EVA Report – April 3rd

EVA #4
Author: Arnaud de Wergifosse (Scientist)
Purpose of EVA: The group will check the status of Maxime’s weather station positioned during EVA 3 in the area between the MDRS, the Hab Ridge and the North Ridge. We will be walking toward the station to save time as it is not near a road. Weather station and fixing the wind indicator. We will be replacing the battery while the weather station is being checked, Louis will perform his first automatic flight of the day to study the area between the MDRS, the Hab Ridge and the North Ridge..
After the station is fixed, the group will head to Amazonis Planitia by climbing to the top of the Hab Ridge using the 1103 footpath. Upon reaching Sagan Street 1103, the group will traverse a maximum of 400m westward along the road. This route aims to gain insights into the Amazonis Planitia area for potential future weather station placement. We will also take pictures along Hab Ridge. After that, the group will use the same pathways and roads to head back to the station. On their way back, they will check the status of the weather station for a second time. The entire trip will be performed on foot and the total walking distance will be around 2 Miles round trip.
Start time: 9:01am
End time: 10:31am
Narrative: The astronauts have successfully completed their mission, by first locating the weather station using the GPS coordinates that were collected in yesterday’s EVA. Using duct tape, the wind indicator has been successfully fixed and the battery changed to a new one. During this time, the trap cameras were checked to see if they worked properly, and they did. They did not capture any dust activity, but that was expected because of the low wind speed. After the repairs on the weather station were completed, the astronauts set out west towards Hab Ridge. After joining the 1103 footpath, the EVA team saw very interesting geological formations : very small sinkholes in the wash of the small valley just south of the footpath. The astronauts then arrived at the top of Hab Ridge and took pictures of the breathtaking scenery. The EVA team decided to not go further east as they were starting to feel tired and hot in the suits. The EVA team then went down the ridge towards the hab by walking down in a wash. They then came back safely to the hab at 10:31, a little tired after walking 1,24 Miles approximately.
Destination: North of the Hab to North Ridge, beginning of the Amazonis Planitia
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84):
First stop (weather station): 4251250,518500
Second stop (beginning of Sagan Street): 4251500, 518000
Participants: Maxime Foucart (Astronomer) and Alba Sánchez Montalvo (Journalist)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: 1103 (Footpath), Hab Ridge Rd N, Sagan Street 1103
Mode of travel: Walking

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