Operations Report – February 19th

Crew 275 Sol Summary Report 19Feb2023

Sol: 7

Summary Title: Winter is over, time for a Spring cleanup!

Author’s name: Jeremy Rabineau, Commander.

Mission Status: Nominal.

Sol Activity Summary:

Yesterday evening, we took some time to celebrate the end of this successful first week at the MDRS. This was a great bonding time with games, music, and even some dancing! In the morning, we all took part in a longer sport session and then enjoyed nice pancakes together. We could tell by the crewmembers’ faces that everyone was happy to take some time away from the stress of the operations and to talk about other things. We also took this opportunity to fully clean and tidy up the station. Only our GreenHab Officer could not take the opportunity to change his schedule too much: no Sundays for the plants! Our batteries are now fully charged to start Week 2 with a lot of energy (and we will need it!).

Look Ahead Plan:

Tomorrow, we would like to start the first photogrammetry EVA at North Ridge. The aim will be to use drones to take pictures of the area and to postprocess them using photogrammetry. Then we will have a 3D map that will allow us to: 1) Contextualize the collection of rock samples; 2) Evaluate the added value of such maps to ease the exploration during the next EVA in this same area. On our way to North Ridge, we also plan to do some final adjustments, change the batteries, and retrieve the data of the atmospheric instruments located close to Marble Ritual.
After interacting with the researchers responsible of the MegaAres instrument, we came up with a plan for the maintenance of the MegaAres antenna. It will require a day with two EVAs next week: a short EVA for the retrieval of the antenna in the morning, and a longer one to put it back in place and perform some tests in the afternoon.

Anomalies in work: None.

Weather: Sunny, low -9°C/15°F, high 4°C/39°F.

Crew Physical Status: Optimal.

EVA: None.

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, EVA Request, Operations Report, Journalist Report, GreenHab Report, HSO Report.

Support Requested: None.

Operations Report – February 18th

Crew 275 Operations Report 18Feb2023
SOL: 6

Name of person filing report: Quentin Royer
Non-nominal systems:
• Toilet
• Science Dome: 3 leaks in the walls – same as yesterday
• Propane Generator

Notes on non-nominal systems:
• Concerning toilet, see below in the last section.

Spirit rover used: No
• Hours: 209.0
• Beginning charge: 100%
• Ending charge: N/A
• Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: Yes
• Hours: 113.1
• Beginning charge: 100%
• Ending charge: 93%
• Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: No
• Hours: 220.9
• Beginning charge: 100%
• Ending charge: N/A
• Currently charging: Yes

Perseverance rover used: Yes
• Hours: 255.5
• Beginning charge: 100%
• Ending charge: 81%
• Currently charging: Yes

General notes on rovers: Rovers were used for today’s EVA. Some snow was removed from the seats of Perseverance.

Summary of Hab operations: The Crew prepared the EVA in the morning and performed routine operations and experiments. The Lower Deck heater was used all day. Temperature in the Lower Deck was at 72°F all day, and the temperature in the Lower Deck was comfortable
• WATER USE: 12.87 gallons
• Water: 383.67 gallons
• Static tank pipe heater: On
• Static tank heater: On
• Toilet tank emptied: No

Summary of internet: Hughes Net was used during the day before the opening of COMMS for email purposes, and Starlink (MDRSCampus-Guest) is used during COMMS.

Summary of suits and radios: Spacesuits 1, 2 and 3 were used today, nothing to report.

Summary of GreenHab operations: The Crew botanist conducted routine operations, and relocated two tomato crops which were on the upper storage.
• WATER USE: 12.68 gallons
• Heater: On
• Supplemental light: From 10:00 pm to 2:00 am
• Harvest: No

Summary of ScienceDome operations: The Commander and Crew Scientist tested some experimental protocols. The Crew Scientist used a microscope to test a protocol concerning rock samples.
• Dual split: Switched off during the night according to Mission Support

Summary of RAM operations: No operations were conducted in the RAM. We retrieved the 6 AAA batteries and the user manual of the oven.

Summary of any observatory issues: Nothing to report.

Summary of health and safety issues: Nothing to report.

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support:
• Greenhab radio: the volume of the channel 1 radio was very low. I conducted a check on this radio with the user manual, and the volume is still low. We decided to change radios between channel 1 and 22 in the Greenhab. Indeed, important communication among the Crew are transmitted on channel 1, and transmissions with Mission Support are always managed in the Hab and summarized on channel 1.
• Concerning the toilet, I have listed this system as non-nominal since the beginning of the mission because it was reported as so before. However, we have not experienced and bad smell since the beginning of the mission. Do you still need to change the toilet tank?
• We did not experience any failure for the propane generator, is it still considered as non-nominal?

Operations Report – February 17th

Crew 275 Operations Report 17Feb2023
SOL: 5

Name of person filing report: Quentin ROYER
Non-nominal systems:
• Toilet
• Science Dome: 3 leaks in the walls – same as yesterday
• Propane Generator

Notes on non-nominal systems:
• Propane generator: power outage from [unknown] to 5:32 am

Spirit rover used: No
• Hours: 209.0
• Beginning charge: 100%
• Ending charge: N/A
• Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: No
• Hours: 113.0
• Beginning charge: 100%
• Ending charge: N/A
• Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: No
• Hours: 220.9
• Beginning charge: 100%
• Ending charge: N/A
• Currently charging: Yes

Perseverance rover used: No
• Hours: 255.4
• Beginning charge: 100%
• Ending charge: N/A
• Currently charging: Yes

General notes on rovers: Today’s EVA was postponed for safety reason after the propane alarm in the morning, because the crewmembers were tired, and the Crew wanted to stay at the Hab to monitor any unexpected situation during the day. Indeed, crewmembers planned for this EVA included the Commander and the Crew Engineer.

Summary of Hab operations: Power outage in the morning (see below the section “Summary of health and safety issues”). The weather station which will be deployed during the next EVA was fully assembled and tested in the Lower Deck.
• WATER USE: 14.42 gallons
• Water: 396.54 gallons
• Static tank pipe heater: On
• Static tank heater: On
• Toilet tank emptied: No

Summary of internet: Hughes Net was used during the day before the opening of COMMS for email purposes, and Starlink (MDRSCampus-Guest) is used during COMMS.

Summary of suits and radios: Nothing to report as today’s EVA was postponed to another day.

Summary of GreenHab operations: The Crew botanist conducted routine operations.
• WATER USE: 7.39 gallons
• Heater: On
• Supplemental light: From 10:00 pm to 2:00 am
• Harvest: 4 g of basil – 3 g of thyme

Summary of ScienceDome operations: The Commander and Crew Scientist tested some experimental protocols.
• Dual split: Heat / From 10 pm to 7 am

Summary of RAM operations: The RAM was not used because of the freezing temperatures. There is no more whistling sound. There is no more leak.

Summary of any observatory issues: The robotic observatory was open until around 12:30.

Summary of health and safety issues:

At 5:27 am, the Commander woke up and detected that there was a power outage, and a very low temperature on the Upper and Lower Decks (56°F / 13°C on the Upper Deck, much less on the Lower Deck). He immediately notified Mission Support who promptly reacted. He also notified the Crewmembers to wear hot clothes and to stay in their rooms, where the temperature was warmer.

At 5:32 am, power came back in the main Hab, and propane detectors warmed up.

At 5:34 am, the Lower Deck propane detector’s alarm rang, announcing a “possible gas leak”. The Commander, the HSO and the Crew Engineer reacted to the emergency. The Commander notified Mission Support. The HSO and Crew Engineer went to the RAM to get the two gas detectors.

Back in the Hab, crewmembers began an inspection of the Lower Deck with the gas detectors.

At 5:39 am, the alarm stopped. Crew members continued to monitor the situation, and seek for a potential gas leak. As the temperature was very low, Mission Support instructed to Crew to switch on the Lower Deck heater. This took about 20 minutes, because the heater did not switch on before (there was no gas going out from the pipe, even though the valve was open).

We finally managed to switch on the heater, and Crew members rested before starting their daily activities at 6:45. A propane gas detector was left ON in the Lower Deck to monitor the situation. It ran out of battery around 2 hours later.

The yellow gas detector showed weird values: when the red gas detector was beeping, the yellow one still showed the same value of LEL (0 to 2%)
The heater was left on during most of the day, and the temperature was back to normal (72°F) at 10:57 am in the Upper Deck.

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support:
• The oven is working now. Same for the heater on the lower deck, after 20 minutes of trying to switch it on, it switched on
• Greenhab Radio on channel 1: the sound of the radio is very low, even though the volume is at MAX, it is hard to hear the person speaking, what can we do?
• Both gas detectors ran out of battery, each one work with 3 AAA batteries, and we have no more AAA batteries.

Operations Report – February 16th

Crew 275 Operations Report

16th Feb 2023
SOL: 4

Name of person filing report: Quentin ROYER
Non-nominal systems:
• Toilet
• RAM: 1 leak in the roof
• Science Dome: 3 leaks in the walls – same as yesterday
• Lower Deck carbon monoxide detector
• Propane Generator
• Oven: light of the oven non-working – heating does not seem to work either
• Spacesuit helmet
• Robotic observatory (potentially): it was opened for the whole day

Notes on non-nominal systems:
• Propane generator: power outage from 6:45 to 6:52
• Spacesuit Helmet: a zip tie is missing at the rear of one helmet, I can replace it with your permission

Spirit rover used: Yes
• Hours: 209.0
• Beginning charge: 100%
• Ending charge: 84%
• Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: No
• Hours: 113.0
• Beginning charge: 100%
• Ending charge: N/A
• Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: Yes
• Hours: 220.9
• Beginning charge: 100%
• Ending charge: 88% – Curiosity remained ON due to a crewmember’s mistake
• Currently charging: Yes

Perseverance rover used: No
• Hours: 255.4
• Beginning charge: 100%
• Ending charge: N/A
• Currently charging: Yes

General notes on rovers: Snow was removed from the rovers during the EVA, prior to departure. Curiosity remained ON after the EVA due to a crewmember’s mistake

Summary of Hab operations: Power outage from 6:45 am to 6:52 am, and the Crew reduced their energy consumption in the evening per the request of Mission Support. Routine operations were conducted at the RAM, and the Crew Engineer built the weather station which will be deployed during the next EVA.
• WATER USE: 13.39 gallons
• Water: 410.96 gallons
• Static tank pipe heater: On
• Static tank heater: On
• Toilet tank emptied: Yes

Summary of internet: Hughes Net was used during the day before the opening of COMMS for email purposes, and Starlink (MDRSCampus-Guest) is used during COMMS.

Summary of suits and radios: The radio slipped from a crewmember’s head at the very beginning of the EVA. The 3 crewmembers went back to the Hab after going through the repressurization protocol. The crewmember then wore a headband to keep the radio in place. The EVA could resume after the depressurization protocol, and Spacesuits and radios were nominal.
One helmet has a missing zip tie at its rear. I can replace it with your approval.

Summary of GreenHab operations: The Crew botanist conducted routine operations and relocated tomato plants.
• WATER USE: 12.16 gallons
• Heater: On
• Supplemental light: From 10:00 pm to 2:00 am
• Harvest: 57 g of beans

Summary of ScienceDome operations: The Commander and Crew Scientist tested some experimental protocols.
• Dual split: Heat / From 10 pm to 7 am – We suspect that the dual split did not work last night

Summary of RAM operations: The RAM was not used because of the freezing temperatures.

Summary of any observatory issues: The robotic observatory was open for the whole day.

Summary of health and safety issues: The lower deck carbon monoxide detector beeped 3 times, 3 times in a row at 21:50, it then stopped. There was a Fire Alarm in the Hab at 11:00, during the EVA. The alarm rang because the kitchen hood was not on MAX mode during cooking. The HabCom went down to the lower deck, and the EVA was not disrupted. The remaining crewmembers in the Hab managed the alarm.

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support: None

Operations Report – February 15th


Crew 275 Operations Report 15Feb2023
SOL: 3

Name of person filing report: Quentin ROYER
Non-nominal systems:
• Toilets
• RAM: 1 leak in the roof
• Science Dome: 3 leaks in the walls
• Science Dome: Heater possibly non-nominal during the night
• GreenHab: supplemental light

Notes on non-nominal systems:
• RAM: 1 leak in the roof, probably due to snow. There was no leak in the morning due to freezing temperatures, but this afternoon the bucket which had been placed under the leak was full and had to be replaced.
• Science Dome: As yesterday, 1 leak coming from the junction between the ground and the wall under the window. A small amount of water leaked from the outside and flowed into the Science Dome. The puddle was about 1 cm high, 5 cm wide, and 3 meters long at 3:00 pm, and is located close to an electric socket. As yesterday, 1 leak coming from the junction between the ground and the wall near the door. The puddle was about 0.5 cm high, 3 cm wide, and 70 cm long at 3:00 pm. This second puddle fully dried during the afternoon. A third leak appeared at the junction between the ground and the wall under the window, but in the right side of the window. At 5:00 pm, the puddle was about 0.5 cm high, 4 cm wide and 1.5 meters long, and it is located close to an electric socket.
• Science Dome: as per protocol of an experiment, the Crew Engineer placed an environmental sensor in the Science Dome, including a temperature sensor. A recording of the temperature was performed during the night, and it shows that the temperature decreased during the whole night. Therefore, we assume that the heater did not turn on properly. I can send you the graph of the temperature between 11:55 pm and 6:55 am if you need it.
• GreenHab: supplemental light did not switch on yesterday at 10:00 pm. The Crew Botanist went in the GreenHab to set up the timer at the right time (it was 10 to 15 minutes late).

Spirit rover used: No
• Hours: 208.9
• Beginning charge: 100%
• Ending charge: N/A
• Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: No
• Hours: 113.0
• Beginning charge: 100%
• Ending charge: N/A
• Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: No
• Hours: 220.8
• Beginning charge: 100%
• Ending charge: N/A
• Currently charging: Yes

Perseverance rover used: No
• Hours: 255.4
• Beginning charge: 100%
• Ending charge: N/A
• Currently charging: Yes

General notes on rovers: No EVA today – the rovers were not used.

Summary of Hab operations: The crew conducted routine activities, including rehearsal of instruments’ deployment.
• WATER USE: 15.96 gallons
• Water: 424.35 gallons
• Static tank pipe heater: On
• Static tank heater: On
• Toilet tank emptied: No

Summary of internet: Hughes Net was used during the day before the opening of COMMS for email purposes, and Starlink (MDRSCampus-Guest) is used during COMMS. Internet for the AI4U experiment (MDRSCampus) was tested today within the boundaries of the protocol of this experiment and is fully operational.

Summary of suits and radios: Spacesuits and radio were not used today, as there was no EVA.

Summary of GreenHab operations: The Crew botanist conducted routine operations and water tests within the protocol of the aquaponics experiment.
• WATER USE: 8.77 gallons
• Heater: On
• Supplemental light: From 10:15 pm to 2:00 am – Timer settings were changed back to nominal
• Harvest: 177 g of tomatoes – 1 g of lemon balm

Summary of ScienceDome operations: The Commander and Crew Scientist tested some experimental protocols.
• Dual split: Heat / From 10 pm to 7 am – We suspect that the dual split did not work this night

Summary of RAM operations: Trainings for the MegaAres experiment were performed. The Crew Engineer repaired a support arm used for the EchoFinder experiment. Environmental sensors were prepared for future deployment.

Summary of any observatory issues: Nothing to report.

Summary of health and safety issues: There was a small safety issue in the RAM using a welding iron. As the welding iron was still hot, it made contact with a small piece of aluminum which started to melt. The resulting hole is very small, about a centimeter in diameter. He reacted quickly by removing the welding iron when the first vapors arrived, and putting it in the RAM airlock. He contacted the Hab to inform us before turning on the supplemental ventilation of the RAM, as there was no immediate risk for his health.

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support: None

Operations Report – February 14th



Crew 275 Operations Report

14th Feb 2023

SOL: 2

Name of person filing report: Quentin ROYER
Non-nominal systems:
• Toilets
• Leftmost knob of stove
• RAM: 1 leak in the roof
• Science Dome: 2 leaks in the walls

Notes on non-nominal systems:
• Leftmost knob of stove: the knob was not working, so we removed it and used the 3D-printed one which is next to it. As we have a 3D-printer (we have not tried it yet), we might 3D-print a new knob before the end of the mission, with your approval.
• RAM: 1 leak in the roof, probably due to snow. There is approximately one drop every four seconds. We discovered the leak during the afternoon and have taken appropriate measures. We placed a bucket under the leak (at 4:20 pm), to collect the water. We removed every sensitive items from the ground and covered them with tarps. I took pictures of the current situation and can send them to you if that can help.
• Science Dome: 1 leak coming from the junction between the ground and the wall under the window. A small amount of water leaked from the outside and flowed into the Science Dome. The puddle was about 1 cm high, 5 cm wide, and 3 meters long at 5:00 pm, and is located close to an electric socket. 1 leak coming from the junction between the ground and the wall near the door. The puddle was about 0.5 cm high, 3 cm wide, and 70 cm long at 5:00 pm. This second puddle partially dried during the afternoon. I took pictures of the situation if you need.

Spirit rover used: No
• Hours: 208.9
• Beginning charge: 100%
• Ending charge: N/A
• Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: No
• Hours: 113.0
• Beginning charge: 100%
• Ending charge: N/A
• Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: No
• Hours: 220.8
• Beginning charge: 100%
• Ending charge: N/A
• Currently charging: Yes

Perseverance rover used: No
• Hours: 255.4
• Beginning charge: 100%
• Ending charge: N/A
• Currently charging: Yes

General notes on rovers: No EVA today – the rovers were not used.

Summary of Hab operations: The crew conducted routine activities including deployment of experiments.
• WATER USE: 18.07 gallons
• Water: 440.34 gallons
• Static tank pipe heater: On
• Static tank heater: On
• Toilet tank emptied: Yes

Summary of internet: Hughes Net was used during the day before the opening of COMMS for email purposes, and Starlink is used during COMMS. Environmental sensors were connected to Outpost 2g local network. We use the latter to have a communication between the sensors and a computer. No internet data should be used through this process, as we only use it locally.

Summary of suits and radios: Spacesuits were not used today, as there was no EVA. Spacesuit n°6 was repaired yesterday and is not considered as non-nominal anymore.

Summary of GreenHab operations: The Crew botanist set up the aquaponics system, harvested and watered the crops. He also seeded carrots.
• WATER USE: 14.25 gallons
• Heater: On
• Supplemental light: From 10 pm to 2 am
• Harvest: 166 g of carrots (without leaves, and 364 g with leaves) – 2 g of thyme

Summary of ScienceDome operations: The Commander and crew Scientist tested some experimental protocols, and observations were performed with regards to the leaks. An environmental sensor was placed on the table.
• Dual split: Heat / From 10 pm to 7 am

Summary of RAM operations: Crew Engineer and crew Astronomer trained to build the weather station which will be set up during an EVA later on. Countermeasures were taken with regard to the leak. RAM operations were suspended at 11 am because of the very cold conditions in the RAM.

Summary of any observatory issues: Nothing to report.

Summary of health and safety issues: A crew member slightly hurt their finger during routine operations.

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support:
• Does the astronomer have his own wifi network to plan the observations? If so, what are the login and password? If not, which wifi network should he use to plan observations?
• Would it be possible to have an extended use of the Starlink network? We have one experiment which will require a 24/7 access to a good internet connection. It will not use much data (we can monitor it with you on the first days, and reduce it if needed). Would it be possible to have a 24/7 access to Starlink? Again, we will not use it all the time, we will use it during random moments of the day.
• If the previous request is not possible, is it possible to have a supplemental access to Starlink between 2 pm and 5 pm?

Operations Report – February 13th



Crew 275 Operations Report 13Feb2023
SOL: 1

Name of person filing report: Quentin ROYER
Non-nominal systems:
• Toilets
• Upper Deck outside weather station
• Spacesuit n°6

Notes on non-nominal systems:
• Weather station: the screen is on, but does not display any value and says “configure wifi for more detailed forecast”, and there is a red cross on the WiFi logo at the bottom left of the screen. How can we fix this?
• Spacesuit n°6: the collar is linked to the backpack with the help of only one fixation, instead of two on the other suits. Therefore this suit was not used today. There is a spare collar in the shelf in the EVA preparation room, do we have the permission to repair the spacesuit with it?

Spirit rover used: Yes
• Hours: 208.9
• Beginning charge: 100%
• Ending charge: 91%
• Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: Yes
• Hours: 113.0
• Beginning charge: 100%
• Ending charge: 92%
• Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: Yes
• Hours: 220.8
• Beginning charge: 100%
• Ending charge: 92%
• Currently charging: Yes

Perseverance rover used: Yes
• Hours: 255.4
• Beginning charge: 100%
• Ending charge: 88%
• Currently charging: Yes

General notes on rovers: Spirit and Opportunity were used during the morning EVA. Perseverance and Curiosity were used during the afternoon EVA.

Summary of Hab operations: The crew finished settling in the Hab, conducted the two training EVAs and started to set up the first experiments. An inventory of food, hygiene and medication items was performed All operations were nominal.
• WATER USE: 26.24 gallons
• Water: 458.41 gallons
• Static tank pipe heater: On
• Static tank heater: On
• Toilet tank emptied: No

Summary of internet: No internet was used during the day before the opening of COMMS. We are using Hughes Net (Outpost 2g and Outpost 5g), and Starlink (MDRScampus-Guest).

Summary of suits and radios: Spacesuit n°6 is reported as non-nominal. The other suits are nominal. Radios were charged after the EA and are now all charged off-charger as the green-light was blinking. All radios were nominal.

Summary of GreenHab operations: The Crew botanist set up the aquarium for the aquaponics experiment. He then harvested tomato and basil.
• WATER USE: 21.78 gallons
• Heater: On
• Supplemental light: From 10 pm to 2 am
• Harvest: 223 g of tomato – 3 g of basil

Summary of Science Dome operations: An inventory was performed by the Crew Scientist.
• Dual split: Heat / From 10 pm to 7 am

Summary of RAM operations: An inventory was performed by the Crew Engineer.

Summary of any observatory issues: The Robotic Observatory was repaired and has been reported as operational by Mission Support. Operations are planned but the Crew astronomer for the next days, we will keep Mission support updated with regard to this.

Summary of health and safety issues: Small cut on the finger of a crew member.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support:
• Is it possible to reduce / cut the fan that supplies air in the Commander / Executive Officer’s rooms?
• Could you remind us of the internet networks we are allowed to use, and their availability time slots?
• How can we monitor our internet consumption on Hughes Net and Starlink?
• What is the limit of internet consumption each day / during the mission?
• Where is the charger for the power drill that is located in the RAM?

Operations Report – February 12th



Crew 275 Operations Report 12Feb2023
SOL: 0

Name of person filing report: Quentin ROYER
Non-nominal systems:
• Toilets
• MDRS Robotic observatory

Notes on non-nominal systems: As Crew 275 arrived today, non-nominal systems are the ones that were non-nominal for the previous crew.

Spirit rover used: Yes
• Hours: 208.9
• Beginning charge: 100%
• Ending charge: 91%
• Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: Yes
• Hours: 113.0
• Beginning charge: 100%
• Ending charge: 93%
• Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: Yes
• Hours: 220.8
• Beginning charge: 100%
• Ending charge: 91%
• Currently charging: Yes

Perseverance rover used: Yes
• Hours: 255.4
• Beginning charge: 100%
• Ending charge: 89%
• Currently charging: Yes

General notes on rovers: The 4 rovers were used out of sim for training

Summary of Hab operations: The crew arrived at 12:30 and Hab operations consisted only in training.
• WATER USE: 0 gallons before the opening of COMMS
• Water: 484.65 gallons
• Static tank pipe heater: On
• Static tank heater: On
• Toilet tank emptied: Yes

Summary of internet: Starlink was used today, we will switch to Hughes Net tomorrow

Summary of suits and radios: Nothing to report

Summary of GreenHab operations: No GreenHab operations
• WATER USE: 0 gallons
• Heater: On
• Supplemental light: From 10 pm to 2 am (according to Mission Support)
• Harvest: None

Summary of ScienceDome operations: No ScienceDome operations
• Dual split: Heat / From 10 pm to 7 am (according to Mission Support)

Summary of RAM operations: No RAM operations

Summary of any observatory issues: Robotic Observatory is closed until further notice

Summary of health and safety issues: Nothing to report

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: None

Operations Report – February 10th



Crew 274 Operations Report 2/10/2023

SOL: 12

Name of person filing report: Alexis Joseph Lojek

Non-nominal systems: Toilet. Robotic Observatory.

Notes on non-nominal systems: Mission Support will install a new toilet holding tank between crews. Robotic observatory is closed until further notice.


Spirit rover used: No

Hours: 208.8

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: No

Hours: 112.9

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: No

Hours: 220.7

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Perseverance rover used: No

Hours: 255.4

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

General notes on rovers: Rovers were cleaned by the crew today.

Summary of Hab operations: The habitat is in a nominal condition.

WATER USE: 52 gallons as of 6:56 pm

Water (static tank): 184 gallons remaining

Static tank pipe heater (On or off): On

Static tank heater (On or off): On

Toilet tank emptied: No

Summary of internet: Nominal

Summary of suits and radios: Suits are in nominal condition and charging. Radios were not used but are off chargers from yesterday. All conditions normal.

Summary of GreenHab operations: GHO Hines watered plants from 12:14 – 1:02 pm.

WATER USE: 14.79 gallons (Same as yesterday).

Heater: On

Supplemental light: 4 hours (10pm-2am)

Harvest: No.

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Science dome was cleaned today.

Dual split: On a timer from 10pm to 7am and under Mission Support supervision.

Summary of RAM operations: RAM was cleaned today.

Summary of any observatory issues: The MDRS Robotic Observatory is inoperable until further notice due to the mechanical issue described in Sol 9’s Operations report.

Summary of health and safety issues: N/A

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support: N/A

Operations Report – February 9th



Crew 274 Operations Report 2/9/2023

SOL: 11

Name of person filing report: Alexis Joseph Lojek

Non-nominal systems: Toilet. Robotic Observatory.

Notes on non-nominal systems: Mission Support will install a new toilet holding tank between crews. Robotic observatory is closed until further notice.


Spirit rover used: Yes

Hours: 208.8

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 53%

Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: Yes

Hours: 112.9

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 55%

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: No

Hours: 220.7

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

Perseverance rover used: No

Hours: 255.4

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: N/A

Currently charging: Yes

General notes on rovers: Rovers Spirit and Opportunity were used for the morning EVA and plugged in when they returned, as it was a cloudless day and before noon. Curiosity and Perseverance were not utilized.

Summary of Hab operations: Toilet tank was emptied this evening and habitat is in a nominal condition.

WATER USE: 42 gallons as of 6:50pm

Water (static tank): 236 gallons remaining

Static tank pipe heater (On or off): On

Static tank heater (On or off): On

Toilet tank emptied: Yes

Summary of internet: Nominal

Summary of suits and radios: Suits are in nominal condition and charging. Radios were charged after EVA today and are off chargers. All conditions normal.

Summary of GreenHab operations: GHO Hines watered plants from 12:39 – 1:04 pm.

WATER USE: 14.79 gallons

Heater: On

Supplemental light: 4 hours (10pm-2am)

Harvest: Yes; 86 grams of tomatoes. Total: 86 grams.

Summary of ScienceDome operations: GHO Tyler Hines’ experiment concluded today. The Microgreens were a “partial success” according to Hines, with cress being the most successful to germinate. The LDEF seeds – one that was previously noted as germinating on Sol 6 is still germinating, and will be preserved for future study. Th rest of the seeds that did not germinate will be discarded.

Dual split: On a timer from 10pm to 7am and under Mission Support supervision.

Summary of RAM operations: No operations were conducted in the RAM.

Summary of any observatory issues: The MDRS Robotic Observatory is inoperable until further notice due to the mechanical issue described in Sol 9’s Operations report.

Summary of health and safety issues: N/A

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support: N/A

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