Sol Summary – January 2nd

Sol: 9
Summary Title: Sol Nine: E.L.F.’s Incline
Author’s Name: Adriana Brown
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Status:
Sol 9 was another productive sol for the team. After a breakfast of cereal and various dinner leftovers, our EVA crew consisting of Adi, Gabe, Sara, and Nathan set out at 11:00 AM to Candor Chasma. With them, the group carried our drone and Adi’s robot, E.L.F. While at Candor Chasma, they tested E.L.F.’s ability to climb slopes in the dynamic sandy and rocky terrain of the canyon. While our little friend performed gallantly, he will need a wheel repair before his final EVA. The team also conducted LiDAR using the drone (FLiDAR) and took many photos of the beautiful vistas.
During the EVA, Adriana worked in the Science Dome to set up new sediment carbonate experiments and Eshaana uploaded agrivoltaic data. Adriana, Riya, and Eshaana then teamed up for their own expedition: homemade tomato soup with cheesy biscuits. After several iterations of tasting and seasoning, they arrived at a concoction worthy of the hungry EVA crew. After the EVA, Nathan and Adi soldered in the RAM, Sara finished a main portion of her report coding project, Riya and Eshaana worked in the GreenHab to water plants and test a camera set up for the mini farm. Our GHO was very excited this morning to announce that we have baby tomatoes growing! While we might not be here to reap the bounty, it is exciting to know that some vegetable goodness awaits the next crew.
This evening, Eshaana is cooking up some tasty lentils while the crew works on report writing. The crew is starting to plan out their last few days on Mars research-wise, EVA-wise, and importantly, meal-wise!
Look Ahead Plan: Geologic EVA #11 to White Rock Canyon
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Sunny and clear
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: robotics EVA #10 to candor chasma
Reports to be filed: Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Sol Summary, Astronomy Report, Photos, EVA report
Support Requested: a refill on salt (if possible)

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