Journalist Report – May 21st

Hello Mission Control,

Today we had an early start. Kristina and I helped set up Avery, Noah and Aravind for their morning EVA. Kristina was on comms while they went to Marble Ritual, Pooh’s Corner, and drove up to Galileo road to test the battery of the rovers. They were back promptly and we started to then disperse for our individual projects.

Kristina and Avery went to the observatory and got it working again. After they took two sets of images and are almost done processing them. During that time, Aravind, Noah and I finished retesting the interesting samples we wanted to retake data for. I also deduced the age, cause, volcanic activity and interest to applying this technique on Mars and created a document. Noah also worked with his radishes and prepared a soil sample to look at. We also are now determining the final composition of some potting soil.

Rishabh has been working hard processing his videos and working on the map.

We have honestly had a very productive and long day as the Bevonauts! Happy to see this.

And Avery and Kristina prepared some incredible dinner. All in a day’s work!

Pari & the Bevonauts

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