Crew 299 EVA 2 Report 5-18-2024
EVA #7
Author: Rishabh Pandey
Purpose of EVA: To generate 3D model of the surrounding areas. Members will go on a driving EVA stopping every 100-200 meters to fly up the drone and get a quick video of the surrounding area. Remaining four members will stay back and monitor comms.
Start Time: 9:04AM
End Time: 10:30AM
Narrative: The EVA team took the rovers up North stopping every 300-400 meters in order to fly the drone up and capture a video of the surrounding area in order to generate a 3D model.
Destination: Cowboy Corner
518750, 4253000
EVA Participants: Rishabh (Engineer), Noah (Biologist)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road
Mode of travel: Driving Opportunity + Walking