Research Report – January 07th

Crew 219 Science Report 07-JAN-20
Crew Science Officer: Hannah Blackburn

1. Biometrics and Neurobehavioral Research

Continued taking sleep and post-EVA logs. Post-EVA biometrics were recorded.

2. UAV

Nothing to report.

3. Dust Mitigation for Optical Mirrors

Optics mount and mirror were placed and marked with high-visibility flag.

4. Astrophotography of Celestial Bodies

Nothing to report.

5. Remediation of Mars Regolith

Regolith samples were placed in petri dishes and left to dry. Algae cells have been counted.

6. Chemical and Mineralogical Composition of the MDRS Site

Samples were taken from North Ridge and Kissing Camel on EVA 3 and 4. Samples were dried in the oven using glass beakers.

7. Protocols for the Discovery of Life on Mars

Samples were taken from North Ridge and Kissing Camel on EVA 3 and 4.

Glassware check out:

10 glass beakers (sizes between 200 and 500 ml) were used to dry regolith samples in the oven, and we will need them for the same purpose tomorrow. One glass pipette was used to measure BG11 media for the regolith remediation project.

Notes and Comments: There are unknown samples in the Science Dome incubator (which is not on) and have been there since the beginning of our sim. They are labeled “CowDung Road Gypsum 12/11” and appear to be a gel-like substance. Picture attached. Please advise on what to do with these samples.

GreenHab-Report – January 07th

Crew 219 GreenHab Report 07-JAN-20

Crew GreenHab Officer: Cynthia Montanez

Environmental control: Heating.

Shade cloth (40% and 30%) on.

Average temperature: 19.2 °C; 22.6 %

Average Max: 24.2 °C, 24.6%

Average Min: 14.3 °C, 18.6%

10:35 A.M.

Floor Unit: 11 °C

Electronic: 15.8 °C

humidity 23%

Max: 25.6 °C; 25%

Min: 10.9 °C; 17%

1:00 P.M.

Floor Unit: 13 °C

Electronic: 18.8 °C

humidity 21%

Max: 25.6 °C; 25%

Min: 19.5 °C; 20%

6:12 P.M.

Floor Unit: 9 °C

Electronic: 14.8 °C

humidity 23%

Max: 21.4 °C; 24%

Min: 12.7 °C; 19%

Hours of supplemental light: Light system 7:00PM-12:00AM.

Daily water usage for crops: ~8.37 Gal.

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: N/A

Water in Blue Tank – ~205.13 Gal.

Time(s) of watering for crops:

10:35 A.M.


Change to crops: None.


1st sprouts: N/A

Harvest: At 6:20 P.M. 4 grams of oregano and 3 grams of marjoram were harvested.

Other: The temperature in the Greenhab was colder than usual.

EVA Report 3 and 4 – January 07th

Crew 219 EVA Report 07-01-2020

EVA #3

Author: Dave Masaitis

Purpose of EVA: Geologic sample collection

Start time: 0903 hrs

End time: 1002 hrs

Narrative: EVA #3 entered the airlock at 0858 hours, and departed the Hab on foot at 0903. The EVA team moved north around the science dome and headed out towards North Ridge. Due to ambient temperature hovering around freezing, only a third of the distance towards North Ridge had been covered before the majority of crew members were reporting excessive visor fogging. CO called a short halt fogging and then resumed movement towards North Ridge. A second short halt had to be conducted just shy of the target sampling area for the same reason. Once on the target area at the base of North Ridge, crew members identified 5 locations to sample from in accordance with the crew geologist’s sample plan. The coring tool provided did a sufficient job of collecting the first sample, but the substrate was so frozen that the EVA team was unable to get the sample back out of the coring tool. CO crested a nearby ridge to reestablish communications with the Hab, and a secondary sampling technique was approved by the crew geologist. The EVA team collected and recorded locations of 10 samples, and then the CO and HSO discussed the plausibility of summiting North Ridge. Both concurred that between ground conditions and the persistent visor fogging being experienced by most of the team would make a summit attempt unsafe, so the EVA team opted to return to the Hab. EVA #3 reached the airlock at 1002 hours, for a total EVA duration of 59 minutes.

Destination: Vicinity of North Ridge

Coordinates: 0518600/4250800

Participants: D. Masaitis (CO), K. Crisman (HSO), H. Blackburn (LSO), C. Montanez (GHO)

Roads and routes per MDRS Map: North from the Hab towards North Ridge

Crew 219 EVA Report 07-01-2020

EVA #4

Author: Nathan Hadland

Purpose of EVA: Sample collection for mineralogy project and deployment of optical mount for dust mitigation project

Start time: 1250 hrs

End time: 1434 hrs

Narrative: EVA #4 initiated a 5-minute decompression at 1250 hours and moved out on foot to the vicinity of the Robotic Observatory. After setting up our experimental optical mount and safety flag to mark its location, we moved back to Curiosity and Spirit. After reporting SOC and hours, we progressed south along Cow Dung Road. We dismounted the rovers just past Robert’s Rock Garden and moved east on foot along the base of Kissing Camel Ridge E. The Crew Geologist identified a site with no snow cover and flat terrain for sample collection. We collected 5 samples in a grid and recorded GPS locations. After sample collection, we found a safe route up the side of Kissing Camel Ridge without snow cover and took 3 additional samples on the side of the formation. We then headed down and returned to the rovers. Curiosity and Spirit proceeded safely back to the Hab at 1428 hours and the EVA crew successfully pressurized in the air lock at 1434 hours.

Destination: Kissing Camel Ridge E

Coordinates: 0518100/4249300 (Kissing Camel Ridge E)

Participants: Nathan Hadland (XO), Abdul Elnagdi (GEO), Alejandro Perez (ENG), Robinson Raphael (ASTRO)

Roads and routes per MDRS Map: South along Cow Dung Road (0110), parked just south of Robert’s Rock Garden and then proceeded east on foot towards Kissing Camel Ridge E.

Mode of travel: Rovers (Spirit and Curiosity) and foot travel

Sol Summary – January 07

Crew 219 Sol Summary Report 07-01-2020

Sol: 2

Summary Title: Research, Research, Research

Author’s name: Dave Masaitis

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: Sol 2 marks our full plunge into scientific research. With our mission plan published, we spent the day starting and continuing experiments, and conducted two more EVA’s for sample collection. Other features of the day include fresh bread and cobbler by the Lead Science Officer, and whispers of a showing of The Martian after the Comms window.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow holds plans for two more proposed sample collection EVA’s, maintenance on a couple EVA suits, continued sample processing in the science dome, and continuation of our other experiments.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Cold and overcast all day, with temperatures below freezing.

Crew Physical Status: Nominal


EVA #3 – Geologic Sample Collection near North Ridge (0518600/4250900)

EVA #4 – Geologic Sample Collection around Kissing Camels (0518100/4249300)

Reports to be filed:

Sol Summary
EVA Reports 1 & 2
EVA Requests 3 & 4
Operations Report
GreenHab Report
Research Report
Journalist’s Report
Photos (Including Photo of the Day)

Support Requested:

(Carried over from previous day)

Sundries: Paper towels
Medical: C-Spine needs to be replaces (broken/misshapen)
12x Medium Gauze Pads
Anitbiotic Ointment

Research Report – January 06th


Crew 219 Research Report 06-JAN-20
Crew Science Officer: Hannah Blackburn

1. Biometrics and Neurobehavioral Research

Sleep logs began today. Post-EVA biometrics were recorded.

2. UAV

Nothing to report.

3. Dust Mitigation for Optical Mirrors

A site was selected for the mirror to be placed (between the Musk Solar Observatory and the Robotic Observatory). The optics mount was assembled.

4. Astrophotography of Celestial Bodies

Submitted an observation of the Crab Nebula with MDRS 14. Hopefully we will have clear skies soon.

5. Remediation of Mars Regolith

Samples were collected on EVA 1 and 2.

6. Chemical and Mineralogical Composition of the MDRS Site

Crew members practiced using the geological sampling tool while taking samples for #5. Locations were selected for tomorrow’s EVAs (North Ridge and Kissing Camel).

7. Protocols for the Discovery of Life on Mars

Nothing to report.

Glassware check out:

For the duration of the mission, we will need 10 glass beakers (sizes between 200 and 500 ml) to dry regolith samples in the oven, and one glass pipette to measure BG11 media for the regolith remediation project.

Sol Summary – January 06th


Crew 219 Sol Summary Report 06-01-2020

Sol: 1

Summary Title: "I have 5 high-def pictures of a toilet. Awesome!"

Author's name: Dave Masaitis

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: Sol 1 began with inclement weather and EVA delays at the Commander's discretion. Instead, Crew 219 spent the morning polishing our mission plan, conducting maintenance tasks around campus, reorganizing and consolidating sundries, and preparing materials for scientific work. After a lunchtime reevaluation of the weather, both EVAs were cleared to go, and both were conducted to standard. The late afternoon consisted of sample processing in the science dome, herb harvesting in the GreenHab, report writing in the hab, and the successful execution of a toilet procedure provided by the Director.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow holds plans for two proposed sample collection EVA's, maintenance on a couple EVA suits, and continued sample processing in the science dome.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Cold and foggy with intermittent light flurries in the early morning, to cold and overcast in the afternoon, with temperatures still holding just above freezing.

Crew Physical Status: 1 minor infury (Non-EVA) annotated in today's HSO report

EVA: EVA #1 - Terrain Familiarization and Sample Collection at Marble Ritual (0518700/4250700)
EVA #2 - Terrain Familiarization and Sample Collection at Marble Ritual (0518700/4250700)

Reports to be filed:

Sol Summary
EVA Reports 1 & 2
EVA Requests 3 & 4
Operations Report
HSO Report
GreenHab Report
Research Report
Journalist's Report
Mission Plan
Updated HSO Pre-Mission Checklist
Photos (Including Photo of the Day)

Support Requested:

Sundries: Paper towels
Medical: C-Spine needs to be replaced (broken/misshapen)
12x Medium Gauze Pads
Anitbiotic Ointment


EVA Report – January 06th


Crew 219 EVA Report 06-01-2020
EVA #1
Author: Dave Masaitis
Purpose of EVA: Terrain familiarization and sample collection
Start time: 1254 hrs
End time: 1327 hrs
Narrative: EVA #1 initated a 5-minute decompression at 1249 hours, and moved out to Curiosity and Spirit by 1254 hours. We reported our SOC and hours, then lined up to make movement. After a short trip north along Cow Dung Road, we dismounted the rovers and moved east on foot to confirm the location of Marble Ritual. Once complete, we marked Marble Ritual with a high-visibility VS-17 signal panel for EVA #2, and then moved within 1m to begin core sample collection. We extracted and stored a core sample and took a location marking. We then moved back to the rovers, and returned southward to the HAB. We parked the rovers, reported SOC and hours, and then moved to the airlock by 1327 hours.
Destination: Marble Ritual
Coordinates: 0518700/4250700
Participants: D. Masaitis (CO), K. Crisman (HSO), A. Perez (ENG), R. Raphael (ASTRO)
Roads and routes per MDRS Map: North on Cow Dung Road via rovers until adjacent to Marble Ritual, east on foot to Marble Ritual
Mode of travel: Rovers (Spirit and Curiosity) and foot travel

EVA #2

Author: Nathan Hadland

Purpose of EVA: Terrain familiarization and sample collection

Start time: 1500 hrs

End time: 1545 hrs

Narrative: EVA #2 initiated a 5-minute decompression at 1500 hours, and moved out to Curiosity and Spirit. After reporting SOC and hours, we progressed north along Cow Dung Road. We dismounted the rovers and moved east on foot to the VS-17 signal panel placed by EVA #1. We then moved slightly farther eastward to the ridge with minimal snow cover for sample collection. We collected 3 samples at different stratifications on the ridge and recorded GPS locations. After sample collection, we returned to the rovers and proceeded back to the Hab and successfully pressurized in the air lock.

Destination: Marble Ritual

Coordinates: 0518700/4250700

Participants: Nathan Hadland (XO), Hannah Blackburn (LSO), Cynthia Montanez (GHO), Abdul Elnajdi (GEO)

Roads and routes per MDRS Map: North on Cow Dung Road via rovers until adjacent to Marble Ritual, east on foot to Marble Ritual

Mode of travel: Rovers (Spirit and Curiosity) and foot travel

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