Crew Photos – January 20th

Sol: 3

Summary Title: "Live Another Sol would be an awesome name for a James Bond movie" Andy Weir, The Martian.

Author’s name: Yael Méndez- Commander

Mission Status: At this time, all crew members are immersed on Mars, looking for solutions for the resources and operations’ optimization in the HAB and EVAs.

Sol Activity Summary: The day started with breakfast and the first EVA away from the HAB (Moon overlook). The EVA had an additional purpose: to free a small intruder on Mars 🐹. Cleaning and organization activities in HAB and GreenHab were carried out. A meeting was held to have feedback after the EVA.We cooked Colombian style beans.

Look Ahead Plan: Continue exploring and discovering the wonders of Mars, while we carry out our Science projects.

Anomalies in work: Low battery on the Percy rover during the EVA

Weather: Sunny all day but the thermic sensation was at -7°C

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA: One EVA realized

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Operations Report, EVA Request, EVA Report, Daily photos, Journalist report

Support Requested: hand soap, replacement earpiece for radio as one is malfunctioning, please ☺

Sol Summary – January 19th

Sol: 2

Summary Title: Hello Mars 🌱🔴

Author’s name: Yael Méndez- Commander

Mission Status: The crew has adapted well to the routine of the station, we cooked "banana bread" and talked about the difficulties that the first humans would have on Mars.

Sol Activity Summary: SIM began. Today we had our first real encounter with Mars. We were in Marble Ritual, we explored for an hour in each EVA. There are many things to discover on this planet and it is very exciting.

Look Ahead Plan: Continue with our projects and get to know Mars in depth

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Cloudy in the morning and sunny in the afternoon

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA: Two EVAs realized

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Operations Report, EVA Request, Daily photos, Journalist report, HSO Report Updated, and HSO Beginning of Mission Checklist.

Support Requested: None

sol-summary-January 18th

Sol: 1

Summary Title: "Encendiendo motores para ir a Marte" 🚀

Author’s name: Yael Méndez- Commander

Mission Status: All crew is very excited about the training and for the start of the simulation. We feel in Mars already!

Sol Activity Summary: Training begins, starting with familiarization with the station: Hab, Science dome, RAM and Green-Hab, use of spacesuits, rovers, and protocols for EVA’s.

Look Ahead Plan: Start SIM at 6 am

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny in the morning and partly cloudy in the evening

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA: Training (Galileo road)

Reports to be filed: Operations report, HSO report, EVA Request, Mission plan, Daily photos, Journalist report

Support Requested: Collection and disposal of trash burnable and non-burnable

Sol Summary – Jan 13th

Crew 238 Sol Summary Report 13Jan2022


Summary Title: A Taste of Fresh Martian Spirulina

Author’s name: Sionade Robinson

Mission Status: Ongoing

Sol Activity Summary: Research work continues. We concluded our
Spirulina competition with a comparison of colour and density of our
individual tubes. Photogra will show the considerable variation, some
thriving and some dead. We compared notes on our various regimen of
care – noting a more consistent approach to temperature, light and
agitation led to optimum results best. This evening Aga harvested 10g
of Spirulina from the litre jar currently incubating in the Green Hab
and we ate it on crackers. It is a high protein foodstuff, bright
green and viscous with only a faint taste. An EVA to Area G Candor
Chasma to extend sampling was successfully completed and an Emergency
Simulation of tunnel breaches executed effectively.

Look Ahead Plan: On our last day at MDRS the crew seekpermission for a
walking EVA for four participants followed by removal of temporary
labyrinth from sand north of Science Dome. Completion of cleaning
programme and packing ready to depart.

Anomalies in work: None.

Weather: Cloudier than yesterday and colder. No wind

Crew Physical Status: Nominal.

EVA: By Rover to Area G.

Reports to be filed: Sol, Operations, EVA Report, Journalist and HSO report.

Support Requested: EVA Request

Additional Support: Wheatgrass harvested (see Operational report) but
not for crew consumption. Left in Airlock for collection for Martian
Dogs who apparently regard it as a treat.

Sol Summary – Jan 14th


Summary Title: End of Sim

Author’s name: Sionade Robinson

Mission Status: Ongoing at home

Sol Activity Summary: Early morning fire practice to rescue crewmate
from Science Dome – successfully executed. Morning of research,
normal duties and final report writing.

End of Sim.

Look Ahead Plan: Pleanning for hand back MDRS and departure tomorrow morning.

Anomalies in work: None.

Weather: Fine day, no wind

Crew Physical Status: Nominal.

EVA: None in sim. Eradication of temporary labyrinth in sand by Science Dome.

Reports to be filed: Sol, Operations, Journalist and HSO report
(submitted). Summary GreenHab, Mission Summary.

Support Requested: None

Additional Support: None.

Sol Summary – Jan 17th

Sol: 0

Summary Title: The Adventure of Mars Begins

Author’s name: Yael Méndez- Commander

Mission Status: First Landing of Mars

Sol Activity Summary: Crew 226 arrived at MDRS, Checklist of food and supply inventory, familiarization of the Hab.

Look Ahead Plan: Training and beginnig of the SIM

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Partially Cloudy

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA: None

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Crew Patch, Crew Bios, Personal photos

Support Requested:

Sol Summary – January 12th

Crew 238 Sol Summary Report 12Jan2022


Summary Title: Moonwalk

Author’s name: Sionade Robinson

Mission Status: Ongoing

Sol Activity Summary: Research work is continuing, including individual strategies for spirulina incubation. Our tubes are already visibly differentiated – judging tomorrow. This afternoon’s EVA activity was to the spectacular Area D, collecting photographic samples of this remarkable other-worldly landscape. Evening plans for further Health & Safety training, VR research, and discussions of challenges to human wellbeing in deep space-faring.

Look Ahead Plan: Research continuing. EVA request to follow

Anomalies in work: None.

Weather: Sunny, bright, and cold. No wind

Crew Physical Status: Nominal.

EVA: By Rovers to Area D for collection of photographic samples.

Reports to be filed: Sol, Operations, EVA Report, Journalist, and HSO report.

Support Requested: EVA Request

Additional Support: None

Sol Summary – January 10th

Crew 238 Sol Summary Report 10Jan2022


Summary Title: Competitive Spirulina Incubation Begins

Author’s name: Sionade Robinson

Mission Status: Ongoing

Sol Activity Summary: Over recent days our crew artist Aga has been introducing us to – spirulina, one of the oldest organisms on earth and described as a triggering mechanism for evolution. We each now have a test tube with our own samples of Spirulina to take care of for the next three days. We have begun.

We completed an Emergency Fire Drill and debriefed.

Two EVAs were successfully executed one to Area D and one to visit the temporary labyrinth on campus with Dr. Sandor.

Look Ahead Plan: EVA to be requested to Baranca Butte, Area I, for geological sampling and on return a follow-up stop at Kissing Camels to analyse layers and photograph inverted channel. Robinson, Pokrywka, and Sandor to remain in Hab to work on research.
Anomalies in work: None.

Weather: Sunny and warm. No wind

Crew Physical Status: Nominal.

EVA: Morning EVA to Area D with Werner, Pokrywka, Turner and short afternoon EVA with Dr Sandor to walk the temporary labyrinth on campus, drawn under her supervision.

Reports to be filed: Sol, Operations, EVA Reports, Journalist and HSO report.

Support Requested: None

Additional Support: None

Sol Summary – January 9th

Crew 238 Sol Summary Report 09Jan2022


Summary Title: Welcoming a Visitor to MDRS

Author’s name: Sionade Robinson

Mission Status: Ongoing

Sol Activity Summary: Today we welcomed Oliver Conroy, a feature
journalist with the Guardian newspaper, to MDRS. The visit had been
proposed by the Mars Society prior to our rotation, and accommodated
by the crew. After some final COVID testing by our HSO, we admitted
our visitor into the Habitat, shared our research work, gave him a
tour of the campus and entertained him to a lunch of lentil soup, bean
casserole and cinnamon apple crumble. He also greatly enjoyed
sourdough wholewheat bread cooked by Aga Pokrywka. He remarked he
hadn’t expected we would be eating so well. After lunch our visitor
accompanied three crew to walk the temporary labyrinth drawn yesterday
and witness an Emergency Drill (astronaut rescue) successfully
executed. The journalist left us at 4pm with an invitation to share
further crew experiences post rotation.

Look Ahead Plan: Two sequential afternoon EVA requests – the first a
visit to Area D for geologic, bacterial and radiation sampling and a
second short EVA to transport Dr Sandor to visit temporary labyrinth
drawn yesterday under her tuition and record walking experience.

Anomalies in work: None.

Weather: Sunny and warm. No wind

Crew Physical Status: Nominal.

EVA: Afternoon walking EVA (Robinson, Turner, Pokrywka) to walk
temporary labyrinth, followed by Emergency Drill exercise with two
person rescue team and prone astronaut recovery back to Hab.

Reports to be filed: Sol, Operations, EVA Report, Journalist and HSO report.

Support Requested: Approval for two afternoon EVAs, one to Area D
(Pokrywka, Werner and Turner) for sampling and one to transport Dr
Sandor to record a walk in the temporary labyrinth drawn yesterday
under her tuition.

Additional Support: Collection and disposal of burnable and
non-burnable rubbish in the airlock. Thank you.

Crew 238 Sol Summary 08Jan2022

[title  Sol Summary – January 8th]

Crew 238 Sol Summary Report 08Jan2022


Summary Title: Walking Mars Mindfully: Back to the Future through the Labyrinth

Author’s name: Sionade Robinson

Mission Status: Ongoing

Sol Activity Summary: Group and individual research projects
continuing. Briefing and training on drawing and walking a labyrinth –
an ancient meditative ritual for mental health and wellbeing. Session
led by crew mate Dr Kay Sandor. A temporary labyrinth marked in soft
sand north of Science Dome and completed by crew. Cleaning and
maintenance ongoing. Two walking EVAs successfully completed.

Look Ahead Plan: Visit as requested by the Mars Society expected
tomorrow between 9am and 4pm. Journalist to be hosted is Oliver
Conroy of the Guardian (UK).

Anomalies in work: None.

Weather: Sunny and warm. Cloudier than recent days and winds increasing.

Crew Physical Status: Nominal.

EVA: Morning EVA to campus area directly outside Hab to draw a
labyrinth. (Turner, Pokrywka and Sandor) in an area suggested by
Mission Support. Unfortunately the ground was too compacted.
Afternoon EVA (Robinson, Werner, Marcellino) successfully drew and
walked a temporary labyrinth in an alternative location north of
Science Dome.

Reports to be filed: Sol, Operations, two EVA Reports, Journalist and
HSO report.

Support Requested: Approval for an afternoon walking EVA (Pokrywka and
Robinson) to view and walk temporary labyrinth north of Science Dome
with journalist (see EVA Request) Please note we also plan to
initiate a crew Emergency Drill at this time (injured astronaut
rescue, previously noted in Crew Mission Plan). This will require
extraordinary approval for departure of three further team members to
recover injured astronaut from near the Science Dome back to the Hab.

Additional Support: Request collection of burnable rubbish from rear airlock.

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