EVA Report – March 20th

Crew members: Sophie Wuyckens (EVA leader), Frédéric Peyrusson, Mario Sundic, Michael Saint-Guillain and Martin Roumain

– Samples checking by Fred
– Samples collection + positioning of new samples by Martin

– If weather is ok, positioning of Sophie’s detector outside for data acquisition
– Michael in support

– Pictures by Mario


9:30 – Crew get dressed

9:35 – Paparazzi session by Ariane and Maximilien

9:39 – Entering the airlock

9:42 – Outing

9:43 – Burning of our rubbish by Mario and Sophie + Fuel filling of the ATV1 by Mick + Samples checking by Fred

9:50 – Discovery : rovers haven’t charged the whole night + test of a new extension cord.

10:00 – Leaving the MDRS by foot along Main Road

10:20 – Mick found a pillow and an UPS parcel (just a piece of cardboard)

10:30 – Martin positions his new samples along Main road

10:55 – Bastien sent his drone from the hab to record a video of us.

11:06 – On the way back to MDRS

11:21 – Arrival at the Hab

11:25 – Entering the airlock

11:28 – Mission finished.


Our EVA#10 took place on SOL#9 at 9:30. I am Sophie Wuyckens and I wanted to be part of this EVA in order to position my detector near a hill in our way. Unfortunately, we realized that the rovers didn’t charge the whole night. We understood that the fuses blew when we plug 2 sockets in the airlock. We have already discussed with Shannon to find a solution.

We decided together to follow our initial plan and follow the main road direction to the north. The weather was quite sunny. Our hiking was announced to be difficult. Fred, Mick and Martin climbed a hill quite high. Mario and I kept an eye on them and took pictures of them. Bastien from the Hab sent his drone to record a video of us. It was quite funny. On our way along the main road, we picked up some rubbish : a piece of cardboard, a pillow, a wooden post. We took the whole thing in our way back and put the rubbish in the burning bin outside (except the pillow). Given that we hadn’t got the rovers, I couldn’t position my detector (it is a quite heavy device). We didn’t make it to Tank Wash but it was still a good mission.We finished at 11:28.


  • No vehicles

EVA Report – March 18th

EVA #8 Report– 18th March 2018 – Sol 7

Crew members: Frédéric Peyrusson (EVA leader), Maximilien Rirchald, Sophie Wuyckens, Bastien Baix, Mario Sundic


  • Soil samples for Maximilien’s experiment.
  • 3D mapping for Bastien Baix.
  • Pictures

Sample positioning for Frédéric’s experiments.

14:15 – Entering the airlock
14:21 – Samples positioning of Frédéric’s samples close to the station
14:29 – Leaving the MDRS with the 3 Rovers
14:41 – Arrival at Yellow Moon for pictures, sampling and 3D mapping with the drone. The weather was windy and the drone wasn’t stable enough for mapping
15:09 – Leaving of Yellow Moon
15:18 – Second stop in the road towards Green Valley. Some pictures in front of the beautiful Skyline Rim
15:23 – On the way back to MDRS
15:47 – Arrival at the Hab. We tried to fix the Deimos’ wheel and helped Sophie install her detector.
15:53 – Entering the airlock
15:56 – Mission finished

Our EVA#8 took place on SOL 7 at 14:15. I am Frédéric Peyrusson and I wanted to be part of this EVA in order to place samples of Bacillus subtilis in closed chamber outside. Samples were prepared during the morning.
The weather was quite windy and cold today. Fortunately it was less cloudy than in the morning. We arrived at Yellow Moon at 14:41 after a tough trip. Bastien tried to use his drone for 3D mapping but it wasn’t stable enough. We took soil samples for Maximilien’s experiments. We also saw a lot of motorbikes tracks in the hills.
We then moved towards Green Valley, made some great pictures for our website in front of Skyline Rim, and went back to MDRS. We tried to fix the Deimos rover, but the tools didn’t fit. The EVA finished at 15:56.


  • Opportunity, Curiosity and Spirit rovers

EVA #7 Report – March 17th

EVA #7 , Sol6
Crew members: Mario Sundic (EVA leader), Ariane Sablon, Maximilien Richald, Michael Saint-Guillain

Near the Hab: 518200E-4250750N
Near Zubrin’s head: 518500E-4248500N

Mario: Pictures for Journalist’s Report and photo a a mountain for Sophie’s muography (potential experimental site).
Maximilien: Soil sampling
Ariane: Checking of Martin Roumain’s drug samples previously disposed around the MDRS
Michael: support

09:28 entering the sas
09:31 end of depressurization
09:34 departure rovers
09:44 arrival at Zubrin’s head
10:06 arrival at the base of the targeted mountain
10:15 departure form mountain site
10:31 soil sampling
10:37 departure with rovers
10:47 arrival MDRS
10:50 pictures MDRS
10:53 check of Martin’s samples
10:57 entering the sas and pressurization

I am Michael Saint-Guillain, and I am writing this report on behalf of the EVA leader Mario Sundic. We entered the sas in time to start the EVA at 9:30. This was our first EVA in the South of MDRS. It is quite surprising to see how the landscape can be slightly different down there compared to the North sites. I personally totally LOVED the landscapes near Zubrin’s head. Totally Martian, as far as I know. After driving the rovers towards the targeted site, we walked for a rough hour, between the hills, mountains and cliffs… Amazing. I would have spend the entire day there. Unfortunately, the schedule (as well as the objectives) had to be respected, and we proceeded to the various soil samplings and photo shootings (required by Sophie for her project of muon detector). Back at the MDRS, we finally checked Martin’s drug sampling (which he disposed outside the MDRS a couple of days ago) as required and entered the sas, our head filled with Martian landscapes.

Curiosity & Spirit rovers

EVA Report – March 17th

Hi CapCom,

Here is the EVA Report #6 for SOL5,

Thank you very much.

EVA Report:

EVA #6 Crew members: Martin ROUMAIN (EVA Leader), Bastien BAIX, Sophie WUYCKENS, Frédéric PEYRUSSON.


– Near the Hab: 518200E-4250750N

– Near Pooh’s Corner: 518900E-4251000N


Departure at 09:31 a.m.

Back at 11:01 a.m.


1 hour 30 minutes


Everything went just fine during this sixth EVA. We went out of the airlock at 9:31 a.m. It was a sunny morning.

We started the EVA by digging a small hole for Sophie’s muons detector near the RAM (hole is not deeper than 20 cm and 30 cm wide).

We then checked Martin’s samples near the solar panel: they looked just fine. We were on our way to Pooh’s Corner when we saw the Mars Desert Research Station panel on the ground. Gusts must have made it fall. We took the opportunity to stop and replace it.

After a few minutes walking on the main road, we saw a hill and thought that the view from the top would be perfect for pictures. We took some pictures of the station in the sun.

We went back on the road and arrived to Pooh’s Corner, where we climbed (with some difficulties I must admit) another, higher, hill. We shot some videos and then went back home where we had a few tasks left.

When near the Hab, Bastien started to fly his drone for the 3D-mapping of the area, while Sophie got busy installing her detector right next to the RAM. Frédéric and Martin went behind the station to pick up the non-burnable trash, following Dr. Rupert’s demand. They found a lot of cans, metal waste and even a halogen lamp, probably from another crew. They put all the trash in a bag and put it in the main airlock. They then helped Sophie finish her installation, while Bastien was still on his mapping.

When Sophie and Bastien finished their work, all crew members went in the airlock for pressurization. That was a nice and productive EVA.


Check Martin’s samples near the Hab

3D-Mapping with Bastien’s drone

Find a location for Sophie’s muons detector

Additional purpose:

Take care of the non-burnable trash behind the station, following Dr. Rupert’s demand

Vehicles: None

9:28 a.m.: All crew members in the main airlock, ready for depressurization.

9:31 a.m.: Beginning of the EVA, started to dig a little hole for Sophie’s muons detector near the RAM.

9:48 a.m.: On the road to Pooh’s Corner, checked Martin’s samples near the solar panels, replaced the MDRS panel which fell because of the wind.

9:56 a.m.: Climbed to the top of a hill near the Hab to take pictures and shoot videos with Bastien’s drone.

10:12 a.m.: Climbed another hill near Pooh’s Corner, took pictures and shot videos.

10:22 a.m.: On the road back to the Hab.

10:32 a.m.: Took care of the non-burnable trash behind the Hab, helped Sophie install her muons detector while Bastien started 3D-mapping the area around the Hab.

10:34 a.m.: Put the non-burnable trash in the airlock.

10:52 a.m.: Sophie finished installing her detector near the RAM.

10:58 a.m.: Bastien finished 3D-mapping the area around the Hab, all crew members back in the main airlock with the non-burnable trash.

11:01 a.m.: All crew members safely back in the Hab.

EVA#4 Report – March 14th

EVA #4 – 14th March 2018 – Sol 3

Crew members: Sophie Wuyckens (EVA leader), Michael Saint-Guillain, Frédéric Peyrusson, Mario Sundic


– Soil samples harvest by Fred for Maximilien’s experiment.

– Hill localization for Sophie’s experiment.

– Pictures


9:01 – Entering the airlock

9:08 – Leaving the MDRS with 2 ATVs and 1 Rover (Opportunity)

9:26 – Arrival at Beige Moon for pictures time

9:43 – Second stop just before splitted roads again for picture time

10:02 – Third stop for soil samples harvest by Fred for Maximilien’s experiment near Widow’s Peak

10:19 – Fourth stop for pictures time with flags

10:25 – Back to the station

10:50 – Arrival at the Hab

10:55– Entering the airlock

10:58– Mission finished


Our fourth EVA took place on soil 3 at 9:00. I am Sophie Wuyckens and I wanted to be part of this EVA in order to find a convenient hill where I could operate my detector.

The EVA has not started very well. Indeed, we were a bit tired and forgot everything ; the belgian flag, our university flag, Mario’s gloves, a notepad (to write operation hours). This is why we stayed a bit longer in the airlock compared to the last times. But finally we made it to outside and started to put firstly our sponsors posters on the rover and ATVs in order to get great pictures for our sponsors. Then we follow the main road and then White Moon direction and stop at Beige Moon. There Mario took pictures of us. I kept an eye on hills that we passed in front of with our vehicles. Unfortunately, we lost a sponsor poster. We continued our way and just before the connecting roads, we made a second stop because the landscape was amazing. Near Widow’s Peak, we stopped a third time because Fred wanted to harvest some soil samples for Maximilien’s experiment. We continued our way along Snake River. Finally, we made a last stop near Toothy Ridge to take last pictures with the flags. After that, we decided to return to the station. The return was very calm. We have never found our poster whereas we have looked for it for a while. Hoping next mission will find it. With regards to my experiment, I found some interesting places near Gray Moon. I look forward to operate the detector over there.

The EVA finished just on time. We hadn’t walk much but it was a good and efficient EVA.


– Opportunity rover

– ATVs 2&3

EVA Report – March 13th

EVA Report

EVA #3 – 13th March 2018 – Soil 2
Crew members:
Bastien Baix (EVA leader), Ariane Sablon, Maximilien Richald, Martin Roumain

– First drone operations for the cartography project by Bastien.
– Drug samples check by Martin
– Soil samples harvest by Maximilien

9:29 – Entering the airlock
9:33 – Leaving the MDRS with 2 ATVs and 1 Rover (Curiosity)
9:45 – Meeting with some local Martian life
9:52 – Arrival at White Moon, samples harvesting, drone cartography and pictures
10:05 – We ride our vehicles further to Beige Moon
10:19 – Leaving Beige Moon
10:27 – Meeting some Martian life again
10:30 – Stop at URC North Site to harvest some red soil samples.
10:35 – Arrival at the Hab
10:36 – Drug samples check, and generator switched off
10: 41 – Entering the airlock
11:05 Leaving the MDRS,


Our third EVA took place on soil 2 at 9:30. I’m Bastien Baix and I was EVA leader today. After our 3 minutes depressurization in the airlock, we were ready to leave the Hab with 3 vehicles. Our destination: White Moon. On our way to this site, we had the surprise to meet some special Martian life that stood on our road (it looked really like a black cow).
Arrived at White Moon, I had the opportunity to finally test my cartography project using the drone. Meanwhile, Maximilien helped by Martin and Ariane were harvesting some soil samples.

After 10 minutes, we decided to go further into Beige Moon and take some pictures and videos with the drone. Indeed, Maximilien had his camera but not his batteries… On our way back, the strange Martian life was still there and we had to get around the specimen. After a last stop at URC North Site for soil samples, we finally arrived at the Hab. Martin checked his drug samples that are located near the solar panels and we also switched off the generator.

This was a long trip but a short EVA in the end.


– Curiosity rover
– ATVs 2 & 3

EVA Report – March 12th

EVA Report

EVA #2
Crew members: Michael Saint-Guillain (EVA leader), Ariane Sablon, Bastien Baix, Mario Sundic

Bastien: Drone testing.
Mario: Pictures for Journalist’s Report.
All: First drive of ATVs and Rover with spacesuits.

11:00 Entering the sas
11:05 Leaving the MDRS, disposal of some samples near to the solar panels, for Martin Roumain’s experiment on medecine degradation 11:14 Arrived at junction of the road from Pooh’s Corner and URC Nth and “Stream Bed Connector” (SBC in what follows) trail
11:15 Walk in SBC trail
11:30 Turn around after ±0.25 Miles in SBC trail
11:45 Use of the drone as support for finding the rover/ATVs 11:58 Arrived at MDRS

I’m Michael Saint-Guillain. At 10h30 we were all four ready yet for our very first EVA! Ariane an I went around the solar panels in order to dispose a pack containing a set of medecines, for Martin Roumain’s experiment on medecine degradation. That was the easy part, and we were already suffocating. We then took the ATVs/rover and drove the road from Pooh’s Corner and URC Nth, until we reached the junction with “Stream Bed Connector” (abbreviated SBC in what follows) trail. Driving in suits is actually quite refresching. We left the vehicles and continued by feet, so that Bastien would take views with the drone. Mario on its own took plenty of pictures, some beautiful. After a while, we noticied that we had no contact from the MDRS anymore… They were out of reach of our talkies. Mario and I decided to climb on top of some hill in order to try with a better range. Upon our rock, we were indeed able to see the MDRS. We heard a few words from them, but the signal was too bad to have any conversation. We went back down and continued to walk with Ariane and Bastien in SBC trail, until we were around a quartier mile away from the vehicles. We turn around and started our trip back to the vehicles… Except that I failed at remembering the path we took with enough details, and finding the vehicles revealed to be harder than expected! Lukily, we had a drone and after five minutes of flight it found for us what we were looking for. Happy to survive to this adventure, we drove back and reached MDRS just in time. Wonderful trip.

Opportunity rover
ATVs 1,2

EVA Report – March 12th

EVA #1 Report:

EVA Crew members: Maximilien RICHALD (EVA Leader), Martin ROUMAIN, Sophie WUYCKENS, Frédéric PEYRUSSON


– Around the Hab

– Near Robert’s Rock Garden: 518300E-4249300N

Time: departure at 09:05 a.m. Duration: 50 minutes


– Clay, sand and rock sampling for Maximilien’s and Frédéric’s experiments.

– Test of localization for Martin’s experiment.

– First drive of ATVs and Rover with spacesuits.

Vehicles: 1 Rover (Spirit), 2 ATVs

9:05 a.m.: Team left Airlock

9:10 a.m.: Crew start the vehicles and left the hab

9:11 a.m.: Crew found a place for martin’s experiment

9:20 a.m.: Arrival on the working place and exploring the place

9:39 a.m.: Return to the ATVs

9:42 a.m.: Turning on the ATVs to go back to the Hab

9:50 a.m.: Arrival to the Hab

(Maximilien RICHALD) – We left the hab after the depressurization of the air lock and we directly took some soil sample around the station for Frédéric’s and Max’s experiments. After that, started the vehicles and we began to look for a place for martin’s experiment. The ideal area was found just next to the solar cell installation of the hab. After riding, about 10 minutes we arrived to the place of exploration called Robert’s rock garden were we had walk in our spacesuits. Everything went well and after taking some pictures we came back to the ATV and finally to the hab.

EVA Report – March 6th

EVA Report:

EVA #12 Crew members: Alexandre Martin (EVA leader), Gabriel Payen, Jérémy AUCLAIR, Victoria Da Poian, Axel Monnier (journalist), Bertrand Guez (journalist)

Author: Alexandre Martin


Near Pooh’s Corner: 12S-518900E-4250900N

Lith Canyon: 12S-518300E-4256500N

Time: departure at 9:30 a.m. Duration: 3h


  • Replace the LOAC
  • Explore Lith Canyon


We made some shots with the journalist in front of the Hab, and then we left the Hab to replace the LOAC at Pooh’s corner. We went to Lith Canyon to show our journalists a Martian-type environment. They took some shots with their drone, and we came back at the Hab, where they took some final shots.

9:30 am: EVA#12 left airlock

9:45 am: EVA#12 left the Hab

9:46 am: EVA#12 arrived at Pooh’s corner

10:05 am: EVA#12 left Pooh’s Corner

10:30 am: EVA#12 arrived at Lith Canyon

11:50 am: EVA#12 left Lith Canyon

12:15 pm: EVA#12 back at the Hab

12:30 pm: EVA#12 back in the Hab

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