Operations Report – November 27th

EVA #5 Report

Today our EVA was conducted out-of-sim, with the purpose of further testing our 3D scanning and imagery technology out on the field. Jordan, Ashton, Toruwa, Dean, and I took Deimos and three ATVs to Lith Canyon. We left the hab at approximately 12:20 PM. On the way, we stopped by the location where we obtained the specimens and return them as we found them before.

After spending some time there, we arrived to the Lith Canyon turnout by around 1:15 PM. We walked to the ridge overlooking the canyon and conducted our activities in this area. We stayed here until about 2:30 PM, and made our way back to the Hab by 3:10 PM.

Have a good night Mission Support!

Brandon Ferguson

EVA Officer

Operations Report – November 26th

Crew 183 Operations Report 26-11-2017

SOL: 4

Name of person filing report: Ashton Stoop

Non-nominal systems:


Notes on non-nominal systems:

Generator (hours run): 14

Solar— 75%

Diesel – 54%

Propane – 40% volume

Ethanol Free Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) – 8 gallons remaining

Water (trailer) – 0 gallons added to static

Water (static) – 300 gallons

Trailer to Static Pump used – No

Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used – yes

Water Meter: 44

Toilet tank emptied: Yes

ATV’s Used: N/A

Oil Added? No

ATV Fuel Used: 0

# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 0

Notes on ATVs: N/A

Deimos rover used: Yes

Hours: 1

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 95%

Currently charging: Yes

Sojourner rover used: ASSIGNED TO DIRECTOR


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging:

Spirit rover used: NO


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging:

Opportunity rover used: NO


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging:

Curiosity rover used: NO


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging:

HabCar used and why, where? NO

General notes and comments:

Summary of internet:

Every evening after dinner time it slows down a lot.

Summary of suits and radios:

A lot of the radios have been giving us issues. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t. It seems to be a bit random which is a problem when we are trusting them out on 3-hour EVAs. A few of the suits aren’t charging properly. One of the suits failed today during EVA and we had to rush back to the hab before a crew member’s suit was compromised.

Summary of Hab operations:

Things are operating smoothly.

Summary of GreenHab operations:

Everything is growing well.

Summary of ScienceDome operations:

Sedementation is progressing well.

Summary of RAMM operations:

Not used. It is not yet fully operational.

Summary of health and safety issues:

Waiting and Carbon monoxide detectors.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support:

-There definitely needs to be some further diagnostics performed on suits and radios.

Operations Report – November 25th

Crew 183 Operations Report 25-11-2017

SOL: 3

Name of person filing report: Ashton Stoop

Non-nominal systems:


Notes on non-nominal systems:

Generator (hours run): 12

Solar— 85%

Diesel – 60%

Propane – 41% volume

Ethanol Free Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) – 8 gallons remaining

Water (trailer) – 0 gallons added to static

Water (static) – 325 gallons

Trailer to Static Pump used – No

Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used – yes

Water Meter: 48

Toilet tank emptied: No

ATV’s Used: Honda, 350.1

Oil Added? No

ATV Fuel Used: 2 Gals

# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 1

Notes on ATVs: Everything ran smoothly today.

Deimos rover used: Yes

Hours: 1

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 95%

Currently charging: Yes

Sojourner rover used: ASSIGNED TO DIRECTOR


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging:

Spirit rover used: NO


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging:

Opportunity rover used: NO


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging:

Curiosity rover used: NO


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging:

HabCar used and why, where? NO

General notes and comments:

It’s hot in those EVA suits…

Summary of internet:

Every evening after dinner time it slows down a lot.

Summary of suits and radios:

There have been some issues with radios and headsets over the past few days. We will need to do a test and see which ones are working properly and which aren’t. Some of the EVA suits are having issues. Suit 4 only had one fan working and suit 1 wasn’t working at all. We will double check all the charges to see if that was an issue. One of the XLR cables isn’t working properly. We’re going to measure the current going through and give a more detailed diagnosis in the near future.

Summary of Hab operations:

Things are operating smoothly.

Summary of GreenHab operations:

Everything is growing well and grow lights are operational.

Summary of ScienceDome operations:

Sedementation tests are proceeding as planned. We received a new soil solidity device today.

Summary of RAMM operations:

Not used. It is not yet fully operational.

Summary of health and safety issues:

Waiting and Carbon monoxide detectors.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support:

-Things are going well overall.

Operations Report – November 24th

Crew 183 Operations Report 24-11-2017

SOL: 2

Name of person filing report: Ashton Stoop

Non-nominal systems:

Power system – SOC

Notes on non-nominal systems:

The power system calculates SOC based on an algorithm, it is not a measured value. This has been causing strange fluctuations on when reading the SOC.



6:32       61%

9:25       69%

10:11     100%

11:40     100%

16:10     88%

18:37     100%

Generator (hours run): 14

Solar— 100%

Diesel –  62%

Propane –  42% volume

Ethanol Free Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) –   0 gallons remaining

Water (trailer) – 100 gallons added to static

Water (static) –   325 gallons

Trailer to Static Pump used –  yes

Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used –  yes

Water Meter:  45

Toilet tank emptied: yes

ATV’s Used: Honda, 300, 350.1, 350.2

Oil Added? No

ATV Fuel Used:  5 Gals

# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 3

Notes on ATVs: ATV 350.1 had a bit of trouble starting up upon return from EVA. Once it got going everything seemed to be fine. We’ll keep an eye on this for the next few SOLs.

Deimos rover used:   Yes

Hours: 1

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 90%

Currently charging: Yes


Sojourner rover used:  ASSIGNED TO DIRECTOR


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging:



Spirit rover used:  NO


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging:



Opportunity rover used:  NO


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging:

Curiosity rover used:  NO


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging:

HabCar used and why, where? NO

General notes and comments:

The SOC readings seem off. Looking to further investigate this matter.

Summary of internet:

We hit our internet limit around 20:00.

Summary of suits and radios:

Not used

Summary of Hab operations:

Everything is in good shape. We had some bomb crab biscuits for dinner.

Summary of GreenHab operations:

A new lighting timer has been delivered and installed in the GreenHab.

Summary of ScienceDome operations:

New lights have been delivered. Tomorrow, we need to install lightbulbs and test.

Summary of RAMM operations:

Not used. It is not yet fully operational.

Summary of health and safety issues:

Four carbon monoxide detectors have been ordered.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support:

-Dear mission support, how exactly does the SOC reading on the power system operate? We have had fluctuations in the SOC readings which do not correlate closely with our estimated values of power generation and power consumption (Please refer to SOC Readings table above).

-We have no additional supply of gasoline for the ATVs. All that’s left is what’s in the vehicles. We need fuel ASAP!

Operations Report – November 23rd

Operations Report

Crew 183 Operations Report – 23 Nov 2017

SOL: 1

Name of person filing report:  Ashton Stoop

Non-nominal systems:

WATER HEATER: Water heater is still not installed. Hopefully this will be put into place soon.

Generator—  The generator has been turned on at 18:10.
















Diesel – 63 %

Oil Pressure: 47.5 PSI

Propane – 43% volume

Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) – 1 gallons.

Water (trailer) –  0 gallons

Water (static) – 40 gallons

Trailer to Static Pump used –   no

Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used –  yes

Water Meter:  47 gallons

Toilet tank emptied:  no

ATV’s Used: Yes

Oil Checked:  No

Atv Fuel Used Gals:  3  gallons

Tires Status: Perfect

# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 2 hours

Deimos used:  Yes

Hours: 0.5 hours

Beginning charge:  100%

Ending charge:  –

Currently charging: No

HabCar used? No

Notes and Comments:
The door to the Science Dome was not closing properly. The metal latch had been bent and was no longer sliding and latching the door. I was able to bend the metal back into place and the latch is now operational again.

We are having some issues with the power system. At 18:10 the SOC was at 62%. The generator was then turned on, but after 2.6 hours of using the generator, the SOC is still at 62%. My first thought is simply that it’s not reading correctly, but I am slightly concerned that it’s not charging properly.

Summary of GreenHab operations:

The GreenHab is looking in pretty good shape. There is a red wheelbarrow which has yet to be assembled. The axel is long enough to house the wheels, and all the parts are present, however there are protruding metal sleeves covering part of the axel. If this metal could be removed, then the wheels would easily slide on.

Summary of ScienceDome operations:


Summary of health and safety issues:

The carbon monoxide detector is not working, even with new batteries it won’t turn on.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support:

-We are going to need gasoline for the ATVs ASAP.

-We need to figure out this whole power system.

Operations Report – November 22nd

Crew 182+ Operations Report  22NOV2017

SOL: n/a

Name of person filing report: Shannon Rupert

Non-nominal systems: Lower deck wall heater is now operational, but
forced air furnace continues to alternate between warm and cool air.

I keep forgetting to report than the porthole came out of the main
airlock again.

Notes on non-nominal systems: nothing to report

Generator (hours run): Ran until 9 am, then off until 5:45 pm

Solar— SOC 97 % when generator was turned on

Diesel –  not checked %

Propane –  not checked psi.

Ethanol Free Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) –   0 gallons.

Water (trailer) –  0 gallons.

Water (static) –  350 gallons

Trailer to Static Pump used –  no

Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used –  not known

Water Meter:  not checked

Toilet tank emptied: Yesterday

ATV’s Used: (Honda, 300, 350.1, 350.2, 350.3) 350 s moved to their normal place

Oil Added? no

ATV Fuel Used:  not known Gals

# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 5 min

Notes on ATVs: The 300’s battery is low, did not jump today.

Deimos rover used:  yes


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: yes

Sojourner rover used:  ASSIGNED TO DIRECTOR, not yet ready


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: yes

Spirit rover used:  Not yet ready


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: no

Opportunity rover used:  not yet ready


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: no

Curiosity rover used:  no yet ready


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: no

HabCar used? Yes, hauled 100 gallons of water and emptied the 100
gallons Brandon got yesterday

General notes and comments: Cleaning day

Summary of internet: not known

Summary of suits:  I checked all of them today.  Two more chargers not
functional.  Unfortunately one of the helmets was cracked in such a
way that it will not be repairable.  Removed from service.  One of the
backpacks is missing one of the two straps that hold the collar on the

Summary of Hab operations: Brandon and I cleaned the Hab.  It took all
morning and then some.  Looking good now.

Summary of GreenHab operations:  Watered.  Used 4 gallons.  Removed
hose from frost free faucet.  Crews should get water from faucet
without hose from now until spring to prevent freeze up.  I’ve been
thinking I may get the 55 gallon drum from town to keep water in
inside the GreenHab.  It might also increase humidity, which seems to
stay around 16 %.

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Nothing to report.

Summary of RAMM operations:  Nothing to report.

Summary of health and safety issues:  We are safe and we are healthy.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support:  Nothing, thank you.

Operations Report – November 20th

Crew 182+ Operations Report  20NOV2017

SOL: n/a

Name of person filing report: Shannon Rupert

Non-nominal systems: same as yesterday, except the generator is
running well again

Notes on non-nominal systems:  Generator run all night last night, so
we don’t know if the last failure was due to the diesel or needing

Generator (hours run): 24

Solar— SOC 100 %

Diesel –  63 %

Propane –  not known psi.

Ethanol Free Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) –   0 gallons.

Water (trailer) –  0 gallons.

Water (static) –  150 gallons (Brandon is currently bringing 100
gallons but we will need to make a couple more trips tomorrow.

Trailer to Static Pump used –  no

Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used –  not known

Water Meter:  not checked

Toilet tank emptied: not that I know of

ATV’s Used: (Honda, 300, 350.1, 350.2, 350.3) All 5 were moved to make
space for the big equipment preparing for the RAMM’s arrival tomorrow

Oil Added? no

ATV Fuel Used:  0Gals

# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 5 min each

Notes on ATVs: The 300’s battery is low, will need to jump it tomorrow

Deimos rover used:  yes


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: yes

Sojourner rover used:  ASSIGNED TO DIRECTOR, not yet ready


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: yes

Spirit rover used:  Not yet ready


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: no

Opportunity rover used:  not yet ready


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: no

Curiosity rover used:  no yet ready


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: no

HabCar used? Yes

General notes and comments:  The new rovers need to be put together
and the seats modified (except for Sojourner).  Not yet started on
this project.  Will charge the other three tomorrow.

Summary of internet:  Internet was upgraded at Shannon’s, but the
phone does not work properly.  Internet seems as good as before it
went bad, but not blindingly faster even with the upgrade.  Wifi is
turned off to this service.  Hab internet is good.

Summary of suits:  n/a, not used

Summary of Hab operations: The forced air furnace is still
periodically blowing cold air.  Need to clean the filter tomorrow then
order some as soon as possible to see if that is the problem.

Summary of GreenHab operations:  I moved the beans to the wooden bench
and provided cages for their continued growth.  Other plants were
organized.  I prepped 10 pots for moringa seeds.  Ordered further
supplies: timer for lights, environmental monitor, herb and lettuce
seeds with planters

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Ordered two floor lamps for evening
light.  We will have to clean the lab tomorrow as it is not in
changeover condition.

Summary of RAMM operations:  The area was leveled and the swale was
dug so that water will go around the building during rain and runoff.
The RAMM left California this evening and will be onsite at 10 am.  It
will be lowered onto a railroad tie frame to keep it off the ground.

Summary of health and safety issues:  Nothing to report

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support:  Nothing, thank you.

Operations Report – November 19th

Crew 182+ Operations Report 19NOV2017

SOL: n/a

Name of person filing report: Shannon Rupert

Non-nominal systems: water heater, lower deck electrical outlets, one
suit charger, generator, Hab water system, front airlock window, top

Notes: Water heater needs to be replaced. It was supposed to be
replaced two Mondays ago, but when the contractor came to do it, the
crew did not open the door

Lower deck electrical outlets: Electrician is being hired to look at this.

Suit charger: Broken by crewmember. An additional three suit chargers
were not working when the suits were delivered. Contacting NorCal
regarding replacement.

Generator failed in the night. Believed to be low oil. Will monitor.

Last night when I went into the Hab, the water pump was running
non-stop and the system was empty. After I refilled the tank to ½ and
troubleshooted, I determined that someone just ran the system dry. I
reprimed the lines and the pump began functioning normally.

The front airlock windown came out this summer, and during the refit
and again the night before last. Need to find a way to secure it.

The new top hatch is not secure in high winds. Need to find a way to secure it.

Generator— Turned off yesterday am at 8 am, turned on last night at 6
pm, failed during the night, was restarted after adding oil at 7:45
am. SOC was at 61% so I’m going to let it run all day. We need to
replace the summer blend with a winter blend and we did not use the
amount of fuel we thought we would because the generator was out of
service all summer. Note: only use the generator specific oil.

Solar— SOC was at 61% this morning. Will monitor throughout the day.

Diesel – 65%

Propane – n/a psi. Amerigas was contacted and propane was ordered.

Ethanol Free Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) – 0 gallons. Note
this should be rewritten on the template as Ethanol Free gas. This is
the only gas that should go in the ATVs. It is only available at
Stan’s Chevron. In addition, the only oil that should go in the ATVs
is an ATV specialty oil.

Water (trailer) – 0 gallons.

Water (static) – ~ 200 gallons

Trailer to Static Pump used – no

Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used – yes

Water Meter: n/a

Toilet tank emptied: no (at least not by me)

ATV’s Used: All ATVs except the 300 were used today. All 5 have been
serviced and repaired for the season. The 300 still needs its parking
brake repaired, parts are on order. The 350s all have new seats so
none of the machines has a ripped seat. We will be using one today.

Oil Checked: no

Atv # Fuel Used Gals: Not none. We will go get gas toady.

Tires Status: Fine

# Hours the ATVs were Used today:

Deimos used: Yes

Hours: nor reported

Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: yes

HabCar used? Yes. We got one load of water in it today.

Notes and Comments: The four new rovers are charged but still need to
be put together and their seats modified. Progress will be reports as
I get to them.

We are using so much less water with the new toilet.

Summary of internet: Also needs to be added to template. Not sure
about Hab’s internet.

Summary of suits: This needs to be added to the template. All suits
are operational, 6 suits in EVA room. Two exploration suits in EVA
room, only one charger. Prototype exploration suit in EVA room. Two
exploration suits in Science Dome with no working chargers. I found a
bottle of soda lime on the stirrer in the lab and it was on. I turned
it off (hope it wasn’t Brandon’s, just thought about this).

Summary of Hab operations: Noted several failed systems and they are
noted above. The cement pad out the rear airlock needs some serious

Summary of GreenHab operations: Heating at 50 degrees F. It’s lovely
in there. Plants are looking good. Hose has a leak and freezes at
night. Needs to be modified to a very short hose that is taken in
every night or water taken directly from freeze free faucet. Crews
need to be sure they push the level all the way down and use it daily
to prevent freezing. Caution should be taken to not spill any water
on the ground as it will turn to dangerous ice,

Summary of ScienceDome operations: The lab is pretty much a mess.
Brandon is still doing his work, but lab will require cleaning before
next crew. Shop vac was not used nor put together.

Summary of health and safety issues: Still need alarms, will check to
be sure they were ordered.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: Please update
this template with the additions indicated. Thank you.

Operations Report – November 17th

Crew 182 Operations Report  17Nov2017

SOL: 14

Name of person filing report:  Carmen Atauconcha

Watching the beautiful hills on Mars, I truly could say that it has become my home. Mars with its mysterious shadows and shining soils has conquered my hearth.

This is my final engineering report:

Non-nominal systems:

WATER HEATER: The new water heater is not installed, yet. So, good luck to the next crew¡

CHARGERS OF THE SUITS: Two of the chargers are working, but we moved them and now it is hard for us to connect them, again.

THE DOOR AIRLOCK’S WINDOW: This day was very windy. I think Mars does not want to leave us. The fact is, because of the force of the wind the window went out. Now, it is secure inside the Hab, next to the astronaut costumes.

COMMUNICATION RADIOS: Three radios are not working. The first one because it is broke. The other two are not transmitting signal.


Generator—  It worked the whole night since 16:50pm of 16Nov2017 until 9:20 am of 17Nov2017.  Turn on at 17:00 pm 17Nov2017.  Operand.




9:20 am 100%
10:20 am 100%
11:20 am 100%
12:20 pm 99%
13:20 pm 95%
14:20 pm 91%
15:00 pm 89%
15:20 pm 85%
16:00 pm 83%
16:20 pm 81%
17:00 pm 76%


Diesel – 50 %

Propane – 49 psi

Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) –  2 ½ gallons.

Water (trailer) –  0 gallons

Water (static) – 300  gallons

Trailer to Static Pump used –   No

Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used –  yes

Water Meter:  60 gallons

Toilet tank emptied:  yes

ATV’s Used: Yes

Oil Checked:  Yes

Atv # Fuel Used Gals:  4  gallons

Tires Status: Perfect

# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 3 hours

Deimos used:  Yes

Hours: 3

Beginning charge:  – 15:40pm

Ending charge:  –

Currently charging: Yes
HabCar used? Yes

Notes and Comments:

There are no words to express our experience on Mars. Each day has formed our relationship between each crew as a family.  About Mars, what can I say? I am in love of it.


Summary of Hab Operations:
In the morning we covered the hole that is in the highest part of the roof. Thus, the wind moved the hollow coverage and it is open again. We will fix it tonight again.  The toilet is starting to smell better than it was in our firs days on Mars.

The Hab is cleaned and organized. Be careful with the secondary airlock because it is wonky.  The heater is working very well.  The area of the tools is organized, please keep it like that.

Summary of GreenHab operations:

The tools and equipments in the greenhouse are organized and cleaned.  Take care of the plants because they are growing.  The greenhouse is like the lung of the station.

Summary of ScienceDome operations:

It is necessary to install a lamp there. The autoclave and the rest of equipments are working very nicely. Be careful while you use the autoclave, please read the instructions in of the manual that is in that laboratory. Without science we won’t be on Mars.

Summary of health and safety issues:

It is hard to bring the food from the first floor of the Hab to the second floor. This fact is because the stairs are very steep. Thanks for the new stairs. Health and safety are first.

This experience has ended and my report, too. How the water moves on Earth, the time flies on Mars. We only have the hope to understand how the universe works. You will be always in my heart Mars.

Operations Report – November 16th

Crew 182 Operations Report  16Nov2017

SOL: 13

Name of person filing report:  Carmen Atauconcha

Non-nominal systems:

WATER HEATER: Finally, we found the problem. The new water heater is not installed, yet.

CHARGERS OF THE SUITS: Two of the chargers are working, but we moved them and now it is hard for us to connect them, again.


Generator—  It worked the whole night since 16:30pm of 15Nov2017 until 12:00 pm of 16Nov2017.  Turn on at 16:50 pm 16Nov2017.  Operand.




12:00 pm 100%
13:00 pm 98%
14:00 pm 91%
15:00 pm 84%
16:20 pm 80%
16:50 pm 75%


Diesel – 50 %

Propane – 49 psi

Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) –  2 ½ gallons.

Water (trailer) –  0 gallons

Water (static) – 300  gallons

Trailer to Static Pump used –   No

Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used –  yes

Water Meter:  60 gallons

Toilet tank emptied:  yes

ATV’s Used: No

Oil Checked:  No

Atv # Fuel Used Gals:  0  gallons

Tires Status: Perfect

# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 0 hours

Deimos used:  No

Hours: 0

Beginning charge:  –

Ending charge:  –

Currently charging: Yes
HabCar used? No

Notes and Comments:

I would call today, the day of cleaning. Everyone here is tired. Literally, we cleaned every hole here. There was too much dust. Today in the morning, the commander went to search transportation to return to the Earth.  We are sad to leave Mars, and at the same time, happy for returning at home.

From another hand, survivor man is coming. We are so excited¡


Summary of Hab Operations:
We cleaned the whole hab. We found, a couple of glasses and gloves, behind the area of the tools.

Summary of GreenHab operations:

We cleaned the greenhouse. We found too much dust. The two wheelbarrows are in the greenhouse, now.

Summary of ScienceDome operations:

The science dome is finally cleaned. In fact, we found tons of dust under the carpet.

We are using the lamps of the Hab, for the laboratory.

Summary of health and safety issues:

Now, we can say the station is in equilibrium with our health and safety.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support:

We need gasoline for the ATV’S, please. URGENT

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