Journalist Report – April 22nd

Crew 297 – Janus 1 Journalist – David Laude

"Mars is there, waiting to be reached." – Buzz Aldrin

EVA 11 team, Pawel and Sarah, did some reaching to Mars in sim today, driving as far as rover Oppy would take them and still make it back to base on one charge. They arrived at the grey unit and took gamma-ray measurements of it, looking for uranium content and comparing to previously measured units. Later they walked to the overlook and then to south of the Sea of Shells. Finally, they hid the NPS for tomorrow’s morning EVA team to search for. Those remaining at the MDRS campus worked on a variety of odds and ends throughout the day.

Today’s featured crew member is Sean Marquez, our GreenHab Officer. In his biography he states: "Sean has a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering, specializing in design of mechanical systems, from the University of California, Irvine. He worked as an associate mechanical design engineer for Max Q Systems – formerly an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) for the aerospace industry. In his spare time, he contributes to FPrime, an open-source flight software and embedded systems framework used on the NASA/JPL Mars Ingenuity helicopter and university CubeSATs. FPrime is currently undergoing implementation at the Mars Desert Research Station to automate monitoring of plants in the GreenHab. Sean also works with a working group with the Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA) and the Mach 30 Foundation to develop open standards for the medical/aerospace industry, as well as methodologies for developing open-source hardware (OSHW) like open-source software (OSS). Sean is currently studying permaculture design to develop a means to becoming multiplanetary without the need for interplanetary supply chains, using permaculture as its guiding principles."

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