Sol Summary – December 23rd

Crew 185 Sol Summary Report 23 Dec 2017

Sol 5

Beginning of a Navigation Exercise

David Murray

Mission Status: We had slight generator problems but everything is under control and we still have charge.

Sol Activity Summary: The crew ate breakfast and disbanded for individual tasks before meeting back up to do the EVA prep. Ilaria, John, and Arno made up the EVA crew today. They placed objects that the next EVA crew will have to locate in the field based on instructions from CapComm. After the EVA Arno and I participated in John’s medical training.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow we’re planning to do a split EVA to test the X-1 and to locate the items that today’s EVA crew put in the field.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny

Crew Physical Status: Healthy

EVA: 3 person EVA to use ATV’s and hide objects for a navigation study.

Reports to be filed: Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, EVA Request, EVA Report, Sol Summary

Support Requested: None

Journalist Report – December 22nd

[Sol 4]

And we are back to red! After 24h of snow and landscapes looking more like Europa than Mars, the sun is shinning again and the temperatures are positive.

Today, we did a short walking EVA to pick up geological samples around the Hab and to see if X-1 is capable of doing it. We brought back a dozen interesting rocks and samples of soil.

Then, this afternoon, we practiced CPR with John to be sure that we would be able to do it if needed. We all managed to rescue Phil the mannequin successfully!

The crew is doing great so far. The only concern is that our water supplies are running low, even though we are careful and didn’t have a shower yet. We discussed tonight how to make it even lower. Hopefully, we will have enough water for the rest of the mission. Think of us when you will have your next shower, it is a dream here!

Greetings from the Red Planet,

Thibault, ExO and spacesuit engineer for the Crew 185

Greenhab Report – December 22nd

Greenhab Report
David Murray
22 Dec, 2017
Environmental control: (Choose which is appropriate and explain further if needed)
Ambient with door open from about noon to 15:30
Working Hour: 15:30
Inside temp at working hour: 24 C
Outside temp during working hours: -0.5 C
Inside temperature high: 33 C
Inside temperature low: 14 C
Inside humidity: 16%
Functioning nominally,
Turns on at 16 C and off at 20 C
Not functional
Shade Cloth On/Off
The greenhab lights are on from 17:00 to 24:00 every night
Average temperature:
Changes to Crops
Morning Research Observations

Daily Water Usage for Crops
4 gallons + 3 gallons of miracle grow and water
Time(s) of Watering Crops
I transplanted some more tomatoes and applied Miracle Grow fertilizer to all the plants in the greenhab with the exception of my control and experimental groups of tomato plants. I added tomato cages to the bean plants for some support because that’s the best option I have right now. All the plants are looking healthy.
Support/Supplies Needed

Operations Report – December 22nd

Crew 185

Operations Report Friday 12/22/2017

SOL: 4

Name of person filing report: A.Passeron

Non-nominal systems:

-Spacesuit N°3 :
The ventilation system worked properly during the whole EVA. The running time of the fully charged battery is thus more than 1h20min.

– Shower-head :
Shower-head leak was fixed at 9:10am.

– Water shortage :
Crew aware of concern about water shortage. We are now using jerrycans for drinking water.

Generator (hours run):
Generator turned off at 8:10 am (SOC at 100%)
Generator turned on at 5:00pm (SOC at 90%)

Solar— SOC
@ 8:10am : 100%
@ 9:06am : 95%
@ 10:00am : 100%
@ 11:00am : did not check because of EVA
@ 12:00pm : 100%
@ 1:05pm : 100%
@ 2:35pm : 100%
@ 3:30pm : 99%
@ 5:00pm : 90%
@ 5:40pm : 90%

Diesel – 80%

Propane – 54%

Ethanol Free Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) – 3.5 Gallons

Water (trailer) – 50 gallons

Water (static) – 280 gallons

Trailer to Static Pump used – No

Static to Loft Pump used – Yes

Water Meter: 50 gallons

Toilet tank emptied: No

ATVs Used: No
Oil Added? No
ATV Fuel Used:
# Hours the ATVs were used today: 00:00 hours
Notes on ATVs: ATVs were nominal.

Deimos rover used: No
Hours: 00:00 hours
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging:

Sojourner rover used: Assigned to director only.
Hours: 00:00 Hours
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging:

Spirit rover used: No
Hours: 00:00 Hours
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: No
Hours: 00:00 Hours
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: No
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging:

HabCar used and why, where? No

Summary of internet: All nominal

Summary of suits and radios: All nominal

Summary of Hab operations: Shower-head leak is fixed. Water shortage prevention.

Summary of GreenHab operations: All nominal

Summary of ScienceDome operations: All nominal

Summary of RAMM operations: Not Operational

Summary of health and safety issues: Crew is Healthy

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support:

GreenHab Report – December 21st

Greenhab Report
David Murray
21 Dec, 2017
Environmental control: (Choose which is appropriate and explain further if needed)
Working Hour: 14:06
Inside temp at working hour: 18 C
Outside temp during working hours: -0.5 C
Inside temperature high: 20 C
Inside temperature low: 14 C
Inside humidity: 16%
Functioning nominally,
Turns on at 16 C and off at 20 C
Not functional
Shade Cloth On/Off
The greenhab lights are on from 17:00 to 24:00 every night
Average temperature:
Changes to Crops
Morning Research Observations
Daily Water Usage for Crops
2 gallons
Time(s) of Watering Crops
We had snow today so the greenhab stayed relatively cool with a high of 20 C, the same temperature that the heater shuts off at. With a limited water supply, the cool temperatures were welcome as I was able to use 1/3 of the water that I normally do on the plants. No signs of the seeds sprouting but I wouldn’t expect it at this point anyway. Tomorrow I’ll transplant more tomatoes and select plants to use as the control and test subject of the Moringa fertilizer experiment. Because the duration of this experiment continues into the next crew, I’d like to set the time for reapplication around a week after the next crew arrives so they have time to get settled and comfortable.
Support/Supplies Needed

Operations Report – December 21st

Crew 185
Operations Report Thursday 12/21/2017
SOL: 3
Name of person filing report: A.Passeron
Non-nominal systems:
-Spacesuit N°3 :
The ventilation system stopped once again during the engineering EVA. I opened the backpack at 3:00pm and tried to find a faulty connection with the ohmmeter. All the wires are well connected. The faulty connection may thus be in the outlet itself. Still, the backpack can be charged by slightly moving the plug. The ventilation system is operational. Tomorrow, I will check the running time of the fully-charged spacesuit to test whether or not the battery is defective.
– Outer window of front airlock and central window of living area:
Windows covered with bubblewrap to insulate against cold.
– Water heater :
The water heater is plugged. The front screen displays 061 to 063. We haven’t touched anything except the plug yet.
At 8:20am, I went to the shower and turned the hot water on all the way for 1 minute but water remained cold.
In the living area, water does not flow into the sink when hot is turned on.
– Shower-head :
Shower-head leaks when turned on.
Generator (hours run):
Generator turned off at 8:00 am (SOC at 78%)
Generator turned on at 8:55am because of snowy weather (SOC at 69%)
Solar— SOC @ 5:05pm : 100%
Diesel – 80%
Propane – 56%
Ethanol Free Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) – 3.5 Gallons
Water (trailer) – 50 gallons
Water (static) – 320 gallons
Trailer to Static Pump used – No
Static to Loft Pump used – Yes
Water Meter: 50 gallons
Toilet tank emptied: Yes
ATVs Used: No
Oil Added? No
ATV Fuel Used:
# Hours the ATVs were used today: 00:00 hours
Notes on ATVs: ATVs were nominal.
Deimos rover used: No
Hours: 00:00 hours
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging:
Sojourner rover used: Assigned to director only.
Hours: 00:00 Hours
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging:
Spirit rover used:  No
Hours: 00:00 Hours
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging: Yes
Opportunity rover used:  No
Hours: 00:00 Hours
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging: Yes
Curiosity rover used:  No
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging:
HabCar used and why, where?  No
Summary of internet: All Nominal
Summary of suits and radios: The outlet of spacesuit N°3 has a faulty connection. Checking the battery lifespan tomorrow.
Summary of Hab operations: Front airlock and living area windows are covered with bubblewrap. Shower-head leaks when turned on. Still trying to operate the water heater.
Summary of GreenHab operations: All nominal
Summary of ScienceDome operations: All nominal
Summary of RAMM operations: Not Operational
Summary of health and safety issues: Crew is Healthy
Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support:

Journalist Report – December 21st

Journalist Report 21 Dec, 2017
[Sol 3]
Crew 185 had to readjust some of our plans today. After breakfast we noticed that it was snowing outside. At first, it was light and didnt stick to the ground. When Arno, Tibo, and John went to complete the engineering check the snow began to stick and visibility became very limited. Unfortuanetly we had to cancel our EVA because visibility was crucial for the task we had assigned. Tibo still got a chance to test the X-1 space suit in the snow but the expedition was very limited. After the three returned from their engineering check we drew a picture as a group to increase team cohesion.
For the rest of the night we need to make dinner, complete psychological tests, and finish our reports. The snow is no longer falling and only trace amounts remain on the ground. We’re placing an emphasis on stress reduction and leisure for the rest of the night. Tomorrow, we hope for more agreeable weather and an opportunity to complete our EVA.
Later nerds,
David Murray – Crew Biologist and Greenhab Officer

GreenHab Report – December 20th

Greenhab Report
David Murray
20 Dec, 2017
Environmental control: (Choose which is appropriate and explain further if needed)
Ambient with window/door open at 37 C from 15:10 – 16:58
Working Hour: 16:58
Inside temp at working hour: 17 C
Outside temp during working hours: 9.5 C
Inside temperature high: 40 C
Inside temperature low: 14 C
Inside humidity: 16%
Functioning nominally
Turns on at 16 C and off at 20 C
Not functional
Shade Cloth On/Off
The greenhab lights are on from 17:00 to 24:00 every night
Average temperature:
Changes to Crops
One bean plant has six pods on it and eleven others are flowering. No plants are drooping and the transplanted tomatoes have regained their vigor.
Morning Research Observations
Daily Water Usage for Crops
6 gallons
Time(s) of Watering Crops
The temperature in the Greenhab has been fluctuating too drastically. I need to find time to open the door before noon on hot days to keep it cooler. One of our bean plants has six bean pods on it and eleven others are flowering. The tomatoes that were transplanted yesterday look like they’ve adjusted to their new homes.
Support/Supplies Needed

Sol Summary – December 20th

Crew 185 Sol Summary Report  20 Dec 2017
Sol 2
Crew 185’s First EVA
David Murray
Mission Status:
Sol Activity Summary: The crew woke up, ate breakfast together, and attached our patches to our flight suits. Then, with the help of the entire crew, Tibo donned the X-1 space suit and headed out with Arno and I, in EVA suits, to complete the daily engineering check. Immediately following this, Tibo changed into the EVA suit to join Ilaria and I for our first EVA. We walked for about 3 km and explored the surrounding terrain. When we returned, we continued our custom of eating meals as a team and sat down for lunch. Following our meal, I gave the crew a quick tour and summary of my research and work in the Greenhab. We then returned to the Hab to take part in John’s anesthesia training where we learned how to identify and anesthetize the sciatic nerve on a gel block with the help of ultrasound imaging.
Look Ahead Plan: We plan to go on our second EVA tomorrow. It should be the same as the first EVA but with different crew members.
Anomalies in work:  None
Weather: Sunny, warm
Crew Physical Status: Healthy
EVA: 3 km EVA with no vehicles to explore the surrounding terrain and get used to the EVA suits.
Reports to be file: None
Support Requested: None