Astronomy Report – April 20th

Astronomy Report

Name: Victoria Varone

Crew: 192

Date: 20 April 2018

Sky Conditions: Clear

Wind Conditions: Calm

Observation Start Time: 1:00 PM

Observation End Time: 1:30 PM

Summary: The Sun came out after a bit of rain and a lot of clouds this morning, so I took advantage of the clear skies to get in some solar observing.

Objects Viewed: Sun

Problems Encountered: None

Science Report – April 20th

MDRS Crew 192 Final Science Report (We science the sh*t out of this!)
Richard Blakeman, Executive Officer
April 20, 2018 (Sol 12)

MDRS Crew 192 Mission Science report summary:
This report describes the outcomes of the science and research projects conducted during the MDRS Blue Crew 192 mission. It should be noted that on some of the research studies, the primary data collected requires additional time for analysis and conclusions.

Spacesuit visor fogging study
This research was conducted using a double-blind study to test off the shelf cleaning products (Joy dishwashing liquid and Johnson’s Baby shampoo) and their effectiveness against spacesuit visor fogging. Both one-piece and two-piece (separate helmet) spacesuit configurations were tested along with random controls to identify variables and collect data. The data will require analysis before any final conclusions can be made; however, preliminary data suggests that exertion levels contribute to fogging phenomenon. Additionally, baby shampoo appears to have slightly superior results in fog reduction. There were occasional reports of minor irritation but it appears to be not significant.

Hand exercises using hand relief, well-being balls
This research was conducted as single blind study to test the use of well-being ball for had exercise before EVA determining the dexterity and comfort of hands. After few measurements, discontinued the study as the exercises were creating discomfort for the crew

Crew wellness observations This is survey-based study using the Wellbeing questionnaire before, during and the end of the study to measure the happiness scale of the crew

Crew weight measurements and analysis (EVA) Daily weight measurements were taken along with the pre and post EVA analysis. Preliminary results indicated the weight loss after EVA is proportional with duration of EVA and physical exertion

Crew muscle measurements Daily crew skeletal measurements including deltoid and calf muscles were taken. Preliminary analysis show reduction in deltoid muscle in majority of the crew.

MAG (Maximum Absorbency Garment) utilization (MAG, i.e. Depend-type undergarments) were worn by crewmembers on all EVAs. This provided additional crew comfort, health, welfare, and safety protection on increasingly longer and complex EVAs. NASA and the military use the MAG protocol for missions involving extended operations involving pressure suits, EVA space suit, and undersea hard suits where waste collection issues can significantly impact crew heath and mission success.

Ultrasonic rodent repulsion experiment Three off the shelf plug-in ultrasonic rodent repulsion emitters were placed in the lower habitat, crew quarters deck, and the upper level deck. There was only one intrusion of a rodent during the mission located on the crew living deck near the refrigerator. A trap was baited with a small piece of bread coated with peanut butter and the intruding rodent was captured unharmed. On a subsequent EVA the rodent was released on Galileo Road (Route 1104). An additional rodent intruder was discovered during the night in the south-side, upper level, interface between the wall and the habitat roof structure. The intruder rodent was caught in a glue trap and did not survive. The initial conclusion is that the ultrasonic rodent repulsion emitters are ineffective. Physical traps need to be continuously deployed to capture intruder rodents and additional repulsion technologies tested.

Astronomy discussions and visual observations Conducted night time observational astronomy lectures describing various constellations and planets. The crew was able to observe several satellites and wonder at the incredible view of the heavens above. Additionally, conducted daytime solar observations using the MDRS solar telescope array. However, computer interface issues and some clouds affected viewing. Some imagery was obtained using the optical sun lens and a smart phone.

Geology observations conducted during EVAs Each EVA offered a rich and immersive experience into the local geology. Close physical inspection of structures as well as photographic and video imagery was taken for later discussion and analysis.

EVA touch screen glove testing The crew brought several types of touch pad sensitive gloves to use during EVAs. These proved to be an invaluable tool for the crews as it allowed direct interface with multiple electronic recording devices. Recommend that these be used by future crew to assist with video and photographic imagery.

Water contamination prevention and mitigation procedures
All of the habitat water storage tanks were meticulously cleaned and sanitized over the course of many days to remove any contamination and tank residue; additionally, multiple fresh water transport and loading runs to and from Hanksville was accomplished by the crew. The water transfer pump was also meticulously clean to prevent future contamination. The main water filter was also replaced by the crew.

Yuri’s night distilled spirits experiment The distillation of a celebratory spirit was both a crew morale booster and a fascinating chemistry experiment. The process took several days to complete and the resulting product was equally distributed to each crewmember in a celebratory toast to the accomplishments of Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin for becoming the first human in space April 12, 1961.

Still and video imagery Still and video imagery has been collected by all crewmembers throughout the mission in order learn and better appreciate the challenges and requirements necessary to be an effective Martian crew.

Spacesuit hydration prototype system operational testing and evaluation An experimental prototype EVA hydration system was constructed and operationally tested on multiple EVAs both mounted and dismounted. This system has shown promising results as it can be utilized while operating a rover, ATV, as well as dismounted EVAs. Astronaut hydration, particularly during heavy exertion, is an important physiological need and critical to crew safety.

Warm Regards from Florida,

Joseph Dituri, PhD (c), CDR, US Navy Saturation Diving Officer (ret)

Commander Report – April 20th

Joseph Dituri
20 April 18

Woke to a great breakfast and a happy crew….hapoy to both clean and do final EVAs. During EVA crew left behind … ALL field day-ed lower and upper HAB inside moving all furniture.

Despite having been exceptionally clean within the HAB…another pack rat showed up. Verified not the same one as before although simular. It was caught in a glue trap on 3rd upper deck. It did not survive the ordeal and was disposed of.

Dusted all flat surfaces. Organized shelves near bathroom and downstairs and cleaned what could be cleaned.

Great geology and views. Returned from second (and final) exploration EVA and had pizza and pasta for the last supper in SIM.

IMPRESSED We are impressed with PHEnOM mission support Jamie. Thank you for getting us here! BZ Jamie and PHEnOM.

Crew intends to depart area at 0800 on Sunday.

Thank you for the opportunity to learn! Last Commander’s report.

~Dituri sends

Warm Regards,

Joseph Dituri, PhD(c)
CDR, U.S. Navy Diving Officer (ret)

Director – IBUM

Greenhab Report – April 19th

GreenHab Report
Name: Andreea Radulescu
Date: 19 Apr 2018

Environmental control:

Ambient with door open
Shade cloth: on
Fan: not on.

Average temperatures: 24.2℃
Low 13.6℃
High 53.2℃

Hours of supplemental light: None

Changes to crops: None

Daily water usage for crops: 9-10 gal

Time(s) of watering for crops: Twice: In the morning around 8:15 am and afternoon 6:00pm.

Moringa research observations: None

Changes to research plants: No

Aquaponics: None

Narrative: No significant changes. Expected to have another batch of tomatoes by tomorrow.

Support/supplies needed: None

Journalist Report – April 19th

Crew 192 Journalist Report 19 Apr 2018

Author: Victoria Varone

Today was a great example of teamwork by the crew, some of whom started the day with a WONDERFUL long hike on Hab Ridge Road, taking in some of the best views we’ve seen so far of the entire Martian desert.

There was also a combined effort of cleaning, organizing, and finishing up some tasks for the incoming crew, which is made up of our own fellow Citizen Scientist-Astronaut Candidates and friends.

We ended our day with a continued combined effort of cooking, attempting to make pizza and mozzarella sticks with the dehydrated “space food” supplies we had on hand. Believe it or not, it actually turned out delicious, and with everyone contributing to the effort, we both cooked and had everything cleaned in record time.

We’re capping off the night with a viewing of Thor: Ragnarok, and will continue prepping for our incoming crew tomorrow.

Victoria Varone

Operations Report – April 19th

Crew 192 Operations Report 19Apr2018

SOL 11

Name of person filing report: Richard Blakeman

Non-nominal systems: Hot water faucet in upper deck of hab, cleaned out water pump for water tank.

Generator (hours run): 12 hours

Solar ‒ SOC 87%

Diesel – 75% fuel

Propane – 61% (telemetry reported by Shannon) psi.

Ethanol Free Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) – All ATVs filled 100%, 25% left in one can.

Water (trailer) – Empty water tank secure ob Trailer.
Water (static) – 690 gallons (two external tanks)
Trailer to Static Pump used – Yes
Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used – Yes
Water Meter: 133755.8

Toilet tank emptied: No. Last emptied April 16.

ATV’s Used: None

Oil Added? No but checked and OK last time road.

ATV Fuel Used: 0% today

# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 0

Notes on ATVs: ATVs fine, oil checked, gas full.
Assumption on percentage …untenable to check
Deimos rover used: No
Hours: 121.5
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: No

Sojourner rover used: ASSIGNED TO DIRECTOR
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging:

Spirit rover used: No
Hours: 32.8 (corrected)
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: N/A
Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: No
Hours: 29.8
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: N/A
Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: No
Hours: 27.4
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: N/A
Currently charging: No

HabCar used and why, where? No

General notes and comments: A great EVA was followed by cleaning and preparing the hab for Crew 193.

Summary of internet: 0MB at 1900.

Summary of suits and radios: Suits all charging, three one-piece suits used, radios working fine. Inventoried and cleaned 30 ear pieces not including 5 our crew has.

Summary of Hab operations: Cleaning and organizing for Crew 193.

Summary of GreenHab operations: See GreenHab Report.

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Thoroughly cleaned and prepared for next crew.

Summary of RAM operations: Trailer water tank moved out of RAM and back onto trailer and secured. Doctor requests water test kit before use. Cleaned, swept and mopped RAM…secured doors.

Summary of health and safety issues: Crew was very tired after working on water tank, so afternoon EVA was changed to an engineering EVA.

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support: Fuel for ATVs

Sol Summary – April 19th

Crew 192 Sol Summary Report 19Apr2018

Sol 11

Summary Title:

Author: Victoria Varone

Mission Status: Nearing it’s completion, we’ve begun field day work to present the hab in the best possible condition for the next crew.

Sol Activity Summary: A wonderful morning EVA across Hab Ridge Road capped off our intense EVAs for our mission, where we hiked along the beautiful ridge and collected some data on helmet fogging inside our spacesuits.

We climbed down and took some great photos of the beautiful sites and structures on our way back to the hab.

Upon returning, we had lunch and then executed a short engineering EVA to finish up some close-out tasks for the end of our mission and the incoming Crew 193.

Look Ahead Plan: Planning a few wrap up EVAs to collect last bit of Data. Getting the hab ready for Crew 193.

Anomalies in Work: None

Weather: Cool in the morning, then warm and sunny, ending with clouds in the afternoon.

Crew Physical Status: All crew are physically healthy and safe.

EVA: See EVA Report.

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary Report, EVA Report, Photo Report, Commander’s Report, GreenHab Report, Journalist Report

Support Requested: None

Maintenance request: See Operations Report

EVA Report – April 19th

EVA Report

EVA #16

19 Apr 2018 – Sol 11

Crew members: Richard Blakeman, Ashok Narayanamoorthi, Victoria Varone

Exploratory reconnaissance of area around Habitat. Continued conducting of helmet fogging study and test of experimental hydration system.


Performed a geological survey and hike of Hab Ridge Road, which provided outstanding views from every angle. Continued testing helmet fogging study, noting intensity of fogging (if any) in helmets periodically throughout EVA, especially during periods of higher exertion. We checked the hydration prototype. Walked all the way around the ridge road, climbed down, and took in the beautiful scenery on the way back to the hab.



EVA #16

19 April 2018 – Sol 11

Crew Members: Joe Dituri, Andreea Radulescu

Objectives: Changed to engineering EVA to complete necessary tasks in the RAM and around the hab.


Narrative: Checked the water tank in the RAM and loaded it to the trailer. Cleaned the RAM area. Crew was not feeling optimal after moving heavy items. Considering the crew safety, EVA was terminated earlier than the scheduled timing


Commander Report – April 19th

Joseph Dituri
19 Apr 18

The crew awoke in superb spirits. We conducted additional map training and MTU coordinate system training as well as topographical map indoctrination.

EVA team one left at 0800 with a compass and copy of map to ensure walking directions. Remaning crew did a full field day of sciemce HAB and it is standing by for inspection and for Korean film crew to use as staging area…as directed.

Additionally the stay behind team field day-ed lower portion of HAB and bathroom area. Finally we transferred ~450 gallons from 2nd storage tank to primary (black tank) leaving ~100 gallons in 2nd tank and black tank full. Also cleaned the water pump and pump container.

Inventoried, organized and cleaned 30 headphone / earpieces. Outatanding are 5 currently in use by our crew.

Afternoon EVA worked hard to remove water tank from the RAM and secure to MARS society trailer as mission complete on cleaning. They also cleaned RAM. The doctor recommends a test kit of sorts to ensure cleanliness prior to use and water consumption from container.

EVA CREW was a little tired / under the weather so they retreated to the HAB to do some training.

Did an inventory of all food and began prepping final report for end of mission.

IMPRESSED: Work ethic and “can do” spirit award goes to Andreea (Blue 03) who worked tirelessly on clean up, garden, bathroom and water transfer. BZ Blue 03.

POA&M: Intend on going out on EVAs tomorrow for final data collection and coming out of SIM not later than friday evening in preparation for cleaning and turnover wirh Gold crew.

~Dituri sends

Warm Regards,

Joseph Dituri, PhD(c)
CDR, U.S. Navy Diving Officer (ret)

Director – IBUM