Journalist Report – April 21st

Crew 297 – Janus 1 Journalist – David Laude

One week in, Sol 7, and the Janus 1 Crew has full confidence in completing nearly all research projects before departing Mars, problems or not. Today’s EVAs took one team (Matt and Matt) to the far NW where the "Overlook" (previously the "Moon Overlook" where this journalist once performed an EVA on Phobos). A few km north they reached the "Sea of Shells" where hill side after hill side is covered dense with ancient sea shells. The other EVA team (Pawel and Dave) stayed at home base and spent time with the mobile robot Case in front of the Hab. Dave set it on its automated course and at times manually controlled it from within the RAM while Pawel accompanied it. Case had a mind of its own at times stopping and turning about before proceeding on and then finally losing its azimuth by fixating on 71 degrees east. The final drive of the day up the ramp into the RAM to Dave was a perfect end to an otherwise somewhat troubled afternoon. Our goal was to evaluate for ease of use and note any problems and so one should consider the event a success. In the Hab whole wheat raisin bread was baked and for dinner jambalaya with Red Lobster brand muffins.

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