MDRS Daily Summary Report for sol 0.7
Summary Title: Some reflections about the sustainability
Mission Status: I consider the day very productive and it is difficult to know when something will surprise us. At 6 PM I was surprised with a good discussion related with environmental sustainability about how to save water.
Sol Activity Summary: In the EVA today the 2 ATVs were used.
Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow, We are planning an EVA using the ATV in the morning to collect soil and plants samples. Julio and Carmen will develop their research in the Hab.
Anomalies in work: Nope.
Weather: 9o C, 49o F
Crew Physical Status: Fine.
EVA: today happened EVA with the ATV in the Tank Wash collecting vegetation samples.
Reports to be file: We sent in CapComm.
Support Requested: lights and fire alarms for the lab; GPS for EVAs and new radios.