Sol Summary – March 2nd

Crew 293 Sol Summary Report 02-03-2024

Sol: 13

Summary Title: Winds in the East, Mist coming in

Author’s name: Marie Delaroche, Crew Commander

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

It feels very strange to change a well-established routine after two weeks! Usually, our mornings are planned to the second, however today we were forced to do things differently. The daily workout session had to be struck out of the schedule, in order to begin the emergency EVA as early as possible. Because of the very high winds and rain forecast, the outing to change batteries in the afternoon was rescheduled to 8 AM, to avoid the high winds. The objectives were changed, prioritizing the protection of the Field Mill and retrieval of the LOAC. The EVA was a success: all instruments are ready to face the Martian storm, the data has been collected, and batteries changed.

This afternoon, the winds set off a series of unfortunate events: the outer Airlock door was blown open, and the tunnel to the Science Dome was so deformed by the wind that the tarps started tearing. The Science Dome was deemed unsafe to travel to by the Crew, access has been restricted for the time being, until the winds slow down. As for the outer airlock door, Mission Support intervened to close it from the outside, after which we secured it using weights and ropes; the system is holding up so far. An alarm from our Anomaly Monitoring System also rang at 14:02; the issue was handled by the GreenHab Officer, following the protocol developed by our CapCom in Toulouse.

The Crew Engineer has finished the mid-rotation video, which we are excited to share tonight!

Look Ahead Plan:

We are aiming to start photogrammetry at Candor Chasma on Sol 15, if the weather conditions permit it. Sol 14 has been declared a rest day.

Anomalies in work: EVA suits 3,4,5,7,9 , Solar Observatory offline, Science Dome closed off

Weather: Partly cloudy, high winds (70-80 km/h gusts)

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA: Atmospheric instruments retrieval and maintenance

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist’s Report, GreenHab Report, Astronomy Report, Operations Report, Photos (6-8 pics), EVA Report, Food Inventory, Mid-rotation science report

Support Requested: NA

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