Astronomy Report – February 24th

Astronomy Report

Name: Eishi Kim
Crew: 222
Date: 2/24/2020


Robotic Telescope Requested (choose one) MDRS-14

Objects to be Imaged this Evening: Keeping on with the research project,
the following targets are added to the queue for the second round, in
addition to the pending observations: NGC 2683, NGC 3031, NGC 2655, NGC
3344, NGC 4449, NGC 4254, NGC 3338, NGC 2775, M100. This will provide me
with standard images that can be compared to the existing reference
images, in order to try detecting a supernova.

Images submitted with this report: None, but the first standard images
are being analysed using the Photoshop overlay function. No promising
finding is to be reported so far.

Problems Encountered: Frames of NGC 4618, NGC 3521, NGC 4725 and NGC
3675 had WCS registration errors which make them unusable for analysis.
New observations are however planned in the coming days.


Solar Features Observed: N/A

Images submitted with this report: N/A

Problems Encountered: N/A

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