GreenHab Report – January 1st

Crew 289 GreenHab Report : 1-1-2024 (Sol 9)
GreenHab Officer: Riya Raj
Environmental Control: Heater on, fan off, door closed.
Average Temperatures:
Avg Temp – 9:55 am (69.8 °F)
Relative Humidity – 14 %
**After Watering:
Avg Temp – 10:15 am (69.4°F)
Relative Humidity – 43%
Used 3 ½ gallon & 14 oz to water all the plants (includes misting amount)
Avg Temp – 4:30 pm (70 °F)
Relative Humidity – 13%
**After Watering:
Avg Temp – 4:45 pm (68°F)
Relative Humidity – 43%
Used 2.1 gallons & 16 oz to water all the plants (includes more misting)
Hour of supplemental light: 10pm-2am (4 hours)
Daily water usage for crops: Sol 9 – 5.93 gallons
(includes 28 oz of sprayed mist at 10:30 pm on 12/31)
Water in Blue Tank (200-gallon capacity): 163.42 gallons
Times of Watering for Crops: Sol 9 – 10:15 am & 4:45 pm
Changes to Crops: planted some onion seeds and added fertilizer to the spinach and mint plants – hopefully they can start sprouting soon. Changed compost and extra soil pots to keep things organized.
Sol 9:
Today was a little warmer than the day before so I watered all the plants before our 12pm EVA. The humidity was low as usual, but the misting makes it warm and moist. The cucumber plants are doing better with the elevated stakes since they are getting more sunlight. I also checked on Eshaan’s mini solar farm and there are more baby kale sprouts! I’m glad to see her setup working!
I am little worried about the spinach and mint that I planted a few days ago. I added some organic fertilizer to both of those plants to give it more nutrients. The cling wrap is also still on there since the pots are closer to the edge near the higher sunlight concentration. I was able to properly harvest the kale and lettuce for our dinner plans that we have. I still have no idea what we are making lolz. The inventory list is almost done and I will put that in the greenhab soon.
Sol 9 Harvest:
Lettuce: 13 grams
Kale: 53 grams
Support/supplies needed: More potting soil please? Maybe like a tiny bag, doesn’t have to be too big!

EVA Report – January 1st

EVA Report #09
Author: Eshaana Aurora
EVA Date: 1st January 2024
Start time: 1205
End time: 1419
Purpose of EVA:
LiDAR imaging of Kissing Camel Ridge
Taking LiDAR images of Kissing Camel Ridge using an elevated monopod.
The first, entirely female, Extra-Vehicular Activity (EVA) commenced at 1205, led by Riya (Greenhab Officer) with Sara (Executive Officer/ Crew Journalist), Adriana (Crew Commander), Eshaana (Crew Geologist). The crew embarked on their Martian exploration by making an initial stop in front of the Hab to take an in depth LiDAR scan utilizing the elevated monopod and the Polycam IOS app. The EVA crew took turns and walked around with the elevated monopod taking scans around the RAM, the Hab, Greenhab, Science Dome, Observatory and the Solar Panels. The single scan, which turned out to be quite vivid post processing, took about 40 minutes.
Subsequently, the crew set out for the second stop, Kissing Camel Ridge utilizing the Curiosity and Spirit rovers, navigating from Cow Dung Road to the south until reaching Kissing Camel Ridge. Curiosity and Spirit initiated the mission with full charges – Curiosity at 100% and 262.5 hours, Spirit at 100% and 240.0 hours.
After parking the rovers on the side of the road, at Kissing Camel Ridge Road, the team started scanning yet again but this time instead of a singular LiDAR scan the crew also captured two 360 degree photo scans as well, of the beautiful landscape. The crew also found frozen Martian lakes! The top of the lake surfaces had an interesting chocolate bar texture further escalating the crew’s hunger pangs. With a quick few scans and after collecting a few beautiful rocks around the ridge, especially some colorful petrified wood the team traveled back to the rovers around 1407. The team returned to the Habitat with Curiosity at 56% charge and 262.7 hours, and Spirit at 57% charge and 240.2 hours. The reentry process for the HAB commenced at 1419, concluding the Martian exploration.
This EVA involved meticulous planning, organization and time tracking to ensure the LiDAR scans were efficiently and successfully completed during the limited excursion time. Overall, the EVA was executed with a resounding success with exploration, research and safety properly balanced and prioritized.
Destination: Kissing Camel Ridge
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): N 518300, E 4249500
Participants: Adriana Brown (Commander), Eshaana Aurora (Crew Geologist), Riya Raj (Greenhab Officer), Sara Paule (Crew Journalist)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: First stop will occur outside the Hab itself after which the crew will take rovers and drive south on Cow Dung Road 0110 until Kissing Camel Ridge
Mode of travel: Driving and Walking (Spirit and Curiosity)

Sol Summary – January 1st

Sol: 8
Summary Title: Sol Eight: Kissing Camel Date
Author’s Name: Adriana Brown
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Status:
The Earth year 2024 began with a toast of sparkling juice in mugs after a midnight countdown. The crew then awoke to a gorgeously sunny morning on the Red Planet. We were treated to Adi’s poha and upma for breakfast which fueled the crew for a day of EVAs and research. Adriana checked on her sediment experiments afterward. The EVA crew set out at noon for a set of LiDAR scans. The first scan took place at our Home Sweet Hab. Under Riya’s careful guidance, Adriana, Eshaana, and Sara helped guide the camera around the MDRS campus to reproduce a high-resolution scan. Then, they boarded the rovers and drove southward to Kissing Camel Ridge to collect more LiDAR data (and some petrified wood).
At the Hab, Gabe, Nathan, and Adi were busy cheffing up a storm. The EVA crew returned to a wonderful carb-rich spread of macaroni and cheese, cheesy biscuits, roasted veggies, and mashed potatoes. Thanks, team! After lunch, the crew began the sequence of showers to kick off the New Year squeaky clean.
This evening, Adriana will be making some sort of dinner that utilizes a lot of kale (thanks, GHO!), Adi will work on E.L.F., Nathan will work on an airlock sensor, and Eshaana will download data from her mini farm. If time allows, we also hope to finish the second half of Lagaan. Here’s to 2024!
Look Ahead Plan: robotics EVA #10 to candor chasma
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Sunny and clear

Operations Report – January 1st

Crew 289 Operations Report 1-1-2024
SOL: 8
Name of person filing report: Nathan Bitner
Non-nominal systems: None
Notes on non-nominal systems: None
Spirit rover used: Yes
Hours: 262.5
Beginning Charge: 100%
Ending Charge: 56%
Currently Charging: No
Opportunity Rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently Charging:
Curiosity Rover used: Yes
Hours: 240.0
Beginning Charge: 100%
Ending Charge: 57%
Currently Charging: No
Perseverance Rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently Charging:
General notes on rovers: Rovers are functioning properly.
Summary of Hab operations:
Water (static tank): 337.6
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): on
Static tank heater (on or off): on
Toilet tank emptied: no
Summary of internet: Internet is nominal
Summary of suits and radios: We replaced the battery in suit 2 from the cabinet and tested it inside the hab for an hour and a half, it seems to function nominally now, making all suits and radios nominal.
Summary of Greenhab operations:
Heater: on
Supplemental light: off
lettuce – 13g
kale – 53g
Summary of ScienceDome operations: Dissolved and catalogued sediment samples using HCL.
Dual split: Heat or AC: On
Summary of RAM operations: (Tools used, work done): Soldered wheel back onto robotics project after damage from testing.
Summary of any observatory issues: All systems nominal
Summary of health and safety issues: No health or safety issues
Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: None

Sol Summary – December 31st

Sol: 7
Summary Title: Sol Seven: Relaxation Heaven
Author’s Name: Adriana Brown
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Status:
Crew 289 ended 2023 with a rest day on Mars. With no alarms set, the crew enjoyed a brunch of crepes with various toppings. Soon after, some crew members returned for an early afternoon nap, or played Jenga, with some emerging victorious, and some not (sorry Riya and Eshaana). Then, the crew worked for a bit on research. Riya checked on her hydroponics set up, added more stakes to cucumber leaves, trimmed carrot plants, and treated the plants to some EDM. Adriana relabelled all of the sediment samples catalogued yesterday with the correct stratigraphic heights, Nathan worked on the air quality and air lock sensors and figured out a battery problem with one of the suits. Besides research, the crew also worked on jamming to some music, a Martian themed puzzle, and a special New Years Eve dinner: layered biryani courtesy of Eshaana and Adi. Tonight, the crew is also planning to make some brownies as a treat to usher in the New Year and watch Lagaan, a Bollywood movie downloaded by Adi. Happy New Years from Crew 289 to all our friends at Mission Support and on Earth!
Look Ahead Plan: LiDAR scanning EVA #9 to Kissing Camel Ridge
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: sunny and clear
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: none
Reports to be filed: Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Sol Summary, Astronomy Report, Photos
Support Requested: None

Operations Report – December 31st

SOL: 7
Name of person filing report: Nathan Bitner
Non-nominal systems: None
Notes on non-nominal systems: None
Spirit rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently Charging:
Opportunity Rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently Charging:
Curiosity Rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently Charging:
Perseverance Rover used: No
Hours: (Before EVA)
Beginning Charge: (Before EVA)
Ending Charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently Charging:
General notes on rovers: Rovers are functioning properly.
Summary of Hab operations:
Water (static tank): 360.5
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): on
Static tank heater (on or off): on
Toilet tank emptied: no
Summary of internet: Internet is nominal
Summary of suits and radios: Suit 2 has had slight fogging issues during previous EVAs but voltages seemed alright when checked. After running for an hour inside the hab we found the battery discharged as normal for about an hour, then it rapidly dropped to about 5.4 V and the fan speed slowed down.
Summary of Greenhab operations:
Heater: on
Supplemental light: off
Harvest: None
Summary of ScienceDome operations: Dissolved and cataloged sediment samples using HCL.
Dual split: Heat or AC: On
Summary of RAM operations: (Tools used, work done): Used and then returned allen wrench pack for adjusting a bedroom stool.
Summary of any observatory issues: All systems nominal
Summary of health and safety issues: No health or safety issues
Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: None

Journalist Report – December 31st

Sara Paule, Crew 289 Journalist & Executive Officer
Sol 7
Martian rest day is the best day! Ok, hardly. High achievers like to get things done and our crew is certainly a group of highly motivated individuals. Yet, we have managed to have a comparably low-key day, especially since it is New Year’s Eve.
The day started with sleeping in and a stack of tropical crepes, supplied by Pots. She flavored the crepes with coconut milk, cinnamon, and the water from rehydrated strawberries, blueberries, and mangos. In addition to the reconstituted fruit, we had an assortment of toppings to choose from: syrup, Nutella, crunchy peanut butter, smooth peanut butter, and honey. Delish.
Brunch was followed with a few rounds of Jenga before the crew broke up for the afternoon to handle 2-4 hours of needed tasks for the day and assorted research responsibilities. Everyone returned to the hab in the late afternoon to watch Bollywood dance videos. Michelin is educating us about Indian dance moves in hopes of some evening time dancing. Ultimately, the videos are the next tactic in his recruitment drive after introducing us to some Indian music last night because he has warned us all he will not dance without at least one other participant.
The crew then teamed up on the 500-pieces “Mars Explorers Wanted” puzzle from the hab games cabinet. With irregularly shaped pieces, it has proven a particular challenge but we trust that it will be completed before dinner or, at least, we are hoping so. Otherwise, we’ll be eating dinner on top of the puzzle because our dinner table, which is also our report drafting table, is the puzzle table. Overall, people are mostly enjoying themselves. I think. Then again, Rocky declared at one point, “This is fun. Remember, we’re having fun!” while pounding on the table. Shrub also suggested that a knife would allow us to edit the puzzle to make any piece fit as needed. So, maybe I’m misreading the fun quotient.
There has been bopping throughout the day. Music has been a constant throughout the hab today, including in the GreenHab. We’ve learned that plants like EDM so in addition to the composting, watering, and careful tending via trellising and pruning, the plants are being tempted to grow with good tunes. Music is also good for confined astronauts. Plants and people-alike are in a good mood thanks to tunes downloaded pre-mission. Many tunes are space themed. Rocket Man is a regular occurrence, obviously.
Tonight, our New Year’s Eve celebration will include a biryani made by Butter and Michelin. It is smelling absolutely amazing. Since we skipped lunch today with a late brunch, we did do some minor snacking in the afternoon by raiding the kitchen cabinets for creative tasty treats. Tortillas with butter, salt, garlic powder, and parmesan were the most commonly consumed item. Peanuts and trail mix supplemented. Mostly, these were items to tide us over until we could enjoy dinner since our celebratory biryani dinner was planned last night with much anticipation. It was well worth the wait. The spice was so good.
The post-dinner plan is to settle down in the “couch” space at the very top of the hab with popcorn and a movie. I’m not sure anyone on Crew 289 has really utilized that area of our living space. It is only accessible via a ladder since it is situated above the 6 bunk rooms on the upper deck of the hab and is next to the 1 bunk room that is similarly in the loft space. I take the lack of usage of that area as a sign that our home feels reasonably spacious despite the fact that the central building is only 8 meters wide. Around midnight, we’ll ring in the new year with some sparkling juice – this time a fancy rosé.
From Mars, we are wishing our loved ones and all on Earth, a positive end to 2023 and a beautiful new year.

GreenHab Report – December 31st

GreenHab Officer: Riya Raj
Environmental Control: Heater on, fan off, door closed.
Average Temperatures:
Avg Temp – 11:20 am (86 °F)
Relative Humidity – 10 %
Avg Temp – 1:35 pm (93.9°F)
Relative Humidity – 10%
Turned on the fan for 20 minutes to cool plants
**After Watering:
Avg Temp – 2:30 pm (73.1°F)
Relative Humidity – 42%
Used 2 gallons to water all the plants (includes more misting)
Hour of supplemental light: 10pm-2am (4 hours)
Daily water usage for crops: Sol 7 – 5.5 gallons
Water in Blue Tank (200-gallon capacity): 169.35 gallons
Times of Watering for Crops: Sol 7 – 2:30 pm
Changes to Crops: added extra stakes for the cucumber plants since they are wildly growing!
Sol 7:
I took off the cling wrap from the carrot plants since they were growing fungus – but this is a good sign! The moisture retained! The stems of the plant got stronger, and I am hoping that the roots are now properly established. I left two more wraps on it to keep the water dripping in the soil. The cucumber plants are also becoming stronger and stronger everyday, so I tied more water to hold the taller vines. Today was also weirdly hot so I turned on the large fan to cool the plants down and make them stand up again! Eshaana also checked on her mini solar farm and now there are about 10 tiny little kales, and the C4 Bermuda grass has broken through the top layer of the soil. So many cute baby plants!
Sol 7 Harvest: None
Support/supplies needed: None

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