Journalist Report – February 8th

Crew 204 Crew Journalist Report 08-FEB-2019

Author: Sonal Baberwal

Title: When we left Earth!

Good Morning Earthlings! The final morning on this soil. Yes, we are returning back to the Earth. Probably the re-entry module has been aligned on the launchpad. But we will miss this place a lot. A completely new world! This isolation acted as a detox from the regular world. It was necessary to have self-analysis. A lot of things have been learnt from this mission.

Another morning starts where the crew had been involved in cleaning the Hab. we had the final two general purpose EVAs. the morning EVA was performed by the Commander and myself followed by the GreenHab Officer and the Crew Engineer.

The day passed by really quickly with no awareness of time! I would like to share a short poem I wrote for MDRS experience, pardon me if not up to date!

“The plants, the lab,
The rovers, the Hab.
The love, the care,
The friendship we share.
The food to cook,
The windows we look.
The signing in and signing off,
The mission support and Cap Com.
The EVAs we risked,
Yes, everything will be missed!”
~ Sonal Baberwal.

Congratulations to the Crew and the mission support for this successful mission. This is Sonal Baberwal, HSO and Crew Journalist reporting live for the last time from the upper deck of the Habitat and signing off on the final day! I wish very good luck and best wishes to Crew 205. Stay connected to hear new stories from Crew 205!

Journalist Report- February 7th

Crew 204 Journalist Report 07-FEB-2019

Author: Sonal Baberwal (HSO & Crew Journalist)

Good Morning from Mars!

The morning seems early today. This was the day we all have been eagerly waiting for! A lot of hope and enthusiasm had been preserved for this day. Today the crew woke up pretty early than the regular schedule as the day had something special. We all started preparing for the EVA.

This has been really exciting because our rover is ready and scheduled to be operated from Earth (India). We got ready and suited up in the Spacesuit with heartbeats that could be heard loud. Will this attempt be a successful one? Is that a dream coming true that a rover will be operated from a remote location from Earth on MDRS terrains? Yes, it is possible! Salute to our technology and emerging IoT trend!

The rover had been operated for 51 seconds from Earth by Mr. Harish Ajankar from Sipna College of Engineering and Technology, India in front of the Professors of the University. The biggest challenge was to find a flexible time for the EVA that supports different time zones. Thanks to mission support for their cooperation and support to make this happen into reality.

It was a pretty good experience to observe the rover crawling on the MDRS terrains which have been operated from India. I believe this legacy will turn into an inspirational and motivational example for the young generation and someday participate in this simulation.

The day has been followed by daily activities. The evenings have been really good as we have been enjoying games and movies together living the final days of simulation to the fullest!

The day had been really interesting in terms of the activities we have been performing. Looking forward to a new sunrise. This is Sonal Baberwal, HSO and Crew Journalist reporting live from the upper deck of the Habitat! Stay connected to know more about our last days of the simulation.

Journalist Report – February 5th

Crew 204 Journalist Report 05-FEB-2019

Title: The Friendship Algorithm

Author: Sonal Baberwal

Good Morning from Mars! Hello Earthlings. So how does our day starts? The very first thing we do is go to the window and observe the beauty of this place. Seems like the mountains have covered themselves by a red blanket.

This complete isolation is helping ourself to learn more about self. To make us aware of our weaknesses and overcome them with lot of courage. I have been learning many soft skills from the crew. When you observe someone for a lot of time, you eventually start becoming like them. I couldn’t stop sanitizing my hands before everything because of cleanliness habits of Space Bot. I couldn’t work hard all day and wait for the evening for mind refreshing games and movies that had been eventually taking place because of Cosmos. Nothing ever taught me to be such a brave heart and good sense of humor like the Commander of the crew. I am thankful to Mars Desert Research Station for this opportunity to get oneself analyzed.

Today had been really an interesting day. Space Bot had successfully assembled and tested the rover inside the RAMM and further did a demonstration to test remotely which was operated by Harish Ajankar of Sipna College of Engineering and Technology, India.

Commander Avishek Ghosh had interesting results in his composition of soils that he had been analyzing along with continuing his research in 3D printing.

Our GreenHab officer Cosmos had been welcoming the new sprouts that have spread their leaves in this soil. He had been engaged in taking care of the GreenHab with regular activities.

Followed by the delicious lunch cooked by the Commander, Rice and Lentils are just the Martian thing. Myself and Space Bot performed a short walking EVA around the Hab. Our main objective was to capture images via rover and operate it outdoor. This was a total new experience where we walked in strong winds and felt like a plastic bag drifting throughout the wind wanted to start again (Katty Perry, Fireworks). We had been on the top of the mountain where it was beautiful to observe our Hab from the top waving to the commander. It had been difficult to believe that we climbed the top of the mountain and observing the new perspective of nature. I wish I had words to describe about the view.

The day had been really interesting in terms of the activities we have been performing. Looking forward to a new sunrise with a hope in better weather conditions to support the EVA. This is Sonal Baberwal, HSO and Crew Journalist reporting live from the upper deck of the Habitat! Stay connected to know more about the application of our results.

Journalist Report – February 5th

Crew 204 Journalist Report 05-FEB-2019

Title: The Friendship Algorithm

Author: Sonal Baberwal

Good Morning from Mars! Hello Earthlings. So how does our day starts? The very first thing we do is go to the window and observe the beauty of this place. Seems like the mountains have covered themselves by a red blanket.

This complete isolation is helping ourself to learn more about self. To make us aware of our weaknesses and overcome them with lot of courage. I have been learning many soft skills from the crew. When you observe someone for a lot of time, you eventually start becoming like them. I couldn’t stop sanitizing my hands before everything because of cleanliness habits of Space Bot. I couldn’t work hard all day and wait for the evening for mind refreshing games and movies that had been eventually taking place because of Cosmos. Nothing ever taught me to be such a brave heart and good sense of humor like the Commander of the crew. I am thankful to Mars Desert Research Station for this opportunity to get oneself analyzed.

Today had been really an interesting day. Space Bot had successfully assembled and tested the rover inside the RAMM and further did a demonstration to test remotely which was operated by Harish Ajankar of Sipna College of Engineering and Technology, India.

Commander Avishek Ghosh had interesting results in his composition of soils that he had been analyzing along with continuing his research in 3D printing.

Our GreenHab officer Cosmos had been welcoming the new sprouts that have spread their leaves in this soil. He had been engaged in taking care of the GreenHab with regular activities.

Followed by the delicious lunch cooked by the Commander, Rice and Lentils are just the Martian thing. Myself and Space Bot performed a short walking EVA around the Hab. Our main objective was to capture images via rover and operate it outdoor. This was a total new experience where we walked in strong winds and felt like a plastic bag drifting throughout the wind wanted to start again (Katty Perry, Fireworks). We had been on the top of the mountain where it was beautiful to observe our Hab from the top waving to the commander. It had been difficult to believe that we climbed the top of the mountain and observing the new perspective of nature. I wish I had words to describe about the view.

The day had been really interesting in terms of the activities we have been performing. Looking forward to a new sunrise with a hope in better weather conditions to support the EVA. This is Sonal Baberwal, HSO and Crew Journalist reporting live from the upper deck of the Habitat! Stay connected to know more about the application of our results.

Journalist Report – February 6th

Crew 204 Journalist Report 06-FEB-2019

Title: Eat to live or live to eat?

Author: Sonal Baberwal (HSO and Crew Journalist)

Good Morning Earthlings! Have you ever lived on a salad for a month and missed all exotic food? This is exactly opposite to what we are feeling! We miss fresh salad! I wish salad could be available on Mars! But it will surely as soon as our plants grow older! Meanwhile, let’s experiment with different powders and make good food!

Another day starts with a lot of discussions on the table served with hot chocolate and experimental brunch! The day further continued with a regular routine and research everyone have been doing and short EVA performed by Commander and GreenHab Officer. Dear weather, please get well soon! Because we really miss long EVAs with rover!

It was really a great experience to 3D print the bricks with the Martian clay and help Commander, Avishek Ghosh. Who knows maybe Commander is planning to make a mini Habitat? And then he might use magnifying energy just like superheroes and magicians and make it large! I never know what exactly goes in his mind! Let me share with you, my area of interest lies in Human-Machine Interaction and Brain Waves. I wish I can make a mind-reading technology pretty soon and read what exactly goes into his mind.

Our GreenHab officer Cosmos Patil has been involved in taking care of the plants as we have been facing lack of sunlight and cold weather. I believe after returning back home definitely he is going to miss the GreenHab and would be making a kitchen garden as he has started making plants as his friends! After lunch, he goes to the GreenHab to have a walk and music with his friends!

You will find our Crew Engineer Space Bot taking readings for his reports, filling up the water tank and similar things! Sometimes it becomes difficult to know exactly where he belongs to! Sometimes you will find him sitting up the deck to fill the water and sometimes setting temperature of the Upper deck. Sometimes in the Engineering Lab and sometimes smiling and talking with the rover!

You might be thinking what exactly I do? Well let me tell you, whether it might be the crew using sanitizer on their hand after using the toilet or washing their hand with water and handwash, I observe all of them minutely and share their deep secrets with all of you every day! I help the crew whenever and wherever they need assistance. Sometimes you will find me plugging earphones and listening to music, sometimes observing this world from the little window and sometimes putting loud Bollywood music and dancing by myself!

This is Sonal Baberwal, Health and Safety Officer and Crew Journalist reporting live from the Upper deck of the habitat just before the communication with the mission support. Stay tuned for the next sunrise and our bunch of stories!

Journalist Report – February 4th

Crew 204 Journalist Report 04 FEB 2019.

Title: Are We Alone?

Author: Sonal Baberwal.

Good morning from Mars. Last night has been a noisy night as we could sense the winds trying to say us something by knocking the doors throughout the night! The feel of isolation was at its best as all we could hear was the noise of the wind which leaves us with a question, are we alone out here in the middle of nowhere? Perhaps nature won’t ever leave you alone. Another day started with looking out from the window and observing the beautiful view of the clouds and the mountains.

The day continues with yummy brunch cooked by Kunal Naik and Avishek Ghosh. We were actually discussing how much we are missing the EVAs due to unsupported weather conditions. The day had been engaged in working on the usual routines where our GreenHab officer had been working on regular care of the GreenHab.

Kunal Naik and Avishek Ghosh had been working on their projects related to the rover and the 3D printing. The day had been an ordinary day just like the others, but the best part of this ordinary day was the extra-ordinary outputs everyone had received.

Very firstly, heartiest congratulations to our baby plant from the sprouts that have grown one day old and he is observing Mars with us! All the fruitful efforts and care of our GreenHab Officer Patil (Cosmos) have turned to be worthy. The new soil compositions prepared by our commander looks promising with some reasonable or unexpected results.

The rover is finally assembled where it can crawl on the Martian terrains and capture its unforgettable moments. The commander has prepared the clay mixture which is ready to be molded into pots from this soil.

The day had been really interesting in terms of the activities we have been performing. Looking forward to a new sunrise with a hope in better weather conditions to support the EVA. This is Sonal Baberwal, HSO and Crew Journalist reporting live from the upper deck of the Habitat! Stay connected to know more about the application of our results.

Journalist Report – January 03rd

Title: The total detox

Author: Sonal Baberwal

Good Morning from Mars!

Have you ever spent a day without internet? If yes how was your experience?

Today had been an awesome weather! All we could hear is winds! Feels like we are all alone on Mars as the silence was roaring with the sound of he winds. It has been a cloudy day today with a shower of rains!

Today was a long day as we did not have an EVA due to unsupported weather conditions! The morning started with breakfast and the crew had been working on various things. The crew initially cleaned the upper deck and cooked lunch. This was followed by work in REM and GreenHab. Where Patil (Cosmos) had been taking care of the plants and showering them the daily necessary water as per scheduled! Kunal and Avishek had been working in the REM on the 3D printer setup and assembling and testing of the child rover.

Today we had a detox day without any availability of internet due to weather conditions. I could see sleeping beauties all around (including me) as we had no EVA and internet! This was followed by some games and watching movie which was really fun! Sometimes being away from internet is really healthy for our inner peace.

I feel blessed to be a part of this crew as this crew is not about just being professional. The crew is made up of people who take care of each other and spend quality time together enjoying every moment! Whether it might be working together in lab, or planting new seeds in GreenHab or having food together or getting prepared for the EVA. I believe every moment blessed one! Life is truly about enjoying the present moment with the people who deserve your presence!

This is Sonal Baberwal, HSO and Crew journalist reporting live from the upper deck of the Hab. Looking forward for the next day with lot of hope and enthusiasm.

Journalist Report – February 2nd

Crew204 Journalist Report 02-FEB-2019

Title: Robotic Manipulation
Author: Sonal Baberwal

In today’s world, robots seem to play an important role in our day to day life but the true fact is, for future Space exploration, the robotic technology will play a crucial role for enhancing the overall performance of the respective mission. The combined efforts of human-robot interaction is the new future! Robots are not living things but perform better than living beings in terms of precision and accuracy. We have already noticed the marvels of Space Robotics in the International Space Station or Planetary exploration in our solar system like rovers on Moon and Mars.

It has been a busy day where everyone had been involved in their individual research and responsibilities. From morning the crew had been working in different labs to collaborate their work like the Science, Engineering and the GreenHab.

Kunal Naik (Space Bot) had been busy disassembling and assembling the parts of the child rover to get it ready and operational for the EVA. The rover seems to be ready to crawl on the Martian terrains.

Commander was able to set up the Arduino system for the 3D printer in the morning. He has been experimenting with different soil samples while preparing different compositions from red soil, Hab garden soil and some Martian soil along with charcoal. His objective is to investigate the capacity of various soil combination that can possibly bring life in the new soil. He had also been busy working on setting up 3D printer’s mechanical assembly for his experiments.

Cosmos Patil had been working for continuous scheduled watering on grenhab plants and the sprouts he had planted.

This was followed by the EVA. the participants of the EVA today are Cosmos Patil and Kunal Naik. The had explored the white moon. They had an amazing experience while climbing white moon. A quick test of the child rover had been done and the major purpose was to take photos from child rover but had a system failure.

Kunal Naik has been working over the troubleshooting with the help of Sipna College of Engineering and Technology, India. Tomorrow will be a new day with the hope that our rover crawls one again!

Journalist Report – January 30th

30th January, 2019.
Sol 2:

Good Morning from Mars!

The Morning had never been so fascinating when you get an opportunity to observe a completely new horizon from a tiny window. It looks like the sun has spread his arms to hug the mountains and the mountains blush and become red! This is the Crew Journalist and Health and Safety Officer(HSO) Sonal Baberwal reporting live from the lower deck of the habitat observing the beauty of nature.

Preparing and serving powdered food in breakfast, are we really on Mars or on the preparation to be on Mars? What do you think does the powdered food taste like? Well, let me tell you there is an advancement. From the time where there was no flavour in the paste food served to astronauts till the time powdered food had got a great taste.

By the way, did I mention about preparation? Yes, we are preparing for bringing new life here on Mars. The tiny seeds are getting prepared for germination and see the Martian world around them. Looking forward to seeing the GreenHab officer and the crew trying some experiments with the soil in hope for the leaves of the plant to rise over this soil.

And the most awaiting moment comes here. The very first EVA experience, the very first experience to wear the spacesuit. I feel the words are becoming less to describe the emotions of having this experience and getting dressed. It feels more exciting than a bride getting dressed for her wedding!

We had 2 EVAs. Wait a minute, we had only one EVA planned, so where did a sudden EVA come from? Don’t you think it’s like a fairytale that you have been invited for an EVA on a special authorization by Mission Support for a special guest and photographer Mr. Jad Davenport. The first one was performed by Kunal (Space Bot) and Avishek (carbon flight) to an opportunity to participate in the photography session. This was followed by the EVA by Patil (cosmos) and Sonal (Mars bag) to collect soil samples.

The day went busy but awesome and with a lot of exciting activities. Looking forward to the new day with new hope! Stay connected with the Crew204 and we invite you to be the part of the mission towards the destination!

Sonal Baberwal, Crew 204 Journalist

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