Good evening,
Today was Sol 5 and we had two visitors from the LA Times. The day started with the meet and greet followed by a tour of the station.
An attempt was made to use the solar telescope, but the clouds prevented observation.
Today two EVA’s took places. The first was a midmorning one to explore 3 sights on Galileo road, the URC North sight. This was completed with three members of the crew and shadowed by the two reporters.
The aim was to find plants to identify according to Paul Sokoloff study, however, problems with the Spirit rover meant that the charge ran down to 60% after the first visit and therefore the other two places will require a further EVA.
After the first EVA, we prepared lunch using cultivated foods from the GreenHab, the Green and Swiss chard was mixed into a tomato sauce and infused with Basil and Parsley also from the GreenHab. This was served to our guests alongside the leftover desserts from the Latin American cultural night.
The second EVA of the day was to run two simultaneous experiments, the first was to collect soil and rock samples to mix with previously collected soil. The mixture would then be combined with the radiated bacteria for one of the experiments we are running. The other experiment was a continuation from EVA#4, where the X-5 drone and the Tarot were flown with cameras around the Hab exterior.
Once we returned we completed another round of the problem-solving game.
Kind Regards,
Zoe Townsend