Sol Summary – February 28th

Crew 293 Sol Summary Report 28-02-2024

Sol: 10

Summary Title: Time Flies !

Author’s name: Marie Delaroche, Crew Commander

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

As we near the mid-mission mark, it feels nice to have some novelty once in a while, to keep us focused and 100% invested in the mission.

This took many forms today: the Crew Astronomer and Journalist were out on EVA with the Crew Scientist, discovering North Ridge for the first time, and tasked with reaching the predefined checkpoints, after having studied a 3D map of the area. This outing, though rewarding for the many beautiful sights and satisfying scientific process, was physically draining for the EVA crew, and the atmospheric instruments presented many issues during the battery change. The crew was warmly greeted upon their return, and after lunch everyone returned to their activities. Our Crew Engineer, quite skilled with editing software, is working hard to prepare the mid-rotation video, while the GreenHab Officer and myself had another EchoFinder session. The software is very buggy, and the hardware is giving us some trouble; we will try to find solutions to mitigate this in the coming Sols.

The deployment of AMI, our anomaly monitoring interface, is also still underway; we are expecting a new and improved version of the software from our CapCom in Toulouse this weekend. Meanwhile, its daily use gives us the opportunity to do some quick troubleshooting and problem solving, keeping us on our toes. We are gradually getting used to it and integrating it in our daily routine!

Nothing is more priceless during such long-duration missions than seeing joy on fellow Crewmembers’ faces. Our Crew Astronomer had such a moment tonight, when she learned that there was a possibility for the Solar Observatory to be operational as of next week! We’re all hoping, praying, and crossing all possible fingers.

Look Ahead Plan:

Tomorrow morning (Sol 11), we would like to schedule an EVA to tend to the atmospheric devices, to try and find the source of the issues we are facing during data collection.

The second Photogrammetry EVA is scheduled on Sol 12.

Anomalies in work: EVA suits 3,4,5,7,9, Perseverance rover, radio #6, Solar observatory offline.

Weather: Sunny, low -4°C, high 15°C

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA: Photogrammetry at North Ridge

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist’s Report, GreenHab Report, Operations Report, Photos (6-8 pics), EVA Reports, EVA Request

Support Requested:

Ben, thank you for your message regarding the resupply. We are ok to submit a request for scenario 1, with a 2-person crew. Would it be possible for you to leave the boxes not too close to the Hab (about 15-20 meters), to simulate a capsule having landed close to the station? Thank you for your support.

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