EVA Report – May 17th

Crew 299 EVA 6 Report 5-17-2024

EVA #6

Author: Aravind Karthigeyan

Purpose of EVA: EVA to Zubrin’s Head in order to collect samples and test radioactivity of the environment.

Start Time: 11:24 AM

End Time: 1:02 PM

Narrative: The EVA team took Curiosity and Opportunity rovers down to Zubrin’s Head. The crew took some fun pictures to be uploaded to social media and for the journalist. The crew found some interesting petrified wood near the location. In addition we collected more samples such as a unique green pebble stuck to a crevice.

Destination: Zubrin’s Head


519250, 4248500 (Zubrin’s Head)

EVA Participants: Pari (Commander), Kristina (HSO), Aravind (Chemist)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Taking Cow Dung Road 0110 to Zubrin’s Head

Mode of travel: Driving Opportunity + Walking

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