Research Report – January 13th


 Crew 219 Science Report 13-JAN-20
Crew Science Officer: Hannah Blackburn

1. Biometrics and Neurobehavioral Research

We continued taking sleep logs and post-EVA biometrics and surveys.

2. UAV

Nothing to report.

3. Dust Mitigation for Optical Mirrors

Cleaned the optical mount using air pump.

4. Astrophotography of Celestial Bodies

False color image of the Crab Nebula will be attached with the next
Astronomy Report.

5. Remediation of Mars Regolith

Samples observed under microscope.

6. Chemical and Mineralogical Composition of the MDRS Site

Samples were dried in the oven using glass beakers. Additional samples
collected during EVA 13.

7. Protocols for the Discovery of Life on Mars

Nothing to report.

Glassware check out:

10 glass beakers (sizes between 200 and 500 ml) were used to dry
regolith samples.

A reminder to all crewmembers: There's a $300 fine for using any
glassware material without MDRS Mission support permission.

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