Sol Summary Report – February 10th



Crew 274 Sol Summary Report 02-10-2023

Sol: 12

Summary Title: Preparations for Egress

Author’s name: Nicholas S. Pender (“X-Man”), HSO

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: The crew began their day conducting their daily surveys and finishing up their entries for the Final Mission Summary Report. The crew also took time today to clean all habitat spaces in preparation for tomorrow’s egress. At 2:00 PM the crew finished simulation and were cleared to exit the habitat to clean the rovers. They also took this time to start loading research equipment in their private vehicles. At 5:00 PM the crew gathered for group photos at the front of the habitat. This evening the crew participated in one last mediation session for Engineer Lojek’s research project.

Look Ahead Plan: The crew is making final preparations for egress tomorrow morning.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny, 5C High, -9C Low; sunny

Crew Physical Status: Healthy

EVA: None

Reports to be filed: Final Mission Summary Report, Sol Summary Report, Operations Report, GHO Report, and Astronomy Report.

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary Report – February 9th



Crew 274 Sol Summary Report 02-09-2023

Sol: 11

Summary Title: Finale

Author’s name: Sarah E. Guthrie (“Ceres”), Commander

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: As the crew closes up research projects for this mission, they completed the last EVA this morning. Two teams retrieved the logistics cache which rested for a week in the “Martian” desert. The Greenhab Officer Tyler gathered a few more fresh tomatoes to add to the crew’s dinner and Crew Journalist DiBernardo wraps up final documentary videos and interviews of the crew. Astronomers Pena and Loy captured massive promenices and large sunspot groupings from the solar telescope bringing an exciting end to their projects.

Look Ahead Plan: The crew prepares for wrapping up its first mission at the Mars Desert Research Station with final reports, cleaning, and spending their last night together.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny, 0C High, -8C Low; sunny

Crew Physical Status: Energetic

EVA: EVA #12, retrieval of the cache completed – successful

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Operations, EVA Report, GHO Report, and Astronomy Report.

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary Report – February 8th



Crew 274 Sol Summary Report 02-08-2023

Sol: 10

Summary Title: Save KURT

Author’s name: Sarah E. Guthrie (“Ceres”), Commander

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: Two EVAs were completed with the remaining crew members for the rescue study utilizing the specialized rescue vest and medical sled for extracting incapacitated astronauts from the surface in locations not easily accessible by rovers, with special consideration for suit design. HSO Pender’s extra cache supplies at the Habitat (base supply) came in handy for the EVA crew as they were able to utilize the hydration packs for the strenuous EVAs today. Hab Specialist O’Hara continues his evaluation of habitats for this post-doctoral study and for Blue Origin. GHO Hines is monitoring the germination of the ldEF seeds which have surprisingly germinated after being exposed to the cosmic radiation of space for six years. Astronomers Pena and Loy are finally collecting night sky images of their HADS variable star after the NEW Mexico site was down for snowy weather. The crew looks forward to the last days of the mission.

Look Ahead Plan: The crew is closing up projects as this mission comes to a close and retrieving the cache on the last EVA of this mission (approval pending).

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny, 0C High, -3C Low; sunny

Crew Physical Status: Optimal

EVA: EVA #10 & 11 completed – successful

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Operations, EVA Request, EVA Report, GHO Report, and Astronomy Report.

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary Report – February 7th

Crew 274 Sol Summary Report 02-07-2023

Sol: 9

Summary Title: Sunspots, Rescues, and Focused Breathing

Author’s name: Sarah E. Guthrie (“Ceres”), Commander

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: The crew performed the first in a series of rigorous EVAs which evaluate the use of rescue of a vest which hopes to assist lifting an incapacitated astronaut from the surface. The vest was engineered with multiple lift points for the ease of a one person rescue or two-member team. Additionally, the test uses a medical sled to transport the incapacitated astronaut of various terrain. The astronomy team captured amazing solar images with dozens of sunspots and prominences, unfortunately mechanical failure has closed the remote telescope for night time observations at MDRS leaving the team to use a different remote telescope located in New Mexico. As noted, this crew is particularly larger with 8 members and Mission Support kindly supported the team with an additional replenishment of water. Starting on Sol 7, the crew will continue to meditate in the evenings as part of Engineer Lojek’s study which hopes to reduce stress in high stress moments.

Look Ahead Plan: The crew looks forward two completing more rescue EVAs in the final days of this mission(pending approval).

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny, 1C High, -3C Low; Sunny

Crew Physical Status: Energized

EVA: EVA #9 completed for incapacitation rescue – successful

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Operations, EVA Request, EVA Report, GHO Report, and Astronomy Report.

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary Report – February 6th

Crew 274 Sol Summary Report 02-06-2023

Sol: 8

Summary Title: Public Outreach Day

Author’s name: Sarah E. Guthrie (“Ceres”), Commander

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: The crew hosted a public outreach day with multiple briefings that filled the day. The crew completed sessions with elementary and middle schools from the Dakota Nation and Maryland, SpaceX, Civil Air Patrol, university leadership, families, friends, and colleagues. The crew completed surveys and prepared for possible EVA tomorrow.

Look Ahead Plan: The crew looks forward to the emergency rescue of KURT and the assessing the cache system (pending approval).

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny, 1C High, -6C Low; partly sunny, windy (16 mph)evening clouds

Crew Physical Status: Excited

EVA: EVA #6 completed for logistics cache assessment – successful

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Operations, EVA Request, GHO Report, and Astronomy Report.

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary Report – February 5th

Crew 274 Sol Summary Report 02-03-2023

Sol: 7

Summary Title: Logistics Drop Successful

Author’s name: Sarah E. Guthrie (“Ceres”), Commander

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: The crew completed EVA #7 which was a complex logistics cache scenario which involved the assessment of using the cache on a 3-hr hike for emergency rations. The test was a success and the crew was ecstatic with the results. While the research is in its first stages, the proof of concept leads to exciting larger applications for Lunar and Martian operations. The astronomy crew processed solar images earlier today, unfortunately the overcast that rolled in the evening has blocked night sky observations again. The crew closed the evening with debriefs, surveys, and prepped for the public outreach day scheduled for Monday (Sol 8).

Look Ahead Plan: The crew looks forward to its public outreach day tomorrow and speaking with elementary and middle school students, families, friends, and colleagues who have supported this mission and made it possible.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: 3C High, -3C Low; Sunny until the evening, currently raining with 15mph winds

Crew Physical Status: Optimal

EVA: EVA #7 completed for logistics cache emergency scenario – successful

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Operations, HSO Report, EVA Report, GHO Report, and Astronomy Report.

Support Requested: Use of the MDRS Starlink to boost the signal for the public outreach event.

Sol Summary Report – February 4th

Crew 274 Sol Summary Report 02-04-2023

Sol: 6

Summary Title: Cache Assessment, Green Beans, and Alien Spaceships?

Author’s name: Sarah E. Guthrie (“Ceres”), Commander

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: The crew completed EVA #6 which was an assessment of the logistics cache performance overnight. The cache box (EEVAC-1) was able to maintain power and temperature successfully. The crew also took measurements of the oranges which was a community submission from a 2nd grader to explore the effects of fruit on Mars. The fruit seems unphased by the Martian elements through the protection of the cache. The crew enjoyed a “feast” of greenhouse harvest at dinner which brought a pleasant tone to the meal with fresh green beans (approx. 67) and cherry tomatoes (29). Tonight is the first day of the mediation and focused breathing study, which will be after reports are filed. The astronomy team captured several massive prominences, sun spots, granules, and solar flares. While reviewing the footage, the crew noticed a small speck flying across the Sun’s image. While it is not known yet what the fast moving object was, it was exciting and captured the crew’s imagination. Aliens?

Look Ahead Plan: The crew looks forward to the emergency scenario exercise of the cache system (pending approval).

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny, 1C High, -5C Low; Sunny, evening clouds

Crew Physical Status: Excellent

EVA: EVA #6 completed for logistics cache assessment – successful

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Operations, EVA Request, EVA Report, GHO Report, and Astronomy Report.

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary Report – February 3th

Crew 274 Sol Summary Report 02-03-2023

Sol: 5

Summary Title: Logistics Cache Placement, Movie Magic, and Solar Sky

Author’s name: Sarah E. Guthrie (“Ceres”), Commander

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: The crew was able to finally execute an EVA today. The EVA’s purpose was to place the logistics cache in a strategic location for future EVA studies. Navigating the terrain, range placement, and ensuring safety played a large part in preparing for this specific study. Tomorrow, the crew will inspect the cache’s performance overnight which is powered by solar and a small battery. Throughout the mission, the crew journalist has been heavily photographing and documenting the many science projects performed by Crew 274. Each morning the crew wakes up to a personal message left by a loved one or a member of the university and a song to start the day. Journalist DiBernardo tirelessly serves the crew not just as a member but meticulously captures little moments, smiles, laughs, and success. We thank Tony “Ironman” for all his efforts. The astronomy team successfully captured over 10,000 solar images and 180 night sky images after a series of technical issues.

Look Ahead Plan: The crew looks forward to possible cache EVA deployment and new solar images from the astronomy crew (fingers crossed).

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny, 0C High, -5C Low; Sunny, evening clouds

Crew Physical Status: Energetic

EVA: EVA #5 completed for logistics cache placement – successful

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Operations, EVA Request, HSO, GHO Report, and Astronomy Report.

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary Report – February 2th

Crew 274 Sol Summary Report 02-02-2023

Sol: 4

Summary Title: Holding Pattern

Author’s name: Sarah E. Guthrie (“Ceres”), Commander

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: The day was spent in a holding pattern. Before the crew was able to egress the habitat for EVA today, it was terminated by Mission Control. Therefore the crew spent the day rewriting their EVA proposal for the logistics cache research project, which is an intense study that requires meticulous efforts to plan and prepare for in order to execute. The MDRS Robotic Telescope is still malfunctioning and (again) did not take any photos despite following the troubleshooting guidance provided. The Greenhouse is lush and full of life, it’s a peaceful oasis for those who want to take in sunshine and smell the greenery. As a large crew of eight members (seven men, two women) living in close quarters has been an enjoyable experience and despite being unable to complete several science projects morale is still HIGH, and the crew is full of laughs.

Look Ahead Plan: The crew looks forward to possible cache EVA deployment and new solar images from the astronomy crew (fingers crossed).

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny, -4C High, -7C Low

Crew Physical Status: Average

EVA: None

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Operations, EVA Request, HSO, GHO Report, and Astronomy Report.

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary Report – February 1th

Crew 274 Sol Summary Report 02-01-2023

Sol: 3

Summary Title: Solar Phenomena

Author’s name: Sarah E. Guthrie (“Ceres”), Commander

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: The crew did not perform any EVAs today. The day was used to plan out the logistics cache study, opening the solar telescope, harvesting green beans, tomatoes, and herbs. The crew also used the day to clean the mud from the lower deck, vacuum the crew quarters, and clean the bathroom. The solar study was a massive success. Crew Astronomers Loy and Pena captured 70,000 images. The images showed sunspots, prominences, and granules.

Look Ahead Plan: The crew looks forward to possible cache EVA deployment and new solar images from the astronomy crew.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny, -2C High, -9C Low

Crew Physical Status: Satisfactory

EVA: None

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Operations, EVA Request, HSO, GHO Report, and Astronomy Report.

Support Requested: None

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