EVA Report – January 4th

Hi Mission Support,

Crew 202 EVA Report 04-JAN-2019

EVA #5

Author: Ellen Czaplinski

Purpose of EVA: To collect various geological samples and measure
radiation in several locations

Start time: 10:42

End time: 1:40

Narrative: Today’s EVA had a unique start, as our crew journalist
conducted a “20 questions” interview with the crew geologist while we
were putting on flight suits and heading out to the rovers. Our first
destination was Greenstone Road, which was a great place to collect
sand samples for our geology research project. This area was full of
loose sand, ripples, and sandstone. Two samples were collected here,
and we also took their spectra in situ using the TREK portable
spectrometer. We also took radiation measurements of this environment.

The next stop was SE of Kissing Camel Range (between Greenstone Rd and
Kissing Camel Range), north of our first stop. No geological samples
were taken here, but our crew commander took radiation measurements.

Our last stop of the EVA was on the north side of Kissing Camel Range,
west of Cow Dung Road. Using the rock hammer, we knocked off parts of
the Quaternary-aged boulders that had fallen from the top of the
range. Parts on the inside of these rocks resembled green, volcanic
minerals, similar to ones collected from EVA #4. The field spectra of
this sample was indeed different from the clays and shales nearby.
Further west at this site, we walked up a dried gulley and collected
three more samples here. Measuring these samples’ spectra revealed
more shale and gypsum combined with another mineral that will be
determined through more analysis of the spectra.

Destination: Greenstone Road, Kissing Camel Range

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): E520200, N4248700

Participants: Cesare Guariniello (CMD), Ellen Czaplinski (GEO), Jake Qiu (HSO)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Drive on Cow Dung Road, then walk
along Greenstone road

Mode of travel: Curiosity and Spirit rovers, walking

Best regards and hope you’re having a good time being assistant director!

EVA Report 4 – January 3rd

Crew 202 EVA Report 3-Jan-2019

EVA #4

Author: Denys Bulikhov (EXO)

Purpose of EVA: Collection of geological samples and ambient radiation readings

Start time: 10:50

End time: 12:44

Narrative: EVA 4 crew took Cow Dung Road down to the Kissing Camels Ridge. Crew went to the west side of the Ridge first collecting samples from fallen rocks and river beds and collecting ambient radiation readings. Then they went to the East side of the Ridge collecting samples and readings, made a circle around the valley and came back to the rovers.

Destination: Kissing Camels Ridge

Coordinates: N518500, E4249300

Participants: Denys Bulikhov (EXO), Kasey Hilton (ENG), Alexandra Dukes (JOU)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road, then walk along the Kissing Camels Ridge.

Mode of travel: Driving and walking

Vehicles used: Spirit and Curiosity.

EVA Report – January 2nd

Crew 202 EVA Report 2-Jan-2019

EVA #3

Author: Denys Bulikhov (EXO)

Purpose of EVA: First real EVA, a collection of geological samples and ambient radiation readings

Start time: 10:48

End time: 13:31

Narrative: EVA 3 crew took Cow Dung Rd down to Zubrin’s head and parked at the beginning of the Pleiades Rd. The crew walked down the Pleiades Rd for about 0.6 miles. At two different locations crew collected geological samples and ambient radiation readings. Most of the electronic equipment for radiation readings malfunctioned in the cold, and readings were recorded manually. The crew took multiple pictures and videos.

Destination: Pleiades Rd, west of North Pinto Hills

Coordinates: E520200, N4248700

Participants: Cesare Guariniello (CMD), Denys Bulikhov (EXO), Kasey Hilton (ENG), Alexandra Dukes (JOU)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road, then walk East towards on Pleiades Rd

Mode of travel: Driving and walking

Vehicles used: Spirit and Opportunity

With best regards,
Denys Bulikhov

EVA Report Dec 31st

Crew 202 EVA Report 31-Dec-2018

EVA #2

Author: Denys Bulikhov (EXO)

Purpose of EVA: familiarization with suits, rovers, communication procedures, testing the ability to use scientific equipment in EVA conditions.

Start time: 15:36

End time: 16:23

Narrative: EVA 2 crew successfully reached the Marble Ritual. On site EXO attempted to use some of the scientific equipment. It was partially successful due to freezing wind and blizzard. Familiarization had to be cut short due to deteriorating Martian weather.

Destination: Marble Ritual

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): E518700, N4250800

Participants: Denys Bulikhov (EXO), Kasey Hilton (ENG), Jake Qiu (HSO)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road, then walk East towards Marble Ritual

Mode of travel: Driving and walking

Vehicles used: Spirit and Opportunity

With best regards,

Denys Bulikhov

EVA Report Dec 31st

Crew 202 EVA Report 31-DEC-2018

EVA #1

Author: Ellen Czaplinski

Purpose of EVA: To familiarize the crew with the flight suits, rovers, and COMMS

Start time: 3:36 pm

End time: 4:23 pm

Narrative: Crew 202’s very first EVA on Mars was to the Marble Ritual,
an area within view of the Hab with some ancient marble structures at
the entrance. We did the dance ritual at the marbles, which consisted
of the YMCA, the MARS, and flossing. However, the EVA suits restricted
movement quite a bit. A light dusting of snow was falling throughout
the duration of the EVA. We investigated the clays and interesting
rocks in the area, although difficult with all the fresh snow on the
ground. After riding the ATVs and walking around with the EVA suits
on, we noticed a few areas on the suits that needed to be adjusted, so
we will look into that tomorrow.

Destination: Marble Ritual

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): E518700, N4250800

Participants: Cesare Guariniello (CMDR), Ellen Czaplinski (GEO),
Alexandra Dukes (JOU)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road, then walk East towards
Marble Ritual

Mode of travel: Driving ATVs and walking

Crew 201 EVA Report 28Dec2018

[title EVA Report – December 28th]

[category eva-report]

Crew 201 EVA Report 28-Dec-2018.

EVA #8

Author: Carlos Mariscal, XO.

Purpose of EVA: Test the behavior and performance of a 3D-printed mechanical prototype of exploration rover.

Start time: Not applicable. EVA did not take place.

End time: Not applicable. EVA did not take place.

Narrative: Originally, the purpose of the EVA was to test the performance and behavior of a 3D-printed rover prototype, however, due to last minutes issues with the printer, some joint parts could not be printed, thus the rover could not be totally assembled on time and the EVA did not take place. The printer is still working.

Destination: Surroundings of the MDRS, no further than 200 meters away from the station.

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): E517900.01 N517900.01 (Outside the Hab)


César Serrano, Crew Engineer.

Federico Martínez, Crew Scientist/Astronomer.

Carlos Mariscal, XO.

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: We would have stayed in the surroundings of the station, no further than 200 meters away.

Mode of travel: Walking.

EVA Report – December 24th

Crew 201 EVA Report 24-Dec-2018

EVA #7

Author: Carlos Mariscal, XO

Purpose of EVA: To do artificial vision and camera testing in various terrains in order to determine algorithm performance in environments with changes of ground color and rock sizes and to look for appropriate locations for rover prototype testing.

Start time: 11:00 h

End time: 15:00 h

Narrative: We started our journey with a really good mood, drove to the southeast using the rover Curiosity and did a couple of stops in Robert’s Rock Garden and Zubrin’s Head, ideal landscapes for some pictures to train our artificial vision algorithms, then we drove to find the Greenstone road, but it’s quite hard to find, we got lost and almost got to the highway, but we turned back and looked carefully, left the rover and started walking, heading to North Pinto Hills.

Amazing landscapes and pics! We walked around 3 km and climbed one of the hills; on our way back to the rover we found several animal footprints, maybe a feline, elks and mice, quite scary at first, but something nice to see. We got safe to the rover and started our way back and Something really random happened; we found a truck in the way, a family (dad and two children) were excited to see us and asked a picture of the kids with us. Quite funny.

Finally, we got home, safe and sound, with some cool stories for the rest of the crew and lots of photos, both to remember and keep on working.

Destination: North Pinto Hills, with stops at Robert’s Rock Garden and Zubrin’s Head.

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): N 4248782.15, E 520960.16

César Serrano, Engineer

Carlos Mariscal, XO

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Driving to south-east on Cow Dung Road 0110 then walking to north-east Greenstone Road and finally east to North Pinto Hills.

Mode of travel: Rover Curiosity

EVA Report – December 22nd

EVA # 6

Author: Federico Martinez, Crew Astronomer.

Purpose of EVA: Further identify plausible RAN repeater locations with the consideration of 22 dBw antenna power for local cell generation (up to 3 km radius per cell). Additional soil samples from locations within route.

Start time: 10:45
End time: 14:42

Narrative: The crew drove for about 5 km and then stopped aside the road to start walking to our destiny, The Moon. The rovers are having troubles with the battery due to the low temperatures.

We decided to cut the road by walking inside the dunes of Mars, but after a few hours, the crew got confused about the correct way to our destination. Guiding us with the map, we found out that we were on the right direction to The Moons. During this long walk we explored the zone for our EVA objectives. After almost 4 km, the crew finally arrived to the destiny and a little further. We took a couple of pictures and measurements to begin the walk back to the Hab. The total distance of today´s EVA was 17 km, and from this 7.3 were by walking.

Destination: The Moon

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): E515708.2, N4254873

Participants: Commander, HSO, Greenhab Officer, Crew Astronomer\scientist

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: From the Hab through the PEV Road to the north a few kilometers before exit 1572 Brahe Hwy. We walked through White Moon, Beige Moon until we found the road in Yellow Moon. We walked back through Brahe Hwy.

Mode of travel: Driving and walking.

Vehicles you will be using (If applicable): Curiosity & Opportunity

EVA Report – December 20th

EVA #5

Author: Genaro Grajeda

Purpose of EVA: Site Survey for Very Small Aperture Terminal installation

Start time: 11:10 hrs

End time: 13:15 hrs

Narrative: A small road survey location was performed to find road 1103 in order to hike to find Hab Ridge Road. EVA team walked toward Old Repeater Point expecting to find a repeater station; however a fantastic view of factory view was found. A small walk was performed in order to find a suitable location at top of the ridge overlooking the habitat where a VSAT will be installed for a theoretical updated Radio Access Network that could service a SmartHAB and possible real life asset tracking network.

Destination: Hab Ridge South Zone

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 425090N 518000W

Participants: Genaro Grajeda and Federico Martínez

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Road 1103, Hab Ridge Road.

Mode of travel: Walking

EVA Report – December 19th

Dear MS,

This is our EVA Report from today. Thank you

EVA #4

Author: Carlos Mariscal, XO

Purpose of EVA:

1.- For the “Behaviour of Artificial Vision algorithms for Autonomous Navigation” project, the purpose is to take as many pictures as possible (at least 100) of different terrains. The purpose of the pictures is to use them to train artificial vision algorithms for pattern recognition (color, size and shape). In order to get a good algorithm training, it is necessary to get pictures of terrains with high rock formations, medium rocks and planitia, as well of different red-ish tones.

Tools required: 2 webcams, cannon camera, laptop.

2.- For the “Martian Soil Analysis for usage on Greenhab” project, the purpose is to collect the first soil samples from different locations to prepare initial organic material mixes. This will serve as a starting point to validate soil mixes.

Start time: 11:15 h (15 min delay)

End time: 13:15 h


Today we were all really excited of doing the first EVA for experiments, four of us suited up (with the help of the other crew members, of course). At 11:15 (with a small delay), we left the hab and started the ride to our destination. Once we arrived at junction of Galileo Road and Cactus Road, we realized that Cactus Rd is not a way for rovers, so we had to continue by walk. Because of the time originally planned for the EVA and the distance to the destination, we could only get to our first location and the nearby of Cactus Rd.

The purpose of the activity was successfully achieved, since the GreenHab Officer got three really generous and different soil samples and the XO got some amazing pics for his artificial vision experiment, besides the landscape and team pics, which are pretty awesome too.

The walk back to the rovers taught us to better estimate the clothes we have to use under the suits… we were exhausted, but so happy to have achieved our goals and get back home to have some delicious pasta!

Destination: Nearby of Galileo Road, Cactus Road


Target locations:

N 4252233.867, E 519641.711

N 4252238.317, E 521387.643

N 3586606.658, E 523036.484

Actual locations achieved:

N 4252233.867, E 519641.711

N 4252219.69, E 479921.76

Participants: 4 participants

Tania Robles – Commander

Carlos Mariscal – XO

Genaro Grajeda – HSO

Walter Calles – GreenHab Officer

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Road 1103, then Galileo Road 1104 until Cactus Road 1104, at that point the crew members walked to destination.

Mode of travel: Driving, using Curiosity and Opportunity rovers.

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