Sol Summary – February 21st

Crew 222 Sol Summary Report 21-02-2020


Summary Title: Martian Philosophy

Author’s name: Benjamin Auzou

Mission Status: Work in progress

Sol Activity Summary:

In the morning, the crew woke up with matinal workout session, that was easier than the previous days for everyone.
The purpose of today’s EVA was to explore the Moons. The EVA team spends some time contemplating the landscapes and discussing on philosophy.
In the afternoon the program was a bit different from the other days, because of the need of an EVA to take the LOAC back to the Hab.
Our astronomer Eishi showed us his observations of the night.
Also our GreenHab plented the cress seeds for the music for plants experiments that will be conduct from now to the end of the crew 223’s mission.
In the end of the afternoon we spend a moment of positive psychology together like two sols ago.

Look Ahead Plan:

Tomorrow, we will finally set up the water monitoring experiment, and focus on activities in the Hab, because of the risk of rain or snow.

Anomalies in work: none

Weather: sunny

Crew Physical Status: all members safe and sound

EVA: experiments maintenance and contemplative exploration of the Moons

Reports to be filed: Journalist report, GreenHab Report, Astronomy Report, EVA Report, Photos Report, Photo of the Day, Operations Report, Science Report , EVA Request

Support Requested: Trashes in the Engineering airlock

Sol Summary – February 20th

Crew 222 Sol Summary Report 20-02-2020


Summary Title: Routine day on Mars

Author’s name: Benjamin Auzou

Mission Status: Work in progress

Sol Activity Summary:

In the morning, the crew woke up with matinal workout session.

The purpose of today’s EVA was to find a path up to the Hab Ridge from the Kissing Camels. This was a success and the view from up here was splendid.

In the afternoon we worked on our own experiments.

In the end of the afternoon our HSO Nicolas organized a cooperation game for us.

Look Ahead Plan:

Tomorrow, we will explore the northern area of the Hab, we will make sure to pay more attention to the way we communicate during EVAs. Also with the weather report, we need to prepare the possibility of a rainy day on Saturday. For that we chose to send two of us on an EVA in the afternoon to bring back the LOAC, which can’t stay two days without a battery replacement.

Anomalies in work: none

Weather: mostly clear

Crew Physical Status: all members safe and sound

EVA: experiments maintenance and exploration of the Kissing Camels and Hab Ridge

Reports to be filed: Journalist report, GreenHab Report, Astronomy Report, EVA Report, EVA Request, Photos Report, Photo of the Day, Operations Report

Support Requested: Nothing to report

Sol Summary – February 19th

Crew 222 Sol Summary Report 19-02-2020
Sol: 3
Summary Title: Crew Spirit
Author’s name: Benjamin Auzou
Mission Status: Crewmembers taking marks in the station and with each
other, science running well.
Sol Activity Summary: In the morning, the crew woke up with an other
matinal workout session. Then four crewmember went on the first
exploration EVA of the mission, the EVA went well and they discovered
some landscapes that were new for them.
The afternoon were dedicated to the evolution of scientific experiments
: the Spacesuit developped by crew 206 and now improved by our engineer
Valentin will be ready in a few days for an EVA, the vertical garden is
now ready to receive plants.
Before dinner, we shared a moment all together, discussing on forces
that , and tonight we’re planning to watch a movie together. The crew
dynamic has evolved today, thanks to discussions together and the
moments shared in the Hab.
Look Ahead Plan:
Tomorrow, the crewmembers that stayed in the Hab this morning will go on
EVA to explore the south of the Hab.
Thanks to the monitor, we will be able to launch the water monitoring

Anomalies in work: none
Weather: blue sky in the morning, some clouds in the afternoon
Crew Physical Status: some weaknesses or physically tired
EVA: First exploration EVA
Reports to be filed: Journalist report, Operations Report, GreenHab
Report, Astronomy Report, EVA Report, EVA Request, Photo Report, HSO
Report, Photo of the Day
Support Requested: nothing to report

Sol Summary – February 18th

Crew 222 Sol Summary Report 18-02-2020
Summary Title: Get to know Mars better
Author’s name: Benjamin Auzou
Mission Status: Mission planning followed, experiments running Sol Activity Summary:
In the morning, the crew woke up with an other matinal workout session, that created muscle pains to some members. Then four crewmember went on EVA to install a field experiment next to the experiment installed yesterday.
At lunch, the crewmembers that stayed in the Hab prepared a salted cake and a delicious soup.
In the afternoon, crewmebers worked on their experiments in order to start getting results as soon as possible. Also we all passed a human factors experiment, directed by Eishi.
We finished the day with a relaxation session directed by our HSO, a full body scan. The reactions were very different between the members of the crew.
So we started to know Mars better with the experiments, but also by finding habits here.

Look Ahead Plan:
Tomorrow, an EVA team will make some maintenance work on the two experiments and continue with an exploration of the area north of the Hab. We hope to get the water monitoring working as soon as tomorrow evening.

Anomalies in work: none
Weather: some clouds but clear in general
Crew Physical Status: some muscle pains from sport sessions
EVA: MegaARES installation success, all members of the crew have performed one EVA now
Reports to be filed: Journalist report, GreenHab Report, Astronomy Report, EVA Report, EVA Request, HSO report
Support Requested: propane tank refilling, trashes in the engineering airlock

Sol Summary – February 17th

Crew 222 Sol Summary Report 17-02-2020
Summary Title: And so the science begin
Author’s name: Benjamin Auzou
Mission Status: Crew settled and Beginning of the first experiments Sol Activity Summary: In the morning, the crew woke up with a matinal workout session. Then four crewmember went on the first EVA of the mission to install a field experiment.
The afternoon were dedicated to the launch of scientific experiments : Spirulina in the Green Hab, Human factors, preparation of the water consumption monitoring.
Between 8:30am and 5pm, the crew were followed by a journalist for a French TV channel. The journalist were respectful of the place and of our work.
Look Ahead Plan:
Tomorrow, we will go on a similar EVA to this morning, in order to set up an electric field mesure, MegaAres. Also we will continue the activities launched today.
Anomalies in work: none
Weather: cloudy in general, clearer in the afternoon
Crew Physical Status: all members safe and sound
EVA: LOAC and Weather station installation success
Reports to be filed: Journalist report, Mission Plan, Crew bios, GreenHab Report, Astronomy Report, EVA Report, EVA Request, Science report, HSO Pre Mission Checklist
Support Requested: Food Inventory to be reviewed by Shannon

Sol Summary – February 16th

Crew 222 Sol Summary Report 16-02-2020
Sol: 0 Summary Title: Getting ready to Mars
Author’s name: Benjamin Auzou – Crew Commander

Mission Status: Crew 222 ready to go on Sim

Sol Activity Summary:

At 8 am, the whole crew woke up as the crew 221 was preparing to leave. Just after the departure of the crew 221, we took our first breakfast at the station. At 11 am, we started the briefing with Dr. Rupert, and the crew passed the test! I am proud of everyone.

After lunch, we checked all the suits and started the food inventory. Then the crew trained on both ATVs and rovers.

At the end of the afternoon, we were ready to start the sim and closed the door at 6:57 pm.

We’re finally on Mars!

During the dinner tonight we will discuss all together on the goals of our missions, from personal and crew point of view.

Look Ahead Plan:

Tomorrow will be our first day on sim, we will go on EVA in the morning if the weather allows it in order to set an experiment on the field.

Also, a TV journalist will come to the station to follow and film our activities.

We will launch experiments on the campus in the afternoon, such as GreenHab or human factors experiments.

The mission plan and crew bios will be sent at tomorrow’s COMMS.

Anomalies in work: No anomalies
Weather: Cloudy
Crew Physical Status: All crew members safe and sound
Reports to be file: Journalist Report, Operations Report, Food
Inventory, EVA Request, Green Hab report, (Mission Plan and Crew Bios will be sent tomorrow)
Support Requested: Add our GreenHab Officer to mission support mailing,
Food supply (see Food Inventory)

Sol Summary – February 14th

Crew 221 Sol Summary Report 14Feb-2020


Summary Title: Preparation to fly to Earth

Author’s name: Maria Grulich, M.Sc.

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

Today is Valentine’s day on Earth and also the last day for us on Mars. Yesterday the team played “King Mao” , a card game from Crew GreenHab Officer J. Todd and the team loved a lot, it is about figuring out rules that only one person knows, that is “King Mao”!

The crew woke up for the last time on Mars and celebrated it with scrambled eggs prepared again from crew journalist H. Kalucha. They were delicious!

After a great breakfast crew commander M.Grulich and crew HSO R. Alshammari prepared for the last EVA on Mars to the Moons! The EVA preparation went well and also the whole EVA was a complete success. They installed the antenna again in the field on top of a little hill. The rover was used in two different locations collecting very interesting samples as the surface was white and underneath red. The team also used acid to see if there are some carbonate components but no luck.

After the EVA was completed, the team had lunch and prepared some outreach videos to be shown back in our countries as well as doing last soil testing and checking on the microbiology samples.

On our last evening on Mars we will have a Valentine’s Day gift exchange as we draw secretly names of the crew members and prepared a Valentines gift! The crew commander also prepared a small surprise for the crew… See you back on Earth! It was a great two weeks and we achieved almost all our objectives and Mars treated us well! Until the next time… Ad Astra!

Anomalies in work: None

Update mouse in hab: no new mouse caught

Weather: sunny light winds

Crew Physical Status: Crew feeling good

Reports to be filed:

Sol Summary

Photo Report

Operations Report

Journalist Report

GreenHab Report

EVA Report 14

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – February 15th

Crew 221 Sol Summary Report 15Feb-2020


Summary Title: Touch down Earth awaits

Author’s name: Maria Grulich, M.Sc.

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

Update since last Sol Summary: The team prepared the Mission summary of Crew 221 Earth2Mars, reporting about the mission and what we achieved from our original plan. Besides a few drawbacsk on the weather station and geology testing we fulfilled all our objectives.

After the work was done the team gathered together and went through our personal mission goals and our original expectations. We also asked everyone before the mission what are their special skills and after two weeks spending each minute together, they may have developed new once. After this the crew commander handed every member of the team a self-written certificate about achieving to live two weeks on Mars together at the Mars Desert Research Station and handing them the “New Horizons” Pin of the European mission of Alexander Gerst a German Astronaut as a reminder what they achieved. To finish up the Valentine’s Day we exchanged our gifts that we brought from our countries before to give to our secret Valentine! Even our seventh crew member in our heart who could not come send her gift and was very well received.

The crew went to bed the last time on Mars….

To wake up on Earth Saturday morning!

The first morning on Earth the crew commander, crew engineer, and crew Greenhab officer ran out with their pyjamas to breath fresh Earth air without an EVA suit!

Once the rest of the crew was awake, we had breakfast and get started to clean as we required all hands-on deck. After a few hours everything was cleaned and we were ready to meet crew 222 at the rock shop!

Crew 221 prepared some soup and one last time crew commander made some German bread for both crews.

Crew 221 went out for a walk to conquer the North Ridge as it has become a tradition started by crew 205 and continued by crew 219 and now 221.

The rest of the time was spent to train crew 222. The official handover was done at 4:30pm!

Both crews will be heading to Stan’s for hamburgers at 6:00pm before our last time sleeping in our crew quarters and leaving the station tomorrow at 8:00am!

Crew 221 signing off…

Anomalies in work: None

Update mouse in hab: no new mouse caught

Weather: morning cloudy light winds, afternoon partially sunny light winds

Crew Physical Status: Crew feeling good

Reports to be filed:

Sol Summary

Photo Report

Operations Report

Commander Report

GreenHab Report

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – February 13th

Crew 221 Sol Summary Report 13Feb-2020


Summary Title: Real Mars Experience

Author’s name: Maria Grulich, M.Sc.

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

Today the crew woke up and had pancakes prepared by the crew commander and with the olive oil we got from the last supply mission from Earth. Finally, they do not stick to the pan anymore and were delicious!

In the morning we were under the gun to get the robot ready as there were hookups with the software. All bugs were solved by 13:00, leaving one hour before the EVA.

The girls EVA team, containing the crew commander M.Grulich, crew journalist H. Kalucha and crew GreenHab Officer J. Todd who mainly worked on the robot, got ready for the EVA. They decided to test the robot just in front of the hab door to make sure it was working. It did but the wheels came loose, and it had to be fixed in the field. This was a real challenge, requesting several tools from the team support inside the hab.

Once all issues were fixed the EVA team headed for the rover but realized that Spirit was not plugged in. After radio communication, it was decided to leave one team member at the hab and go with permission with two crew members on Curiosity. Crew commander and crew GreenHab officer drove to Steambed Connector and walked to Candor Chasma and tested the robot successfully in a more challenging environment.

Once back the team had a debrief discussing the communication and confusion of information that lead to one person not joining the EVA mission and realized that any piece of information from mission support should and shall in the future be reviewed and read in more detail, as we cannot rely on mission support on Mars.

The evening was spent with a lovely salad prepared by crew HSO Rawan Alshammari and will be concluded with a games night.

Anomalies in work: None

Update mouse in hab: no new mice caught

Weather: sunny light winds

Crew Physical Status: Crew some sore throat, but seems to improve

Reports to be filed:

Sol Summary
Photo Report
Operations Report
Journalist Report
GreenHab Report
EVA Request
EVA Report 13

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – February 12th

Crew 221 Sol Summary Report 12Feb-2020


Summary Title: Robot vs Human

Author’s name: Maria Grulich, M.Sc.

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

Update since last Sol summary: The crew finally managed to have one games night which made everyone happy. Still in the wish list – movie night and dance night.

Today we reconvened for breakfast, enjoying good conversations before preparing for our only EVA of the day!

Crew commander M. Grulich, Crew Journalist H. Kalucha and Crew Greenhab Officer J. Todd went out for an EVA to install the antenna of the crew engineer.

The antenna was installed in two different places without an issue showing that such an antenna could be deployed on Mars! On the way back, the EVA team lost Fuzz, our mascot, and had to go back and rescue him! He feels like a real team member right now and the crew was scared for a second and was glad when he was found again. The team also recorded some shoots for a dance video on the EVA that was also continued in the hab: stay tuned!

After the EVA the team took a little break before heading into the robot project which needed an operation on its heart, since the raspberry pi seemed to not have been configured appropriately. The robot had to be disassembled partially to reach the LAN cable which tested the patience of Crew Journalist, the crew commander and Crew Greenhab officer. After almost giving up and letting the robot win, Crew Engineer L. Monge came to the rescue with his external monitor and keyboard as the issue was that the country and wifi was not configured.

Finally, the team saw some progress. The second batch of the microbiology samples also showed sign of microbes.

Tonight, we will have the last cultural night, Germany, and the crew commander prepared “Knödel mit Soße” and brought the most famous drink of Germany… “Apfelsaftschorle” which is apple juice with gas, a much-loved drink in Germany besides beer! Also, the crew will experience the Cologne Catherdal with VR glasses.

Anomalies in work: None

Update mouse in hab: no new mouse caught

Weather: sunny light winds

Crew Physical Status: Crew with knee issues is feeling better, some crew members experience worsened sore throats

Reports to be filed:

Sol Summary

Photo Report

Operations Report

Journalist Report

GreenHab Report

EVA Request

EVA Report 11

Journalist Report

Support Requested: None

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