Crew 211 Sol 3 Summary Report 24-APR-2019
Sol: 3
Summary Title: A day with Martians
Author’s name: Carl-Henrik Dahlqvist
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: After the daily medical check-up and a nice breakfast with chocolate pancakes, members of the crew left at 9:00 am for an EVA to get back Opportunity still stuck near Candor Chasma. To avoid any other issues with the rover, the EVA team got directly back to the Hab and continued its EVA on foot to explore the hills surrounding the base. The surprise of today came at 10:15 am when we learned that the student visit scheduled for tomorrow would in fact start 15 minutes later. We spent the next four hours with two groups of students visiting the different infrastructures of the MDRS and presenting our research works. These four hours have been very enriching for both the students and the UCL to Mars team. After the lunch, we all worked on our experiments. Tonight will be dedicated to sky observations with the remote controlled telescope.
Look Ahead Plan: An EVA is planned in the morning to explore Special Region. Half of the crew will stay at the base to work, as usual, on their experiments. The rest of the day will be mainly devoted to these experiments.
Anomalies in work: No issues.
Weather: Hot, bright and sunny all day.
Crew Physical Status: Twisted ankle still bloated (See HSO reports)
EVA: The aim of this third EVA was to recover the Opportunity rover. Once recovered, we decided to explore on foot the hills surrounding the MDRS.
Reports to be filed: Journalist Report, GreenHab Report , HSO report, Science Report, Operations Report, Astronomy Report, EVA report, EVA Request, Daily Photo Report + Timelapse
Support Requested: None
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