HSO Beginning Of Mission Checklist- January 8th


Submitted by: Madelyn Hoying and Rebecca McCallin

Crew: 290

Date: 08 Jan 2024

Part 1: Using the attached Safety Equipment Inventory, locate, test and confirm operation of all safety equipment. List any equipment not found and/or missing: All components in order as listed in inventory.

Part 2: Locate and confirm the emergency escape routes in the Hab are functional and clear:

Emergency window
Commander’s window

Part Three:

Inventory First Aid kit and note what needs to be refilled: All first aid kits (science dome, hab, EVA) have complete kits according to their inventory lists. We will notify if any supplies are used for replacement.

Note any safety issues: None

Note any health/environmental issues: None

Note any missing or recommended health and safety supplies: We would recommend including a saline syringe in the EVA kit, in case wounds need flushed out in the field. Additionally, inclusion of field sutures can benefit more extreme trauma events both in the field and in the facilities, given the distance to advanced medical care.

Safety Equipment Inventory 2022-2023

HAB Upper deck HAB Lower deck RAM GreenHab ScienceDome Rovers
CO monitor X X X X X
Escape ladder X
Eyewash X
Fire blanket X X X
Fire extinguisher X X X X X
First Aid X X
Intercom X X X X
Nightlight X X
Propane alarm X X
Radios (Channels 10 and 22) X X X X X
Smoke alarm X X X X X
Tow rope X

Operations Report – January 8th

Crew 290 Operations Report 08-01-2023

SOL: 1

Name of person filing report: Anna Tretiakova

Non-nominal systems: none.

Notes on non-nominal systems: none.


Spirit rover used: Yes

Hours: 240.9

Beginning Charge: 100%

Ending Charge: 84%

Currently Charging: No

Opportunity rover used: Yes

Hours: 154.4

Beginning Charge: 100%

Ending Charge: 87%

Currently Charging: No

Curiosity rover used: No

Hours: (Before EVA)

Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)

Ending Charge: (After EVA and before recharging)

Currently Charging:

Perseverance rover used: No

Hours: (Before EVA)

Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)

Ending Charge: (After EVA and before recharging)

Currently Charging:

General Notes on Rovers: Rovers are fully functioning and are working well.

Summary of Hab Operations:

WATER USE: 5.5 gallons

Water (static tank): 424.5 gallons

Static tank pipe heater (on or off): on

Static tank heater (on or off): on

Toilet tank emptied: no

Summary of Internet: internet is nominal during times 18:00 to 22:00

Summary of Suits and Radios: Nominal. All suits are around 13.7V and all radios around 8.3V.

Summary of Greenhab Operations:

WATER USE: 5.9 gallons

Heater: on

Supplemental Light: off

Harvest: Not yet.

Summary of Science Dome Operations: Tried calibrating the pH meter and connecting the microscope to the laptop. The microscope is operational but the software on the computer needs to be updated.

Dual Split Heater or AC: On

Summary of RAM Operations: (Tools used, work done): The multimeter was used to test all the suits and radios. The multimeter was used to measure the

Summary of any observatory issues: Nominal

Summary of health and safety issues: All crew in good health and happy spirits. No safety issues.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support:

How often should the suits and radios be checked with a multimeter? Is this a daily task or more just a troubleshooting procedure?

Due to our crew not having an astronomer, does the crew engineer have to check the observatory or is this a non applicable situation? If yes, what deems it nominal?

Operations Report – January 9th

Crew 290 Operations Report 09-01-2023

SOL: 2

Name of person filing report: Anna Tretiakova

Non-nominal systems: Suit 8

Notes on non-nominal systems: More details in the “Summary of Suits and Radios” section of the report.


Spirit rover used: Yes

Hours: 241.0

Beginning Charge: 100

Ending Charge: 76%

Currently Charging: yes

Opportunity rover used: Yes

Hours: 154.5

Beginning Charge: 100

Ending Charge: 70%

Currently Charging: yes

Curiosity rover used: No

Hours: (Before EVA)

Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)

Ending Charge: (After EVA and before recharging)

Currently Charging:

Perseverance rover used: No

Hours: (Before EVA)

Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)

Ending Charge: (After EVA and before recharging)

Currently Charging:

General Notes on Rovers: Rear view mirrors on spirit and opportunity is very wobbly and violently shakes when the rover is driven.

Summary of Hab Operations:

WATER USE: 4.9 gallons

Water (static tank): 419.5 gallons

Static tank pipe heater (on or off): on

Static tank heater (on or off): on

Toilet tank emptied: no

Summary of Internet: internet is nominal during times 18:00 to 22:00

Summary of Suits and Radios: Radios nominal. All suits except suit 8 are nominal. The battery of suit 8 is 13.7 volts, but there seems to be a problem with the wiring. It is kinda different from the other suits but I cannot say for sure, because I did not want to take it apart completely. Is it possible to get a wiring diagram? It is also a possibility that one of the components is broken. I am unclear on one of the parts: the small black trapezoid with a lid. It is attached to the positive terminal of the battery.

Summary of Greenhab Operations:

WATER USE: 7 gallons 10oz for Greenhab and 2 gallons for the science dome.

Heater: on

Supplemental Light: off

Harvest: 23g of Dill

Summary of Science Dome Operations:

The pH sensor battle continued: the pregnancy test pH sensor had dead batteries, which were replaced but the sensor still could not calibrate. The pH sensor Thermo Scientific Orion Star A111 malfunction was determined to be a broken wire connection, which was attempted to be fixed unsuccessfully. Tonight during wifi hours, Dr. Tanyeri (crew 290 faculty advisor) will be consulted on this matter. The salinity sensor was tested and it is fully functioning. The salinity of the tap water is 0.4 and the salinity of the Martian soil is 10. This inspires to test the soil in the Greenhab for salinity.

Dual Split Heater or AC: On

Summary of RAM Operations: (Tools used, work done):

Multimeter was used to troubleshoot suit 8. Measuring tape was used to measure the water level. RAM was used as the airlock for EVA 3. Pliers and tweezers were used to attempt repair procedures on the pH sensor Orion Star A111.

Summary of any observatory issues: Nominal

Summary of health and safety issues:

All crew in good health and happy spirits. No safety issues. The kitchen stone and counter was cleaned with soap. The trash in the bathroom was emptied, marked with a “B” and put in the back door airlock. The toilet and sink were then thoroughly cleaned with the cleaning supplies available.

Health and safety note: Black lentils were moldy. This product was not brought in by the MDRS or Crew 290. The package was disposed of in the “NB” trash can. The package was sealed and no other food was contaminated.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support:

Should crew engineer do an EVA repair mission to the rovers and tighten the screws on the rear view mirrors?

What are the battery disposal procedures at MDRS?

May we please have the wiring diagram for the suits? (suit 8 specifically)

Any updates on Shannon’s pH sensor electrodes from the rock shop?

Operations Report – January 4th

SOL: 11
Name of person filing report: Nathan Bitner
Non-nominal systems: None
Notes on non-nominal systems: None
Spirit rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently Charging:
Opportunity Rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently Charging:
Curiosity Rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently Charging:
Perseverance Rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently Charging:
General notes on rovers: Rovers are functioning properly.
Summary of Hab operations:
WATER USE: 19.7 gallons
Water (static tank): 285.3 gallons
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): on
Static tank heater (on or off): on
Toilet tank emptied: no
Summary of internet: Internet is nominal
Summary of suits and radios: Suits and radios nominal.
Summary of Greenhab operations:
WATER USE: 5.4 gallons
Heater: on
Supplemental light: off
cilantro – 9 g
kale – 34 g
basil – 4 g
lettuce – 12 g
Summary of ScienceDome operations: Cleaned equipment and checked on experiments.
Dual split: Heat or AC: On
Summary of RAM operations: (Tools used, work done): No work done or tools used.
Summary of any observatory issues: All systems nominal
Summary of health and safety issues: None
Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: One bag of non burnable trash in the rear airlock.

Operations Report – January 5th

Crew 289 Operations Report 1-5-2024
SOL: 12

Name of person filing report: Nathan Bitner

Non-nominal systems: We now have two left latex gloves for dishing.

Notes on non-nominal systems: One glove had a finger torn off during dishes today, and another lost a thumb earlier in the mission.

Spirit rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently Charging:

Opportunity Rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently Charging:

Curiosity Rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently Charging:

Perseverance Rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently Charging:

General notes on rovers: Rovers are functioning properly.

Summary of Hab operations:
WATER USE: 16.3 gallons
Water (static tank): 267 gallons
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): on
Static tank heater (on or off): on
Toilet tank emptied: no

Summary of internet: Internet is nominal

Summary of suits and radios: Suits and radios nominal.

Summary of Greenhab operations:
WATER USE: 5.25 gallons
Heater: on
Supplemental light: off
Harvest: none

Summary of ScienceDome operations: One 100 mL beaker broken and cleaned, emptied hydroponics project, and used microscope for analyzing plant roots.

Dual split: Heat or AC: On

Summary of RAM operations: (Tools used, work done): All tools from hab returned, floors mopped and swept.

Summary of any observatory issues: All systems nominal

Summary of health and safety issues: None

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: Should EVA suit 10 be plugged in when we leave? It’s been on the bottom shelf of the one piece suit rack and wasn’t used during the mission.

Operations Report – January 3rd

Crew 289 Operations Report 1-3-2024
SOL: 10
Name of person filing report: Nathan Bitner
Non-nominal systems: None
Notes on non-nominal systems: None
Spirit rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently Charging:
Opportunity Rover used: Yes
Hours: 153.4
Beginning Charge: 100%
Ending Charge: 36%
Currently Charging: no
Curiosity Rover used: Yes
Hours: 262.7
Beginning Charge: 100%
Ending Charge: 25%
Currently Charging: no
Perseverance Rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently Charging:
General notes on rovers: Rovers are functioning properly.
Summary of Hab operations:
WATER USE: 13 gallons
Water (static tank): 305 gallons
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): on
Static tank heater (on or off): on
Toilet tank emptied: yes
Summary of internet: Internet is nominal
Summary of suits and radios: Suits and radios nominal.
Summary of Greenhab operations:
Heater: on
Supplemental light: off
cilantro – 16 g
Summary of ScienceDome operations: Weighed and labelled oyster samples.
Dual split: Heat or AC: On
Summary of RAM operations: (Tools used, work done): No work done or tools used.
Summary of any observatory issues: All systems nominal
Summary of health and safety issues: None
Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: None

Operations Report – January 2nd

SOL: 9
Name of person filing report: Nathan Bitner
Non-nominal systems: None
Notes on non-nominal systems: None
Spirit rover used: Yes
Hours: 240.2
Beginning Charge: 100%
Ending Charge: 37%
Currently Charging: No
Opportunity Rover used: Yes
Hours: 152.8
Beginning Charge: 100%
Ending Charge: 38%
Currently Charging: No
Curiosity Rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently Charging:
Perseverance Rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently Charging:
General notes on rovers: Rovers are functioning properly.
Summary of Hab operations:
WATER USE: 19.6 gallons
Water (static tank): 318 gallons
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): on
Static tank heater (on or off): on
Toilet tank emptied: no
Summary of internet: Internet is nominal
Summary of suits and radios: Suits and radios nominal.
Summary of Greenhab operations:
WATER USE: 6.1 gallons
Heater: on
Supplemental light: off
cilantro – 2 g
Summary of ScienceDome operations: Catalogued and dissolved samples using HCL.
Dual split: Heat or AC: On
Summary of RAM operations: (Tools used, work done): Conducted robot repairs and air quality monitor construction using solder and an iron.
Summary of any observatory issues: All systems nominal
Summary of health and safety issues: Not urgent, but fire extinguishers were last inspected January of 2023, so they expire this month.
Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: We have a bag of burnable and a bag of non-burnable trash in the rear airlock.

Operations Report – January 1st

Crew 289 Operations Report 1-1-2024
SOL: 8
Name of person filing report: Nathan Bitner
Non-nominal systems: None
Notes on non-nominal systems: None
Spirit rover used: Yes
Hours: 262.5
Beginning Charge: 100%
Ending Charge: 56%
Currently Charging: No
Opportunity Rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently Charging:
Curiosity Rover used: Yes
Hours: 240.0
Beginning Charge: 100%
Ending Charge: 57%
Currently Charging: No
Perseverance Rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently Charging:
General notes on rovers: Rovers are functioning properly.
Summary of Hab operations:
Water (static tank): 337.6
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): on
Static tank heater (on or off): on
Toilet tank emptied: no
Summary of internet: Internet is nominal
Summary of suits and radios: We replaced the battery in suit 2 from the cabinet and tested it inside the hab for an hour and a half, it seems to function nominally now, making all suits and radios nominal.
Summary of Greenhab operations:
Heater: on
Supplemental light: off
lettuce – 13g
kale – 53g
Summary of ScienceDome operations: Dissolved and catalogued sediment samples using HCL.
Dual split: Heat or AC: On
Summary of RAM operations: (Tools used, work done): Soldered wheel back onto robotics project after damage from testing.
Summary of any observatory issues: All systems nominal
Summary of health and safety issues: No health or safety issues
Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: None

Operations Report – December 31st

SOL: 7
Name of person filing report: Nathan Bitner
Non-nominal systems: None
Notes on non-nominal systems: None
Spirit rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently Charging:
Opportunity Rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently Charging:
Curiosity Rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently Charging:
Perseverance Rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently Charging:
General notes on rovers: Rovers are functioning properly.
Summary of Hab operations:
Water (static tank): 360.5
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): on
Static tank heater (on or off): on
Toilet tank emptied: no
Summary of internet: Internet is nominal
Summary of suits and radios: Suit 2 has had slight fogging issues during previous EVAs but voltages seemed alright when checked. After running for an hour inside the hab we found the battery discharged as normal for about an hour, then it rapidly dropped to about 5.4 V and the fan speed slowed down.
Summary of Greenhab operations:
Heater: on
Supplemental light: off
Harvest: None
Summary of ScienceDome operations: Dissolved and cataloged sediment samples using HCL.
Dual split: Heat or AC: On
Summary of RAM operations: (Tools used, work done): Used and then returned allen wrench pack for adjusting a bedroom stool.
Summary of any observatory issues: All systems nominal
Summary of health and safety issues: No health or safety issues
Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: None

Operations Report – December 30st

SOL: 6
Name of person filing report: Nathan Bitner
Non-nominal systems: None
Notes on non-nominal systems: None
Spirit rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently Charging:
Opportunity Rover used: Yes
Hours: 152.5
Beginning Charge: 100%
Ending Charge: 57%
Currently Charging: No
Curiosity Rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently Charging:
Perseverance Rover used: Yes
Hours: 281.5
Beginning Charge: 100%
Ending Charge: 49%
Currently Charging: No
General notes on rovers: Rovers are functioning properly.
Summary of Hab operations:
Water (static tank): 387.6
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): on
Static tank heater (on or off): on
Toilet tank emptied: yes
Summary of internet: Internet is nominal
Summary of suits and radios: Suits and radios nominal.
Summary of Greenhab operations:
Heater: on
Supplemental light: off
Basil – 1 g
Summary of ScienceDome operations: Turned off small fan for hydroponics project.
Dual split: Heat or AC: On
Summary of RAM operations: (Tools used, work done):No work done. Used measuring tape and meter stick during EVAs for recording robot distance travelled and sediment height respectively. Both later returned.
Summary of any observatory issues: All systems nominal
Summary of health and safety issues: No health or safety issues
Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: None

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