GreenHab Report – March 05th

Crew 223 GreenHab Report – 05-03-2020 GreenHab Officer: Valentin

Environmental control: Ambient with Door open

Average temperature: 23.2°C
Low temperature: 20°C High temperature: 26°C

Hours of supplemental light: 4 hours (from 9P.M to 1 a.m.)

Daily water usage for crops: 15.8 gallons

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 0 gallon

Water in Blue Tank— 166.4 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 3 (1 only for tomatoes and radish)

Changes to crops: I planted green spinach to replace the ones that I
harvested two days ago.

Narrative: This morning, I watered all the plants as usual. I planted
spinach in the free pot under the strawberries. I also did the cleaning
and marked well all the plants with new tags. After lunch, I carried out
the experiment Music For Plants. The radish which were transplanted
yesterday didn’t grow well. I had to find another solution. I decided to
transplant other advanced plants of radish. I hope those ones will
recover from transplantation. For the dinner, I harvested basil to make
a soup and lemon balm for the dessert.

Harvest: 10g Basil / 5g Lemon Balm

Support/supplies needed: NA

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