Sol Summary April 12th

Crew 245 Sol Summary Report 12-04-2022
SOL: 2
Summary Title: Finally on Mars!
Author’s name: Paolo Guardabasso

Mission status: From today we are finally on Mars, and several experiments are ongoing.

Sol Activity Summary: Today the weather was more favourable, and the crew was able to perform the first EVA in the morning. After lunch, we had to break sim to retrieve some cargo in town. In the afternoon, we dedicated some time to process wearable sensors data from the EVA and kick-off the Astroskin experiment (continuous monitoring). We were also able to take the picture with the Yuri’s banner, which was the first time the whole crew was in a picture.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow morning 3 crew members will perform an EVA to collect some samples, while the rest of the crew will assemble the satellite ground station. One member will have to briefly break sim to retrieve cargo in town. In the afternoon, we’ll do an EVA to complete (hopefully) the exterior assembly of the ground station.

Anomalies in work: We had to cancel the afternoon EVA because of cargo arriving in town.

Weather: Today it was less windy than yesterday, but it is getting also colder. Temperature 1 (low) and 8 (high), Wind speed 43 (avg) and 53 (max)

Crew Physical Status: All nominal, but a bit cold because of the broken heater.

EVA: First EVA performed in the morning, all nominal.

Reports to be filled:
– HSO report
– Operation report
– Journalist
– Picture of the day
– Some pictures
– EVA request (2)
– EVA report (2)

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – April 11th

Crew 245 Sol Summary Report 11-04-2022
SOL: 1
Summary Title: A windy situation
Author’s name: Paolo Guardabasso

Mission status: Sim has been delayed all day waiting for favourable conditions for the unsuited rover training that did not yet happen. We decided to start sim tomorrow morning.

Sol Activity Summary: The crew performed EVA suit training and tested the SMOPS flight suits and boots. The first meal at the station was prepared (no insects were hurt in the process). The afternoon was dedicated to some repairs, checking EVA suits, inventory and experiment preparation. Because of the high wind, it was not possible to go out and perform the rover training. Around the start of CapCom the front door was opened by the wind and slammed, breaking the wooden rail of the stairs.

Look Ahead Plan: Later we might attempt to repair the stairs, or more likely in a future EVA. Tomorrow morning we will officially start sim in the morning. Some cargo is still on route, hence 2 members will have to break sim during the day to retrieve it in Hanksville. Hopefully we’ll perform 2 EVAs in the day.

Anomalies in work: High wind delayed the taking of a group picture (also that with the banner) and rover training.

Weather: High winds, average speed 45 kmh and with a maximum of 75 kmh.

Crew Physical Status: All nominal.

EVA: No suited EVAs performed.

Reports to be filled:
– Mission plan
– HSO report
– Operation report
– Journalist report
– Picture of the day
– Some pictures
– EVA request (2)

Support Requested: We need the Yuri’s banner to take a picture tomorrow in EVA.

Sol Summary – April 8th

Crew 227 Sol Summary Report 08-04-22

Sol: 12

Summary Title: End of a successful tour for the Tharsis crew

Author’s name: Jean Jacobs (XO)

Mission Status: Heartbreak for the crew as the end of tour arrives. A last EVA for some of the members to lift their spirits. The HAB is getting ready for the next crew.

Sol activity summary:

08:00 Breakfast

09:00 EVA to Candor Chasma + cleaning of the HAB

14:00 Lunch and end of simulation

19:00 Capcom

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny day

Crew Physical Status: Crew is in shape

EVA: EVA to Candor Chasma for data gathering

Support Requested: None at this time

Crew 227 Sol Summary April 5th

Crew 227 Sol Summary Report 05/04/22
Sol: 9

Summary Title: Power outage freezes afternoon activity.

Author’s name: Jean Jacobs (XO)

Mission Status: After a successful EVA, the crew went on to complete its afternoon activities. A power outage derailed the plans without consequences.

Sol activity summary:
08:00 Breakfast
09:00 EVA start
12:00 Second part of EVA leg fixing
14:00 Lunch
15:00 Coding for data analysis and plants measurement
18:00 Report redaction
19:00 Capcom
21:00 Dinner

Anomalies in work: 2h30 of power outage. Recovered at 19h15.

Weather: Sunny, windy day

Crew Physical Status: Crew is in shape

EVA: 1st part of EVA: measurement of dielectric of soil properties using the antenna mounted on Perseverance. Exploring of the zone D around Brahe Hwy. EVA finished by a broken leg fixing drill.

Reports to be filed:
– Crew commander
– Operation report
– Astronomer
– GreenHab officer
– Journalist
– Picture of the day
– Some pictures
– EVA request
– EVA summary

Support Requested: None at this time

Sol Summary – April 4th

Crew 227 Sol Summary Report 04/04/22
Sol: 8

Hello Capcom,

Thank you for reading us!

Summary Title: First of 3 leg repairing EVA proved to be tricky, good food for the morale.

Author’s name: Jean Jacobs (XO)

Mission Status: Wonderful news coming from the drone images. Good management of food reserves means a comfortable end of tour.

Sol activity summary:
08:00 Breakfast
09:00 EVA with fractured leg repairing session
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Data analysis and Julie’s experiment fixing legs for Audrey and Cyril
16:00 Team gathering around a banana bread
18:00 Report redaction
19:00 Capcom

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny morning and windy afternoon

Crew Physical Status: Crew is in shape

EVA: First leg repairing EVA proved to be tricky, beautiful panorama on HAB Ridge Rd

Reports to be filed:
– Crew commander
– Operation report
– Astronomer
– GreenHab officer
– Journalist
– Picture of the day
– Some pictures
– EVA request
– EVA summary

Support Requested: None at this time

Jean Jacobs

Sol Summary – April 3rd

Crew 227 Sol Summary Report 03/04/22
Sol: 7

Summary Title: A stranger puts the crew under the microscope plus technical difficulties slow down our projects.

Author’s name: Jean Jacobs (XO)

Mission Status: The morning EVA proved to be hard but the reward was worth it: a newly discovered landscape. In the afternoon, the different crew members showed the journalist the base around while working on their experiment.
Technical problems arose during the afternoon with clouds in the sky hiding the sun, computer problems needed a fix and pictures of the EVA lacking GPS coordinates.

Sol activity summary:
08:00 Breakfast
09:00 EVA
09:00 Arrival of the journalist
12:00 Return from the EVA
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Scientific work
– Plants watering and measurement
– Sun picture taken from the Astronomer telescope
– Measurement of Julie’s experiment
– Failed 3D mapping of the newly discovered canyon
– Failure to take sun pictures.
– Ignacio computer repair
18:00 Report redaction
19:00 Capcom
21:00 Dinner

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Cloudy day, low winds.

Crew Physical Status: A crew member felt dizzy (food intolerance), HSO is monitoring the situation

EVA: Further exploration of the canyon North East of the HAB

Reports to be filed:
– Crew commander
– Operation report
– Astronomer
– GreenHab officer
– Journalist
– Picture of the day
– Some pictures
– EVA request
– EVA summary

Support Requested: None at this time

Sol Summary – April 2nd

Summary Title: Beautiful pictures brought back from the exploratory EVA.

Author’s name: Jean Jacobs (XO)

Mission Status: The mission reaches half of its length. EVA exploratory mission stories and pictures fill our heads with dreams. Julien’s brownie gives an energy boost to the crew.

Sol activity summary:

08:30 Breakfast
09:30 EVA departure
09:30 Tidying up the HAB
12:00 EVA return
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Data analysis from the sleep experiment and Cyril’s coding skills will enable future 3D modelisation of the HAB
16:00 Team cake eating
18:00 Report redaction
19:00 Capcom
20:00 Dinner
22:00 Hypnosis session

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny morning and cloudy afternoon, low winds

Crew Physical Status: The crew is in shape

EVA: EVA exploration of a canyon North East of the HAB.

Reports to be filed:

– Crew commander
– Engineer
– Astronomer
– GreenHab officer
– Journalist
– Picture of the day
– Some pictures
– EVA request
– EVA summary

Support Requested: None at this time

Sol Summary – April 1st

Crew 227 Sol Summary Report 1stApr2022
Sol: 5
Summary Title: Added time put into use for scientific work.
Name of person filing the report: Jean Jacobs (XO)

Mission Status: Aborted EVA today due to lack of communication hits the crew’s morale. The free time was put into use to clean the HAB and scientific work.

Sol activity summary:
09:00 Breakfast
10:00 First images of the sun with the telescope + data analysis from Julien, Audrey and Julie’s experiments
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Various work for the crew
– Sleep data analysis
– First telescope’s images processing
– Cleaning of the HAB
– Check of the EVA suits status
18:00 Report redaction
19:00 Capcom
21:00 Dinner

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny day with low winds

Crew Physical Status: Crew is in shape


Reports to be filed:
– Crew commander
– Engineer
– Astronomer
– GreenHab officer
– Journalist
– Picture of the day
– Some pictures
– EVA request
– EVA summary

Support Requested: None at this time

Sol Summary March 29th

Crew 227 Commander Report 29th March 2022

SOL: 2

Name of person filing report: Cyril Wain

Today was our first complete day without any contact with the external world. We can say that the simulation really started today.

We all woke up around 07h30 and we had breakfast at 08h00.
Ignacio, Sirga, Cheyenne and I did our first night with the polysomnographs. None of us have been bothered by it during the night, however removing all the sensors in our hairs and faces was a bit less fun. On the other side, the first results are already quite impressive!

This breakfast (8h00-8h45) was part of the experiment of Sirga. For a part of the team, it was not so easy but, at the end, everyone played the game without any questions. I am very proud of the crew for that point, each crew member is participating in all the different experiments with real interest and implication. During that breakfast, we also participated in the experiment of Jean which is taking some samples to get a look to the variations in our metabolism.
Finally, it is at that time that we were told that the EVA of the day was cancelled due to the bad weather. The team was a bit disappointed but took this information with a lot of professionalism.

Between 10h00 and 12h00, except Cheyenne who was performing some work for her experiment, we all participated in the experiment of Julie. First, we did the learning session and then Julie did a demonstration. The goal of this experiment is to allow anyone (not a medic) to be able to repair a broken leg (of a crew member that was hurt on EVA for example) with an innovative device. Now that we all have been formed, Julie will prepare some critical situations in which some of us will be asked to repair a fake leg. Everyone seems really excited by this experiment!

Between 12h20 and 13h20 we had lunch time. Today, it was soup with homemade bread that Julien did during the night. The bread was so good! I have to say that now we are all happy with not so much regarding food.

After lunch, Julie already simulated a critical situation: Julien, Audrey, Jean and Sirga were involved. At the same time, Ignacio and I worked on our experiments.

Around 16h00, we all worked on our reports.

Between 17h00 and 18h00 we did a second experiment with Julien but this time with Ignacio, Jean, Sirga and I. While we were doing this, Cheyenne continued her experiment in the greenlab. Julien and Audrey monitored our pictures.

Regarding the station, everything is functional.
We are just missing some trash bags and 2 of the 4 hot plates have damaged buttons. Ignacio is working to print a solution with the 3D printer.

Regarding the weather, the wind was less strong that yesterday, but we had some rain in the morning.

The team is really motivated and conscient of the opportunity they have while performing this simulation. All the experiments are starting as expected and we can expect to get amazing results if we keep that trend. The mood in the team couldn’t be better for now. We are all looking for tomorrow to perform our second real EVA.

This is it for today.

Sol Summary – March 30th

Crew 227 Sol Summary Report 30-03-22
Sol: 3

Summary Title: A successful EVA under inside instruction.
Author’s name: Jean Jacobs (XO)

Mission Status: The crew is getting more and more comfortable in its new environment.

Sol activity summary:

09:00 Breakfast and 3D printing of the new stove knob
10:00 Team “anatomy” and “mechanics” facing in Julie’s experiment
12:30 Lunch
13:15 Departure on EVA of 5 crew members
14:00 Cheyenne checked the environmental parameters in her experiment, Cyril calibrated his radar
16:00 Return from EVA crew
18:00 Report redaction and correction
19:00 Capcom
20:00 Dinner

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny day

Crew Physical Status: The crew is in shape

EVA: EVA to North Ridge

Reports to be filed:
– Crew commander
– Journalist
– GreenHab officer
– Engineer
– EVA report
– Astronomer
– EVA request
– Some pictures
– Picture of the day
– Mission plan

Support Requested: None at this time

Jean Jacobs

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