Operations Report – November 12th

Crew 182 Operations Report  12Nov2017

SOL: 9

Name of person filing report:  Carmen Atauconcha

Non-nominal systems:

WATER HEATER:  I am going to check the information that you need tonight. I will send the information tomorrow early.

Generator—  It worked the whole night since 5: 00pm of 11Nov2017 until 8:00 am of 12Nov2017.  Turn on at 4:30 pm 12Nov2017.  Operand.



8:50 am 100%
9:50 am 100%
10:50 am 100%
11:50 am 100%
12:50 am 100%
13:50 pm 98%
14:50 pm 95%
15:26 pm 93%
15:49 pm 89%
16:08 pm 85%
17:40 pm 76%
19:40 pm 75%
20:40 pm 75%

Diesel – 55 %

Propane – 50 psi

Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) – 0 gallons. In addition, the tank of gasoline inside the ATV’s is almost filled.

Water (trailer) –  0 gallons

Water (static) – 218  gallons

Trailer to Static Pump used –   no

Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used –  yes

Water Meter:  39.4gallons

Toilet tank emptied:  yes

ATV’s Used: No

Oil Checked:  No

Atv # Fuel Used Gals:  0  gallons

Tires Status: Perfect

# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 0 hours

Deimos used:  No

Hours: 0

Beginning charge:  –

Ending charge:  –

Currently charging: Yes

HabCar used? No

Notes and Comments:
We made bread finally,  it was tasty and we liked it too much.  From another hand, the last night was a little hot. As a result, since tonight we are going to lower the temperature of the heater.
Summary of Hab operations:

We receive the new radios today in the morning.  Also, according to the instructions they were installed in the desk of radios and a couple in the laboratory.  We proved the six radios and they are fine. All of them load and we can hear clearly the messages.   According your question about how many the radios remain are operational, we had 5 remained radios working each one with their own earbud.  In addition, we had three more earbuds; one of them is not working.

According to the toilet, I did what you wrote me almost exactly. The thing is that I did not use the deodorizer pack.  I am sorry for that. I thought that with the digester will be enough.  I am going to empty the toilet tomorrow again, so, I will use the deodorizer pack.

Summary of GreenHab operations:

I will remember that the heater is automatically. Thanks mission support.

Also, inside the greenhab, there is a big blue tub. What is that?

Summary of ScienceDome operations:

We got all the cords off the middle table and put them against the wall.  We worked today until 6:30pm, and there was not light. Therefore, it is necessary the lamps.

Summary of health and safety issues:

While we were trying to cook the lunch my classmate burned his finger. I t was a little little burn. Thanks for the first aid kit, it help us in the situation.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support:

I have a doubt, which is the minimum limit for the static water tank?

We need gasoline for the ATV’S, please.

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