Sol Summary – February 11th

Sol: 1

Summary Title: First day

Author’s name: Natalia Larrea

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: Today was the first day of sim. We woke up looking at the snowy Martian landscape from our small windows in the Hab. Slowly, we are adapting to the life here. We are getting familiar with our new home and our new crew family. We began the day by removing the snow from the ground in the tunnels and enjoying breakfast all together. Today we had the opportunity to experience our first EVAs. The snow however, introduced some changes to our initial plans. The first EVA team scheduled in the morning, originally planning to reach the White Moon area, was redirected to Kissing Camel Ridge. The team conducted some sample collection and explored the area. The second EVA team in the afternoon headed to North Ridge. Due to the hot weather, the team came back earlier than expected. We learned the challenges of moving around with the spacesuit under the “Martian” sun. Meanwhile, we started our project on food production in regolith; although it was challenged with some issues with the autoclave. We harvested some of the carrots from the GreenHab. We also performed our first astronomical observation (we expect to download the data later today).

In the evening, we did inventory of the food that we received today (shipped form “Earth”), arranged the kitchen and held our daily crew meeting. Tonight, a nice dinner including those Martian harvested carrots is waiting for us!

Looking Ahead Plan: Tomorrow we plan to also conduct two EVAs following the original plans scheduled for today: one team will head to The Moon area; the second team will head to North Ridge. We will test the drones for our EVA navigation projects, continue regolith sample collections, and continue working on the other research projects and duties (including photometry astronomical analysis, GreenHab and outreach activities).

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Light snow on the ground in the morning. Clear skies all day long.

Crew Physical Status: Nominal


EVA#01: 4249300,518100

EVA#02: 4250500, 518400

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, EVA request, EVA Reports, Operations Report, Greenhab Report, Journalist Report, HSO report, Mission plan, Astronomy Report.

Sol Summary – February 10th

Crew 205 Sol Summary Report 10-Jan-2019

Sol: 0

Summary Title: Ready for Mars!

Author’s name: Natalia Larrea

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: Today was a special day: the first day we woke up at the Hab! We spent the night together with Crew 204. The place was crowded but we had a great evening conversing and playing board games together.

We woke up full of energy and ready to prepare the final details for our mission. In the morning, we got our first pictures as a crew and proceeded execute crew handover with Crew 204. We came back to the Hab and settled in to our new home for the next two weeks. We enjoyed blueberry pancakes for breakfast, unpacked our bags, did some deep cleaning, took inventory, and loaded the water tanks.

In the afternoon, Atila and David joined us at the Hab to conduct training on mission protocols and operations. Then we split into two groups for EVA training using the rovers in the field. Finally, we practiced putting on the suits and using the earpieces.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow we enter sim. We will start our new daily routine and plan to conduct our first EVAs. Stay tuned for our future reports. We have two weeks of full of exciting projects coming up! We are ready for Mars!

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Clear skies all day long, intermittent high intensity winds.

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA: None

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, EVA request, Operations Report, Greenhab Report, Journalist Report, HSO checklist, Crew Bios and pictures, mission patch

Support Requested: We could not find the astronomy handbook or astronomy laptop (neither in the Hab, Science Dome or RAM)

Sol Summary – February 9th

Crew 204 Sol Summary Report 09- FEB – 2019

Sol: 12

Summary Title: Expanding the family

Author’s name: Kunal Naik (Space_Bot)

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: The time has come for crew 204 to return home. There are mixed feelings in the mind of the crew members. It was a roller coaster ride but ended quite successfully. The crew woke up a bit later than usual, the last warm Martian breakfast with a sip of Coffee. The first thing on the list for the crew was to clean, clean and clean, the Hab as well as all the operation places. Post cleaning was the wait for the upcoming new crew. We were pretty excited to meet the International Emerging Space Leaders Crew (Crew 205). Finally, the wait was over. At noon our Martian family expanded. After the introductions and enjoying lunch together, our crew got to train them on all the basics to survive and efficiently operate around the Hab. The crew 204 handed over the Hab responsibilities to the new crew. Post training, both crews enjoyed burgers together in Hanksville. The crew 205 is an interdisciplinary team, full of enthusiasm and new exciting projects coming up.

Look Ahead Plan: The crew 204 is scheduled to deorbit around 0800 hours and reach Grand Junction for rendezvous with the spacecraft, moving forward to reenter home sweet home.

Anomalies in work: None Encountered

Weather: Sunny

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA’s location: None

Reports to be file: 1) Operations Report 2) Green Hab Report 3) Commander Report 4) Photos

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – February 8th

Crew 204 Sol Summary Report 08-FEB -2019

Sol: 11

Summary Title: The End Game

Author’s name: Kunal Naik (Space_Bot)

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: Time to go home. Is it happiness, eagerness or desperation to see actual beings around us, The Psychological game is going to end and what we learn in 2 weeks? Was it something changing?

Yes, of course not a life changing one but surely a lesson to live on limited water, food supply and strict protocols.

Experiencing some percentage of daily life of Astronauts. The first thing which the crew realized after waking up is the final day of the sim.

The crew had the morning breakfast and were in a rush for their morning EVA, Carbon Flight and MarsBag went for EVA while Cosmos and SpaceBot were in their daily Hab activities. Today’s in charge for cooking was SpaceBot, Post EVA, the crew had lunch together with challenges of Sim as a discussion topic. Today there were 2 EVA’s, one in the morning while the second after lunch. This time, it was SpaceBot and Cosmos turn for the EVA. While other crew members rested for a while at the Hab. Green Positive vibes all over the Green Hab. It’s sad that the crew won’t be able to see the growth of their planted seeds. This is the Ending and probably the last Sol Summary.

Look Ahead Plan: The crew has planned to clean the entire facility from top to bottom, from right to left. The crew will be eagerly waiting to welcome, meet and handing over the HAB to the Crew 205 for future simulation.

Anomalies in work: None Encountered

Weather: Sunny

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA’s location: 1) 516100 E; 4254550 N (Widows Peak) 2) 518250 E;
4255500 N (Quarry Road)

Reports to be file: 1) Operations Report 2) Green Hab Report 3)
Journalist Report 4) EVA Report 5) Photos 6) Mission Summary 7) End
Rotation Food Supply excel sheet

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary- February 7th

Crew 204 Sol Summary Report 07- FEB – 2019

Sol: 10

Summary Title: The 51 second excitation

Author’s name: Kunal Naik (Space_Bot)

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: What gives an excitation? A rover working from ~ 13000 km with live Audio/Video stream via rover will surely create one. Today was the judgment day for the child rover project. The crew woke up earlier than their assigned schedule, potato creamy soup is a good start of the day. The crew was on the run as the EVA was requested post breakfast.

SpaceBot and MarsBag carried out the walking EVA near the MDRS HAB premises. The main purpose of the EVA was to operate child rover from a remote location, India (13000 kms away). It was operated by students of Sipna College of Engineering. The demonstration was successful in exploring the Martian soil. The crew was happy as their project was a success. Still needs upgradation for sure.

Post EVA, the team discussed about the rover and Indian Mythology. Pre-Lunch, the crew members were on their assigned respective task. Lunch was prepared by CarbonFlight and SpaceBot, quite a lot food which will be used for dinner as well.

Post lunch, all crew members rested for a while. Carbon flight printed few bricks
for Martian habitat from his 3D Clay Printer a day ago and now they are dried and ready to be baked. There is a positive vibe from the Green Hab, every-day you eager to go to the GreenHab just to see the growth of the plants. The crew is still planning for some board games
post dinner.

Look Ahead Plan: The 3D clay printer has printed some bricks out of Martian soil composition which will be baked to test the inner dynamic structure and possibility to use the brick for future habitat. The End is 2 days short, the crew has scheduled the recleaning of the hab.

The sprouts and mix seeds have already started showing good results. Hoping to observe more growth.

Anomalies in work: None Encountered

Weather: Sunny

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA’s location: Hab Premise

Reports to be file: 1) Operations Report 2) Green Hab Report 3)
Journalist Report 4) EVA Report 5) Photos

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – February 5th

Crew 204 Sol Summary Report 05- FEB – 2019

Sol: 8

Summary Title: The Friendship Algorithm

Author’s name: Kunal Naik (Space_bot)

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: An Isolation is the best way to know yourself and your team. The friendship, the bond and the trust within yourself and on each other is one of the survival keys to any Space mission.

The gradual increase in trust, bond, and friendship between the crew has been visualized. The crew woke up as per their schedule. The roaring Martian gust has not stopped yet it’s been usual for the crew. Some cheezy pasta and hot chocolate for breakfast does not seem to be
a bad combination. Today’s topic of discussion was Geo-Politics! It’s good to gather knowledge and know the perspective of others.

By Pre-Lunch, SpaceBot and Carbon Flight had a technical support call from India for the rover project. The rover had a minor issue with its left wheel slippage which was resolved at the earliest. The lunch was cooked by

Carbon Flight and Mars Bag while the other members cleaned the kitchen and synced well with other. Post Lunch the crew started to work on their assigned projects. The positive news from the Green Hab, the newly planted seeds are sprouting well. The EVA around the hab was
done by SpaceBot and MarsBag. The purpose was to test the rover outdoor. The test was successful. The system worked well. Got some good photos from the rover. The crew has planned to watch a space movie post dinner.

Look Ahead Plan: The 3D clay printer will be tested manually using different soil composition and printing some samples (will start from 6th Feb). The work on the child rover will be to operate the rover from India. Finger crossed on weather and servers. The sprouts and mix
seeds have already started showing good results. Hoping to observe proper growth.

Anomalies in work: None Encountered

Weather: Cloudy, Strong Winds

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA’s location: Cancelled due to strong winds

Reports to file: 1) Operations Report 2) Green Hab Report 3)
Journalist Report 4) Photos 5) Science Report

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – February 5th

Sol: 8

Summary Title: The Friendship Algorithm

Author’s name: Kunal Naik (Space_bot)

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: An Isolation is the best way to know yourself and your team. The friendship, the bond and the trust within yourself and on each other is one of the survival keys to any Space mission.

The gradual increase in trust, bond, and friendship between the crew has been visualized. The crew woke up as per their schedule. The roaring Martian gust has not stopped yet it’s been usual for the crew. Some cheezy pasta and hot chocolate for breakfast does not seem to be
a bad combination. Today’s topic of discussion was Geo-Politics! It’s good to gather knowledge and know the perspective of others.

By Pre-Lunch, SpaceBot and Carbon Flight had a technical support call from India for the rover project. The rover had a minor issue with its left wheel slippage which was resolved at the earliest. The lunch was cooked by

Carbon Flight and Mars Bag while the other members cleaned the kitchen and synced well with other. Post Lunch the crew started to work on their assigned projects. The positive news from the Green Hab, the newly planted seeds are sprouting well. The EVA around the hab was
done by SpaceBot and MarsBag. The purpose was to test the rover outdoor. The test was successful. The system worked well. Got some good photos from the rover. The crew has planned to watch a space movie post dinner.

Look Ahead Plan: The 3D clay printer will be tested manually using different soil composition and printing some samples (will start from 6th Feb). The work on the child rover will be to operate the rover from India. Finger crossed on weather and servers. The sprouts and mix
seeds have already started showing good results. Hoping to observe proper growth.

Anomalies in work: None Encountered

Weather: Cloudy, Strong Winds

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA’s location: Cancelled due to strong winds

Reports to file: 1) Operations Report 2) Green Hab Report 3)
Journalist Report 4) Photos 5) Science Report

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – February 6th

Crew 204 Sol Summary Report 06-FEB-2019

Sol: 9

Summary Title: The Old Paso Nacho Fusion

Author’s name: Kunal Naik (Space_Bot)

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: The food gives the energy to work. The delicious taste and savory give a satisfactory psychological effect which makes an individual happy plus productive and efficient work. This theory is
proven actually and on the fun part, we tested it today. The roaring Martian gust has stopped but bit chilly weather.

The crew woke up as per their assigned schedule; hot chocolate and crackers are the good starts of the day. Today’s round table topic of discussion was Intercultural exchange and Interdisciplinary! It’s good to know about different culture.

Pre-Lunch, SpaceBot was working on organizing the remote test of child rover from India. He was setting up software on the mobile device to operate remotely. Lunch was prepared by MarsBag and SpaceBot. A Taco with seasoned mashed potatoes, kidney bean gravy, layered with hot Mexican cheese and onion flakes was an experimental Tex-Mex lunch which was savored and loved by all.

Instead of resting post lunch, all crew members started working on their projects and assigned task. Carbon flight printed few bricks for Martian habitat from his 3D Clay Printer. These bricks will be dried and baked for Martian Habitat structure. The positive news from the Green Hab, the newly planted seeds are sprouting well.

The EVA around the hab was done by Carbon Flight and Cosmos. The purpose of the EVA was for general exploration. The crew is still planning for some recreational activities post dinner.

Look Ahead Plan: The rover will be operated from India and will test the local connection and delay in operation. The 3D clay printer has printed some bricks out of Martian soil composition which will be dried and baked to test the inner dynamic structure and possibility to use for future habitat. Finger crossed on weather and servers for an outdoor remote test. The sprouts and mix seeds have already started showing good results. Hoping to observe proper growth.

Anomalies in work: None Encountered

Weather: Cloudy, Strong Winds

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA’s location: Hab Ridge Road (518100 E; 4250750 N)

Reports to be filed: 1) Operations Report 2) Green Hab Report 3)
Journalist Report 4) EVA Report 5) Photos

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – February 4th

Crew 204 Sol Summary Report 04- FEB – 2019

Sol: 7

Summary Title: The Herb Garden Germination

Author’s name: Kunal Naik (Space_bot)

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: The most selfless living things are the plants. They just believe in giving essentials. For any interplanetary travel or living on other planet. They are the critical part of the life support system. They provide food, water, and oxygen, which are one of the essentials to sustain our self. Maintaining the Green Hab is a big task and an important one.

The crew woke up little late as EVA was cancelled due to strong winds. The roaring gust, the strong winds striking the hab is the only sound the crew is listening from last day on repeat mode. Sipping of Hot Chocolate and discussion over Veganism, MDRS Green Hab, Growing of Herbs via Aquaponic system escalated by an hour. The crew had brunch on Monday morning which is quiet a strange thing but its Mars! Anything, Anytime. The lunch was cooked earlier by Space Bot and Carbon flight as per the rotation while the other members cleaned the kitchen. The crew is facing some internet issues from last day which can be due to the weather but not a big problem.

Post lunch the crew started to work on their assigned projects. All the rover issues were solved, and the bot is ready to test offside with streamed AV. While Crew Commander, Crew Health and Safety Officer (Mars Bag) which were assisted by the Green Hab Officer (Cosmos) looking after old plants as well observing the new plants which were sowed recently in 8 different soil compositions.

A positive news from the Green Hab, the newly planted seeds are coming to life. The EVA was cancelled due to windy conditions, so its time was utilized for recreational activities. The crew has planned to watch a movie post dinner.

Look Ahead Plan: The 3D clay printer will be tested manually using different soil composition and printing some samples. The work on the child rover will be to test the complete system outdoor during a short EVA.

Finger crossed on weather and servers. The sprouts and mix seeds have already started showing good results. Hoping to observe proper growth.

Anomalies in work: None Encountered

Weather: Cloudy, Strong Winds

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA’s location: Cancelled due to strong winds

Reports to be file: 1) Operations Report 2) Green Hab Report 3)
Journalist Report 4) Photos

Support Requested: None.

Sol Summary – February 03rd

Sol: 6

Summary Title: The Weather Complexity

Author’s name: Kunal Naik (Space_bot)

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: Nature itself is a super power no one can or will be able to control it. Mission Support! We have a problem, Strong winds incoming! The EVA was proposed to Mission Support last night but after their guidance it was cancelled. The crew woke up little late than decided as it was Sunday, started the morning with warm cup of soup and salty crackers with a round table discussion over the usage of water on Earth, Mars and ISS. Post breakfast the crew engineer (Space Bot) started to work on his child rover’s project. The rover had some serious problems with its circuitry which was found out this morning and was resolved at the earliest. The battery check and camera test (A/V) was done inside the RAMM. While Crew Commander (Carbon Flight) was busy working on his 3D clay printer. The printer was integrated with its extruder as a clay syringe. The printer was mounted on the wooden log to support the system. Delicious Sunday lunch was cooked by Crew Health and Safety Officer (Mars Bag) which was assisted by the Green Hab Officer (Cosmos). He was into his daily assigned Green Hab activities looking after old plants as well observing the new plants which were sowed recently in 8 different soil compositions. Post lunch, the crew spent some time watching movie and relaxing their noon. The EVA was cancelled due to windy conditions, so its time was utilized for recreational activities. The crew has planned to play some card and board games post Sunday dinner.

Look Ahead Plan: The 3D clay printer will be tested using a simulant soil and later with different composition, proceeding printing manually on usual basis. The work on the child rover will be to test the complete system outdoor. Finger crossed on weather and servers. The child-rover will be operated for future EVA’s. The sprouts and mix seeds are already planted in the GreenHab, hoping to get good results.

Anomalies in work: None Encountered

Weather: Sunny, Strong Winds

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA’s location: Cancelled due to strong winds

Reports to be filed: 1) Operations Report 2) Green Hab Report 3) Journalist Report 4) Science Report 5) Photos

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