Walking

EVA Report – May 15th

Crew 299 EVA 3 Report 5-15-2024

EVA #3

Author: Noah Mugan
Purpose of EVA: Visit Candor Chasma to test drone and obtain samples

Start Time: 8:55AM

End Time: 11:13AM

Narrative: The EVA team took rovers Spirit and Opportunity up to approximately 0.15 miles down Galileo Road. At that point, Spirit had reached a charge of 55% and they took the rest of the journey on foot. They walked down Galileo Road and past Compass point until they finally reached the closest section of Candor Chasma. There, the crew engineer piloted the drone to obtain pictures of the crew and the surrounding landscape, as well as test piloting and maneuverability. The EVA team also obtained several geological samples along the way, which were brought back for analysis. After a rest at Candor Chasma, the team walked back to the rovers and drove the rest of the way home. By the end of the trip, Spirit was left with a charge of 43% and Opportunity was left with a charge of 58%.

Destination: Candor Chasma

Coordinates: x = 520500, y = 4251250

EVA Participants: Rishabh (Engineer), Prakruti (Crew Commander & Journalist), Noah (Biologist and Greenhab Officer)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road, Galileo Road

Mode of travel: Drove Spirit and Opportunity+Walking

EVA Report – May 17th

Crew 299 EVA 6 Report 5-17-2024

EVA #6

Author: Aravind Karthigeyan

Purpose of EVA: EVA to Zubrin’s Head in order to collect samples and test radioactivity of the environment.

Start Time: 11:24 AM

End Time: 1:02 PM

Narrative: The EVA team took Curiosity and Opportunity rovers down to Zubrin’s Head. The crew took some fun pictures to be uploaded to social media and for the journalist. The crew found some interesting petrified wood near the location. In addition we collected more samples such as a unique green pebble stuck to a crevice.

Destination: Zubrin’s Head


519250, 4248500 (Zubrin’s Head)

EVA Participants: Pari (Commander), Kristina (HSO), Aravind (Chemist)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Taking Cow Dung Road 0110 to Zubrin’s Head

Mode of travel: Driving Opportunity + Walking

EVA Report – May 17th

Crew 299 EVA 5 Report 5-17-2024

EVA #5

Author: Noah Mugan

Purpose of EVA: Walking EVA around the hab to gather drone footage and survey the environment from the western hills.

Start Time: 8:35 AM

End Time: 9:10 AM

Narrative: The EVA team walked around the hab and piloted the drone around the surrounding airspace. Using the drone, they obtained footage for topography mapping and general photography. After landing the drone, they climbed the small slopes behind the hab to view and photograph the nearby terrain.

Destination: Hab

Coordinates: 518100, 4250900

EVA Participants: Noah (Biologist and Greenhab Officer), Rishabh (Engineer)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: None

Mode of travel: Walking

EVA Report – May 18th

Crew 299 EVA 2 Report 5-18-2024

EVA #7

Author: Rishabh Pandey

Purpose of EVA: To generate 3D model of the surrounding areas. Members will go on a driving EVA stopping every 100-200 meters to fly up the drone and get a quick video of the surrounding area. Remaining four members will stay back and monitor comms.

Start Time: 9:04AM

End Time: 10:30AM

Narrative: The EVA team took the rovers up North stopping every 300-400 meters in order to fly the drone up and capture a video of the surrounding area in order to generate a 3D model.

Destination: Cowboy Corner

518750, 4253000

EVA Participants: Rishabh (Engineer), Noah (Biologist)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Driving Opportunity + Walking

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