EVA Report – January 24th


Crew 220 EVA Report 24-01-2020

EVA # 1

Author: Johannes Svensoy, MD

Purpose of EVA: Medical EVA Trauma training

Start time: 0900

End time: 1200


PRE-EVA: The crew woke up eager for our first Medical EVA. The morning before EVA we set up to conduct some science related to crew health in the Science dome. This took more time than anticipated, but all EVA Crew were hydrated and fed before leaving for EVA. But the terrain here on Mars was muddy, as usual.


During depressurization one crewmember, had communication problems, this was due to a loose connection and was resolved in the airlock during depressurization. The EVA crew walked over to MAU Station by foot and met up with the MAU EVA Crew. During the MAU briefing one of the crewmembers felt uncomfortable, and it was decided to return said crew member to the hab. Unfortunately, there were ongoing radio and comms problems after this, therefore the remaining crew docked at MDRS Hab for a debrief and testing of communication equipment. The aforementioned crewmember was assessed in Hab and found to feel better.

Destination: MAU Station, Medical EVA site 2 (12s518287,4250596)

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS):

Participants: Hab Com: Skywalker. EVA Crew: Johannes, Marufa, Connie

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Entrance road out to Cow Dung Road. Cow Dung Road South to MAU station.

Mode of travel: EVA Walk.

Support Requested: No support requested during EVA.

EVA # 2

Cancelled because of radio communication problems. Decided to rather debrief and go through radio communication protocols.

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