Sol Summary – March 25th

Crew 264 Sol Summary Report 3-25-22

Sol: 6

Summary Title: Discussion of medical futility

Author’s name: Arian Anderson

Mission Status: Tragedy struck

Sol Activity Summary: EVA took a turn when a crew member suffered from a simulated cardiac arrest. There were multiple simulated injured patients but the patient in the simulated arrest did not "survive". Everything possible was done and the crew is devastated.

Look Ahead Plan: Tonight is movie night and planning for evac in the am

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Started getting hot

Crew Physical Status: Improving on idea of going home

EVA: See above

Reports to be file: Operations Report

Support Requested: None at this time.

Crew 264 Sol Summary March 24th} MsoNormal style=”font-family:Arial,sans-serif”>[status draft

Crew 264 Sol Summary Report 3-24-22

Sol: 5

Summary Title: We searched and we found

Author’s name: Ben Easter

Mission Status: 3rd Quarter but no syndrome!

Sol Activity Summary: We performed an EVA with a simulated search and rescue with multiple casualties. The team learned important lessons about management of complex incidents, leadership, and staying safe in the field.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow is our final EVA and our final day in sim

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny and warm- a beautiful day!

Crew Physical Status: Overall good. Some mild ailments for several crew members.

EVA: See above

Reports to be file: Operations Report

Support Requested: None at this time.

Sol Summary – March 23rd

Crew 264 Sol Summary Report 3-23-22

Sol: 4

Summary Title: Tim’s Peak

Author’s name: Ben Easter

Mission Status: Made it halfway. Downhill from here.

Sol Activity Summary: We had a radio relay EVA that was successful. We also had a simulated blunt trauma and a broken leg that was treated at bedside with improvement.

Look Ahead Plan: Search and rescue mission

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: So hot

Crew Physical Status: Some Gi discomfort and headaches all around

EVA: See above

Reports to be file: Operations Report

Support Requested: None at this time.

Sol Summary Match 20th} MsoNormal face=”Arial, sans-serif”>[status draft

Crew 264 Sol Summary Report 3-20-22

Sol: 1

Summary Title: A Successful Rocket Launch!

Author’s name: Ben Easter

Mission Status: We are a slightly different crew of 20 students as well as instructors from the University of Colorado. Our time at MDRS is part of a CU-Boulder course on Medicine in Space and Surface Environments. The students have learned Wilderness First Aid and CPR, and they will be learning how to provide this care during medical contingency simulations on Mars. The group arrived yesterday and erected a dome for our classroom space (see pictures).

Sol Activity Summary: Today we had an orientation to MDRS, the facilities, radios, rovers, and navigation in the field. We then performed an EVA to collect soil samples and simulate a medical contingency. We are currently preparing for the launch of a rocket tomorrow.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow we are launching a rocket that is the student’s design project for the course. They have created a payload module for safe medication storage.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Overcast in the morning, growing windy this afternoon

Crew Physical Status: Crew passed Physical Readiness Test

EVA: Medical Contingency Simulation

Reports to be file: HSO, Operations Report

Support Requested: None at this time.

Sol Summary – March 21st

Crew 264 Sol Summary Report 3-21-22

Sol: 2

Summary Title: Rocket Recovery!

Author’s name: Ben Easter

Mission Status: We are a slightly different crew of 20 students as well as instructors from the University of Colorado. Our time at MDRS is part of a CU-Boulder course on Medicine in Space and Surface Environments. The students have learned Wilderness First Aid and CPR, and they will be learning how to provide this care during medical contingency simulations on Mars. The group arrived yesterday and erected a dome for our classroom space (see pictures).

Sol Activity Summary: Rocket launch successful. Sent supplies to other explorers in need. After a few technical issues, we were able to launch to 10000ft. We then tracked and recovered the payload successfully. Some minor damage to medications was involved but overall we provided care to a crew in need.

Look Ahead Plan: EVAs tomorrow to repair faulty weather balloon

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Gusty off and on and worsening throughout the day

Crew Physical Status: Crew passed Physical Readiness Test

EVA: Rocket launch and recovery

Reports to be filed: HSO, Operations Report

Support Requested: None at this time.

Sol Summary – March 11th

Crew 263 Sol Summary 11-03-2022

Sol: 18

Summary Title: Safe return on Earth

Author’s name: Cerise Cuny

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: This morning, during EVA we were able to disassemble the atmospheric experiment and the HF antenna, quite quickly. Valentine did the last session of the Human Factors Experiment. The rest of the day was dedicated to tidying and cleaning the Science Dome, the RAM and the Hab.

We were very moved to live our last moments on Mars. We broke the sim at 5:44pm. After enjoying Earth’s gravity and feeling the air on our skin, we jumped into the Crew Car to have burgers in Hanksville. We were getting less and less inspired with the dehydrated food, so we found the burgers particularly tasty. It was also kind of emotional to talk to strangers.

Look ahead plan: Tonight, we will stargaze and tomorrow morning we will go watch the sunrise. After that we will do the last of the cleaning and head back to Grand Junction.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Clear sky.

Crew Physical Status: Very good.

EVA: EVA 22 and EVA 23 in the morning, nominal.

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, 2 EVA Report (n°22 and 23), Operations Report, Journalist Report, HSO Report, Astronomy Report, Mission Summary.

Support Requested: None.

Sol Summary – March 9th

Crew 263 Sol Summary 09-03-2022

Sol: 16

Summary Title: Productive day

Author’s name: Cerise Cuny

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: This morning, just as yesterday, we did not have a morning sports session altogether, as four of us had to preserve our energy for the EVA. The EVA went very well, we were able to do a very good amount of LIBS analysis. We were very impressed by the Summerville formation. Meanwhile, the three other crew members did some sport and prepared an excellent meal: rice salad with tuna and vegetables.

All day long we performed the ultrasound experiment for the French Space Agency. We are improving in terms of speed and quality of the acquisitions. We had diverse activities for other experiments such as Aquapad, Plant gravitropism, Spiruline growth with urine, etc. Lea and Marine had a lot of geological post-processing to do after this morning’s EVA and an exhaustive report.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow will be a lighter day in terms of activities. In the morning, a very important EVA for Search & Rescue of Astronauts is planned in the North. Two crew members will go through their last session of a particularly long and exhausting human factors experiment.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Few clouds, except at noon (very cloudy). Light rain in the afternoon. Very high winds in the afternoon. Temperatures between -3 and 12°C.

Crew Physical Status: Very good.

EVA: EVA 20 in the morning. A suit’s battery died during EVA.

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, EVA Report (n°20), EVA Request (n°21), Operations Report, Journalist Report, HSO Report, Astronomy Report.

Support Requested: None.

Sol Summary March 8th

Crew 263 Sol Summary 08-03-2022

Sol: 15

Summary Title: Geological field study in Candor Chasma

Author’s name: Cerise Cuny

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: The EVA team left at 8:00 AM for a long EVA in Candor Chasma. They found exactly what they were looking for: satin spar and various forms of sulfate deposits. Sadly, the LIBS had a technical issue (that is impossible to prevent). Even if they took samples, they need more data from this area. They were very impressed by the canyon itself, and mesmerised by the landscape on Galileo Rd. Meanwhile, Nicolas, Mathéo and I did an abs sport session and Elena took a nap.

In the afternoon, the morning EVA team rested while others went through cognitive and teleoperation tasks. We have mixed feelings about the end of the sim being so close. On one hand, some are eager to call their families and friends and go back to the frantic world of communication. On the other hand, the end of the sim marks the end of a one-year-long project, and we kind of already feel nostalgic.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow, 4 crew members will do the same EVA as today’s to collect the desired data. Everyone will perform the ultrasound experiment, as subject and operator.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Clear sky.

Crew Physical Status: Very good.

EVA: EVA 19 in the morning. No issue to report except a LIBS malfunction.

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, EVA Report (n°19), EVA Request (n°20), Operations Report, Journalist Report, HSO Report, Astronomy Report.

Support Requested: No support requested.

Sol Summary – March 7th

Crew 263 Sol Summary 07-03-2022

Sol: 14

Summary Title:

Author’s name: Cerise Cuny

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: This morning, during our sports session, Valentine organized a very fun race: it is always a good idea to change our habits. Nicolas, Mathéo and I had a very nice EVA in White Rock Canyon. The results of the AR app testing were a bit disappointing, it needs to be improved. It actually demonstrates the usefulness of such EVAs that unravel unexpected issues.

At lunch, the crew surprised me with a delicious chocolate fudge brownie, upgraded with honey crackers, marshmallows and chunks of chocolate! It was absolutely delicious! They also planned a little treasure hunt for me to find my present. It was very thoughtful, I feel blessed to be in such good company for my birthday.

In the afternoon, some of us went through our usual human factors experiments while Mathéo baked bread for diner, Nicolas finished the new episode of his podcast and Léa and Marine rigorously planned tomorrow’s EVA.

Look Ahead Plan: As tomorrow four crew members will go on a long EVA, we decided to cancel their morning sport session. They will go in Candor Chasma to find satin spar and bedded gypsum. In the evening, we might have an emergency exercice again.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny in the morning, cloudy and very windy in the afternoon.

Crew Physical Status: Very good.

EVA: EVA 18 in the morning. No issue to report.

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, EVA Report (n°18), EVA Request (n°19), Operations Report, Journalist Report, HSO Report, Astronomy Report.

Support Requested: No support requested.

Sol Summary – March 6th

Crew 263 Sol Summary 06-03-2022

Sol: 13

Summary Title: Gypsum and Suspicious Gas Smell

Author’s name: Cerise Cuny

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: Yesterday, we decided to start the sport session 30 minutes later than usual to have 30 minutes of bonus sleep. We will probably keep this timing for the rest of the mission as it made us feel more energetic. We were happy to see that there was no snow this morning, allowing us to do our EVA as planned, in the North, between Tank Wash and White Moons. We were not expecting gypsum as we saw it, but took samples to analyse in the Hab. After talking with Shannon about it and a quick LIBS analysis, we found out they were indeed Gypsum, which was quite satisfying. It was our first time in this area and we found it beautiful.

In the afternoon, there wasn’t a lot of scientific activities. We thus had to cheat boredom: some of us did colour painting supervised by our specialist, Marine, Nicolas and Mathéo did a video tour of the station, and I knitted. We had a little scare in the evening: a very strong smell of gas spread in the Hab, coming from the vents. Shannon radio-assisted us in the search for a leak: none was detected and 15 minutes later we could not smell it anymore.

Look Ahead Plan: We were very excited to plan Tuesday’s EVA that will probably be the most relevant one for the research team back in Toulouse that trained Marine and Lea to Geology and LIBS analysis. As it will be a very long and surely exhausting EVA, we planned tomorrow’s EVA accordingly, so that Tuesday’s EVA team rests the day before. Tomorrow I’ll turn 25: I am sure the Crew will make it a special day!

Anomalies in work: Gas odour in the Hab in the evening. No leak detected, and odour stopped.

Weather: Sunny in the morning, cloudy and very windy in the afternoon.

Crew Physical Status: Good.

EVA: EVA 17 in the morning. No issue to report.

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, EVA Report (n°17), EVA Request (n°18), Operations Report, Journalist Report, HSO Report, Scientist Report.

Support Requested: No support requested.

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