Sol Summary – January 12th

Crew 290 Sol Summary Report 11-01-2024

Sol: 5

Summary Title: Signs of life

Author’s name: Madelyn Hoying

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

The day began with science, with Chopper (Rebecca), Roots (Anna), Freebee (Anja), and PODO (Nicole) working out the pH and microfluidics studies. The first signs of life were observed out of the microfluidic devices! Melon (Madelyn) laid out a checklist for sample site selection in the field to optimize EVA output. After a lunch of leftover risotto, the EVA crew of Melon, Freebee, and Roots, with Funk (Ben) on CAPCOM, ventured out for the furthest expedition yet with an ambitious goal to reach Lith Canyon. Unfortunately, the rover batteries reached their limit at about halfway, necessitating a turn-around point near Tharsis Montes. Two diverse sample sites were investigated, with one in a valley between two Morrison Formation hills and another in a dried riverbed heading east into the Tharsis Montes region. Field tests gave clear indications of microbial life at the riverbed site, so the crew is excited to begin lab testing and compare those results to the smectite regions! REMI had another solid day of data collection, managing to squeeze 10 sites into the EVA. Funk is cooking his own, specially-developed space food recipe tonight of chana aloo, and the crew is impatiently waiting for a taste test. With water usage still remarkably low post-shower, the crew is looking forward to showers after another long sample collection mission tomorrow.

Look Ahead Plan: Sample collection in the field and science!

Anomalies in work: none

Weather: Windy, but less so than Sol 4

Crew Physical Status: nominal

EVA: 05 engineering EVA, with Anja and Anna

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, EVA Report, EVA Request

Support Requested:

Trash pickup tonight in the rear airlock
There is an old handheld GPS that was found on the shelf with the walkie talkies in the ground floor of the Hab. Is there a charger for this? It ran out of battery in the field today.

Sol Summary – January 8th

Crew 290 Sol Summary Report 08-01-2024

Sol: 1

Summary Title: Jumping into Sim

Author’s name: Madelyn Hoying

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

We began by completing the required training to enter sim, with a few photo ops along the way. At around 13:30, the crew officially entered sim and began prepping for EVA 01. Madelyn, Anna, and Anja completed suit and comms checks ahead of schedule. On entering the airlock for depressurization, some comms issues caused a delay leading to re-pressurization and suit adjustments. The EVA then proceeded successfully, with the crew noting important changes that need to be made for future EVA success in scientific expeditions (including glove selection and headset placement). While the EVA crew was out, Becka, Ben, and Nicole shared CAPCOM duties and settled into their roles. Becka and Nicole worked to establish a microbiology lab in the Science Dome and managed to troubleshoot several equipment difficulties as they came up. Ben hydrated plants (along with trying some Grateful Dead music therapy on some less-than-stellar cucumbers), planned meals for our time on Mars, and cooked a very popular lunch of fried rice and leftover curry. The crew is planning to spend some time stargazing tonight if the weather allows, to check out the view of the constellations from the red planet!

Look Ahead Plan: Complete training EVA 02, conduct the first research EVA to collect GPR data, complete Science Dome setup

Anomalies in work: Finding Shannon’s pH meter

Weather: Cold and windy! Winds picked up by the end of EVA 01

Crew Physical Status: nominal

EVA: 01, Marblehead ritual completed with Madelyn, Anja, and Anna

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, EVA report, EVA Request(s)

Support Requested:

Assistance in locating Shannon’s pH meter, confirmed for use in the pre-mission research meeting – already addressed by Ben S. Thank you! Our crew is very grateful.
Does the laminar flow hood in the Science Dome have any time limitations for how long we can use it? We don’t plan on using it for over 3-4 hours at a time.
Additional botany guidance if possible – see Greenhab report for details

Sol Summary – January 9th

Crew 290 Sol Summary Report 09-01-2024

Sol: 2

Summary Title: Science not working out, but we are!

Author’s name: Madelyn Hoying

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

Today kicked off our schedule for exercise countermeasures, with the crew taking 1.5-hour blocks each day to complete a HIIT- and resistance-based workout plan. The first EVA kicked off smoothly with Rebecca, Ben, and Nicole completing the Marble Ritual excursion while Madelyn was CAPCOM, Anna evaluated an issue with Suit #8’s airflow, and Anja prepared REMI for operation. A slight contingency with Becka’s headset falling down on EVA 02 resulted in a much-preferred headset placement for Madelyn on EVA 03, resolving the comms difficulties faced in EVA 01. After a lunch of alfredo pasta prepared by Ben, EVA 03 served as a systems check of REMI to enable data collection in later excursions. Becka and Anna spent the afternoon troubleshooting the pH meter and other Science Dome equipment for Project MADMEN. Anja prepped a dinner of taco bowls (buddha-FULL buddha bowls, according to Anna) and the crew is preparing for a game night tonight, with a possible call sign ceremony. Stay tuned to see our call signs tomorrow!

Look Ahead Plan: pH meter solution, EVA 04 for REMI data collection and to begin sample collection for MADMEN

Anomalies in work: Some science hiccups along the way with pH meter functionality not established, and a solvable issue in REMI operations

Weather: Cloudy compared to yesterday’s clear skies, but warm enough for just two layers with the flight suits by EVA 03

Crew Physical Status: nominal

EVA: 02, Marble ritual completed with Becka, Ben, and Nicole; 03, REMI testing with Madelyn, and Anja

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, EVA Reports, EVA Request

Support Requested:

1. Are there any additional pH meters, or parts to fix Shannon’s? After troubleshooting, the crew is not able to get hers operational.

2. Crew changed the batteries on Shannon’s pH meter – what is the procedure for disposal of the 3V coin battery that was removed?

3. Wiring diagrams for the one-piece suits are requested, to check for a solution to suit #8’s lack of airflow (see ops report for more detail).

4. Would it be possible to build up a bit of dirt around the ramp out of the RAM airlock, so that the crew does not have to lift REMI over the lip each time? This could be done as an EVA task if needed.

Sol Summary – January 4th

Sol: 11
Summary Title: Sol Eleven: Wintry Heaven
Author’s Name: Adriana Brown
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Status:
Crew 289 began the final sol of their mission with a wintry surprise: snow on Mars! Even though this meant no EVA for today, the entire crew was delighted by the breathtaking scene outside of the Hab. Thus commenced a cozy day. Adriana spent some of the morning in the Science Dome packing up samples and checking on her drying sediment samples. Riya worked on her air quality sensor, and Eshaana got data from her mini farm’s solar panel. Thanks to Sara, the crew got some very official portraits taken in the lower deck and wrapped up the photography session with a tasty pasta featuring GreenHab veggies. As much of the crew has begun to wrap up their research today in preparation for tomorrow’s cleaning day, the afternoon was spent by crew members playing games, packing up their personal items and experiments, and talking through travel logistics back to Earth. Tonight, we are excited to eat a curry prepared by Eshaana, drink hot chocolate, and hopefully, stargaze.
Look Ahead Plan: Cleaning and acquiring vehicles from Grand Junction
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Snowy in morning, partly sunny in evening
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: None
Reports to be filed: Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Sol Summary, Astronomy Report, Photos
Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – January 5th

Sol: 12

Summary Title: Sol Twelve: Into Cleaning We Delve

Author’s Name: Aditya Arjun Anibha

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Status:

Crew 289 ended their simulation this morning. However, this did not mean respite as we worked to complete cleaning and packing responsibilities at the station. Adriana and Gabe travelled to Grand Junction to rent spacecraft (cars) for our return back to our respective destinations on Earth. Riya worked on her air quality sensor brought to life in the form of a lego mount called Russell (Gerald now has a friend!) and broke down her hydroponics and examined plants under a microscope. Eshaana collected the last portion of data from her mini agrivoltaics farm. Sara led the charge of cleaning the station and guided Eshaana, Nathan, Riya and Adi in ensuring a thorough job. We extracted a moment to boost morale by cooking soupy Indian Pink Pasta and Chai. With cleaning and packing complete, we look forward to dinner at a burger shack in Hanksville and potentially stargazing again to make the most of our last night at MDRS before we prepare to depart the next morning.

Look Ahead Plan: Crew departure and travel back to respective destinations

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Cloudy and windy throughout

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA: None

Reports to be filed: Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Sol Summary, Astronomy Report, Photos, Mission Summary, Final Research Report

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – January 3rd

Sol: 10
Summary Title: Sol Ten: "We go out of sim when?"
Author’s Name: Adriana Brown
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Status:
Sol 10 began with a quinoa based breakfast prepared by Sara. Fueled for the day, the EVA crew of Adriana, Eshaana, Riya, and Gabe set out on the rovers for a trip down south to White Rock Canyon. A new location for all, the crew explored the terrain with the specific focus of noting the presence or absence of the Gryphaea fossils characteristic of the Western Interior Seaway. The EVA crew was delighted when Gabe keenly spotted a small bed of oysters, which was reflected on the opposite side of the path as well. The EVA crew sampled 54 of the oysters and ventured farther into the canyon and back. All were in awe of the beautifully river-carved landscape and multicolored rocks scattered along the route.
Upon return, the crew sat down for a cheese and broccoli soup and homemade bread by Sara. Afterward, Riya went to the GreenHab to tend to the plants (including more baby tomatoes) and harvested cilantro, Nathan worked on his sensor code, Adi worked in the lower deck on E.L.F., Sara read through more material for her reporting project, and Adriana went to the Science Dome to clean and catalogue her new oyster samples. With the final sol approaching, the crew is working hard on their research to gather as much data before their return to Earth. These efforts will be rewarded by a tasty dinner of fried rice and some cozy camaraderie around the table.
Look Ahead Plan: Drone + robot testing EVA near the Hab (if weather permits)
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Cold and overcast
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: Exploratory geologic EVA #11 to White Rock Canyon
Reports to be filed: Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Sol Summary, Astronomy Report, Photos, EVA report, EVA Request
Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – January 2nd

Sol: 9
Summary Title: Sol Nine: E.L.F.’s Incline
Author’s Name: Adriana Brown
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Status:
Sol 9 was another productive sol for the team. After a breakfast of cereal and various dinner leftovers, our EVA crew consisting of Adi, Gabe, Sara, and Nathan set out at 11:00 AM to Candor Chasma. With them, the group carried our drone and Adi’s robot, E.L.F. While at Candor Chasma, they tested E.L.F.’s ability to climb slopes in the dynamic sandy and rocky terrain of the canyon. While our little friend performed gallantly, he will need a wheel repair before his final EVA. The team also conducted LiDAR using the drone (FLiDAR) and took many photos of the beautiful vistas.
During the EVA, Adriana worked in the Science Dome to set up new sediment carbonate experiments and Eshaana uploaded agrivoltaic data. Adriana, Riya, and Eshaana then teamed up for their own expedition: homemade tomato soup with cheesy biscuits. After several iterations of tasting and seasoning, they arrived at a concoction worthy of the hungry EVA crew. After the EVA, Nathan and Adi soldered in the RAM, Sara finished a main portion of her report coding project, Riya and Eshaana worked in the GreenHab to water plants and test a camera set up for the mini farm. Our GHO was very excited this morning to announce that we have baby tomatoes growing! While we might not be here to reap the bounty, it is exciting to know that some vegetable goodness awaits the next crew.
This evening, Eshaana is cooking up some tasty lentils while the crew works on report writing. The crew is starting to plan out their last few days on Mars research-wise, EVA-wise, and importantly, meal-wise!
Look Ahead Plan: Geologic EVA #11 to White Rock Canyon
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Sunny and clear
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: robotics EVA #10 to candor chasma
Reports to be filed: Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Sol Summary, Astronomy Report, Photos, EVA report
Support Requested: a refill on salt (if possible)

Sol Summary – January 1st

Sol: 8
Summary Title: Sol Eight: Kissing Camel Date
Author’s Name: Adriana Brown
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Status:
The Earth year 2024 began with a toast of sparkling juice in mugs after a midnight countdown. The crew then awoke to a gorgeously sunny morning on the Red Planet. We were treated to Adi’s poha and upma for breakfast which fueled the crew for a day of EVAs and research. Adriana checked on her sediment experiments afterward. The EVA crew set out at noon for a set of LiDAR scans. The first scan took place at our Home Sweet Hab. Under Riya’s careful guidance, Adriana, Eshaana, and Sara helped guide the camera around the MDRS campus to reproduce a high-resolution scan. Then, they boarded the rovers and drove southward to Kissing Camel Ridge to collect more LiDAR data (and some petrified wood).
At the Hab, Gabe, Nathan, and Adi were busy cheffing up a storm. The EVA crew returned to a wonderful carb-rich spread of macaroni and cheese, cheesy biscuits, roasted veggies, and mashed potatoes. Thanks, team! After lunch, the crew began the sequence of showers to kick off the New Year squeaky clean.
This evening, Adriana will be making some sort of dinner that utilizes a lot of kale (thanks, GHO!), Adi will work on E.L.F., Nathan will work on an airlock sensor, and Eshaana will download data from her mini farm. If time allows, we also hope to finish the second half of Lagaan. Here’s to 2024!
Look Ahead Plan: robotics EVA #10 to candor chasma
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Sunny and clear

Sol Summary – December 31st

Sol: 7
Summary Title: Sol Seven: Relaxation Heaven
Author’s Name: Adriana Brown
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Status:
Crew 289 ended 2023 with a rest day on Mars. With no alarms set, the crew enjoyed a brunch of crepes with various toppings. Soon after, some crew members returned for an early afternoon nap, or played Jenga, with some emerging victorious, and some not (sorry Riya and Eshaana). Then, the crew worked for a bit on research. Riya checked on her hydroponics set up, added more stakes to cucumber leaves, trimmed carrot plants, and treated the plants to some EDM. Adriana relabelled all of the sediment samples catalogued yesterday with the correct stratigraphic heights, Nathan worked on the air quality and air lock sensors and figured out a battery problem with one of the suits. Besides research, the crew also worked on jamming to some music, a Martian themed puzzle, and a special New Years Eve dinner: layered biryani courtesy of Eshaana and Adi. Tonight, the crew is also planning to make some brownies as a treat to usher in the New Year and watch Lagaan, a Bollywood movie downloaded by Adi. Happy New Years from Crew 289 to all our friends at Mission Support and on Earth!
Look Ahead Plan: LiDAR scanning EVA #9 to Kissing Camel Ridge
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: sunny and clear
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: none
Reports to be filed: Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Sol Summary, Astronomy Report, Photos
Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – December 30st

Sol: 6
Summary Title: Sol Six: Robot Tricks and a Sediment Mix
Author’s Name: Adriana Brown
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Status:
Sol 6 began with the crew chipping away at the vat of oatmeal from yesterday morning’s breakfast. Soon after, the first EVA crew of the day, Adi (SCI), Sara (XO), and Nathan (ENG) suited up for a brisk 9:30 AM departure to Cowboy Corner. This EVA was an important one; the objective was to test the performance of E.L.F. As one may recall from earlier reports, E.L.F stands for Electronic LeapFrog. As such, the ability of E.L.F to maneuver over rough terrain was tested. We are happy to report that our little robot friend was able to navigate the rocky terrain, but future tests on jumping and crawling will be required.
45 minutes after the first EVA crew returned, the second EVA crew consisting of Adriana (CO), Eshaana (GEO), Gabe (HSO), and Riya (GHO) set out at noon to a familiar field site: Hab Ridge. At Hab Ridge, two sites were selected to bulk sample a stratigraphic section. The first section was at the base of Hab Ridge where the team, broken into two pairs, collected 45 samples over 75 feet of section. Moving farther up path 1103, the team found a second section to sample, where they collected 48 samples over a 93 foot section. Adriana will use these samples to test weight percent carbonate in the different strata and, back on Earth, run them for carbon isotopes as a proxy for oxygenation in seawater. Their sediment-sampling-efforts (a.k.a. a lot of crawling around in the dirt) were much appreciated by Adriana. Thanks, team!
The thoroughly-chilled EVA crew returned at 2:30 PM to the warm and cozy Hab where their crewmates had prepared some delicious black bean burger nuggets, expertly seasoned mashed potatoes (great job, Adi!), and leftover enchiladas. After a hearty lunch, much of the crew retired for short naps and to their various workstations. As we enjoy our sixth evening on the Red Planet, the crew is looking forward to Sara’s savory tomato basil pancakes and, most of all, sleeping in on our rest day tomorrow!
Look Ahead Plan: No EVAs tomorrow, Sunday will be used as a rest day
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: cold and cloudy with some sparse sun early in the morning
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: EVA #7 to test robotic capabilities and EVA #8 to sample two measured sections on Hab Ridge
Reports to be filed: Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Sol Summary, Astronomy Report, Photos, EVA report, Mid-Mission Summary
Support Requested: None

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