Sol Summary – April 11th

Crew 245 Sol Summary Report 11-04-2021

Sol: 1

Summary Title: Arrival at the Station

Author’s name: Shayna Hume

Mission Status: Executive Officer

Sol Activity Summary: Arrive at Station. Because of the late hour, the priority was to unpack and learn the essentials of living in the station safely. We settled into our staterooms. The Crew Engineer spent time with the station Director learning how the toilet operates and flushing old water out of the system. Commander and XO spent time preparing initial emails and reports.

The primary challenge that arose was an uncertain smell near the Crew Scientist’s stateroom. It was found that it was sewage gas and the flushing of the toilet took care of the issue. A full operations report on Sol 2 is following. Note: we are not yet in simulation.

Look Ahead Plan: On Sol 2, we will be beginning the training, taking the quiz, and assisting with last-minute repairs needed for the Hab, including putting up the tarps for between buildings. Before the end of the day, we intend to

Anomalies in work: n/a

Weather: Warm in the daytime, around 40 F at nighttime. Clear weather.

Crew Physical Status: No issues. HSO Report for before the sim coming on Sol 2.

EVA: n/a

Reports to be filed: n/a

Support Requested: n/a

Shayna Hume, Executive Officer
Red Planet People – MDRS Crew 245 "Team Patamars"
To Mars and Beyond – For All!

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