Crew 193 Day 13 Summary Report – 5May18
Day 13
Summary Title: It’s Been A Long Day Without You My Friend, And I’ll Tell You All About It When I See You Again (Alternate Title: Sol Long! Farewell!)
Author: Dr. Shawna Pandya, Crew Health and Safety Officer
Mission Status: Om-nom-nom-nominal
Sol Activity Summary: The day was full and busy as the Commander and XO, no longer bound by duty to travel in separate vehicles, headed toward Earth destination Grand Junction to acquire return vehicles for re-entry to civilization. Meanwhile, the intrepid crew engineer tirelessly plowed on throughout the day on a resupply mission to restock the Hab’s water’s supply. Back at the Hab, the Crew Geologist/Astronomer and Health and Safety officer (wo)manned the fort to buckle down on cleaning duties. The team reunited in the afternoon for a final scrub down of the Hab and surrounding campus, and undertook a final EVA of sorts using an ‘Earth-rover’ (also known as a car) to celebrate with a team dinner. The day can best be summarized as saying, ‘Sol’s well that end’s well…’
Look Ahead Plan:
Back to civilization in the AM!
Anomalies in work: Some unwanted visitors appeared on site, the local authorities were notified.
Weather: Partly cloudy in AM, clear and sunny in the PM.
Crew Physical Status: Nominal, if not a little crunchy on the ol’ bones here in 1g.
A crew EVA was taken up to Marble Ritual on Rovers, for one last team bonding experience. Much merriment ensued.
Reports filed:
Sol Summary
Reports to be filed:
Operations Report
Support Requested: A gentle but loving send-off into the welcoming embrace of Earth’s dawn.