GreenHab Report – February 06th

Crew 221 GreenHab Report 06FEB2020

GreenHab Officer: Jessica Todd

Environmental control: Heating. GreenHab door shade cloth (40%) (30%) on.

Average temperatures: 18.33°C

Hours of supplemental light: 19:30 to 00:00

Daily water usage for crops: 9.2 gallons

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 0.5 gallons

Water in Blue Tank: 243 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 1

Changes to crops: Two of the four succulent plants seemed to have recovered a bit, yay! The leaves are more plump. Waiting on the other two. I repotted one of the sadder looking ones, as the soil was completely dry and barren and the roots didn’t seem healthy. Hanging lettuce pot on the bottom was fully soaked in water. As the pot has no drainage, will leave lettuce unwatered for the next day in the hopes that the soil dries out a bit. A few tomato plants are wilting. Rotated the plants on the bed. Ginger has almost sprouted, and the radish sprinklers, bell peppers and roma tomato have all sprouted.

Narrative: The plant beds were very moist this morning so I skipped the morning watering. Crew Engineer and I set up a new experiment in the GreenHab. We are going to attempt to grow Blue Corn from Martian soil! We have set up four trays on one of the benches, one as the control and three containing different types of Martian soil, mixed with some fertilizer. We’ve planted several rows of blue corn and will be watering it and monitoring the soil conditions each day.

Harvest: NA

Support/supplies needed: NA

Other Notes: Have sprayed the herb garden and the carrots and icy radishes with some pesticide to get rid of the small bugs. Will not harvest for the next few days. Also, slightly concerned about the wilty tomato plants. I have no experience with tomatos. Would this be a symptom of too much/little water? Or too much/little sunlight?

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