EVA Report – March 2nd

Crew 223 EVA Report 02-03-2020
EVA # 2
Author: Aurélien Mure (Commander) and Blandine Gorce (XO)
Purpose of EVA: Change batteries of LOAC and MegaAres, and then first exploration for the crew 223
Start time: 9:14 AM
End time: 10:57 AM
Narrative: First, we went out to check all the rovers and the water in teams of two. We took then the two rovers to go on our experiments site to change
batteries. Everything went fine so we moved a few meters to go to our site of exploration: the Marble’s Ritual. We arrived there at 09:43 to start our exploration, Curiosity was at 96% of charge, and Deimos was at 100%.
All of us were very excited for that. We walked for approximately one hour between Marble’s Ritual and Phobo’s Peak. Landscapes were really beautiful and we were amazed to see so many different types and rocks. We walked around to appreciate the landscape. Then we came back to the hab around 10:45. We entered the airlock again at 10:52 AM for our 5 minutes pressurization.
Destination: Marble’s Ritual
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS):4250800/518500, 4251750/518700 Participants: Team red: Aurélien Mure (Commander), Clément Plagne (Journalist), Team Blue: Luc Fortin (Engineer), Blandine Gorce (HSO) Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Entrance Road, Cow Dung Road Mode of travel: Rovers : Curiosity & Deimos

Sol Summary – March 2nd

Crew 223 Sol Summary Report 02-03-2020

Sol: 1 Summary Title: Giant leap into martian routine

Author’s name: Aurélien Mure – Crew Commander

Mission Status: Crew 223 discovering sim

Sol Activity Summary:

The crew woke up at 6:50am as it will during the whole mission. The sport session began at 7:00am. It was the first long session for 5 members of the crew. They were really motivated and did a great workout session. We went through the breakfast as a large family! The crew took time to prepare the first EVA for an hour. In fact, Supaero crews have special EVA checklist and protocols taking time. Blandine, Clément, Luc and I went out to change the LOAC and MegaAres batteries and start exploring. We went to Marble’s Ritual and explored until Phobos Peak. It was a great training EVA and the whole crew was perfectly handling the operations.
For lunch Valentin cooked homemade pasta with fresh pesto sauce and deep fried zucchini flowers.
I think we are going to spend two amazing weeks in terms of food! In the afternoon each crew member worked on its own experiments or reports after having spent half an hour playing cards together. Then the crew started the language human factor experiment at 4:00pm. We went through the training to emergency equipment Blandine gave us.

Look Ahead Plan:

Tomorrow we will go on EVA in the morning if the weather allows it.

The EVA will be focused on familiarizing the rest of the crew to the protocoles and to the routine of battery replacement for the LOAC and MegaAres.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny and warm all day (-2°C at 7:00am, about 11°C at 2:00pm)

Crew Physical Status: All crew members safe and sound


Reports to be file: Journalist Report, Operations report, Food Inventory, EVA Request, Green Hab report

Support Requested: None

Greenhab Report – March 1st

Crew 223 GreenHab Report – 01-03-2020 GreenHab Officer:

Environmental control: Ambient with door open Average

Average temperature: 21°
Low temperature: 19°
High temperature: 22°

Hours of supplemental light: 30min

Daily water usage for crops: 14.8 gallons

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 0

Water in Blue Tank— 235.3 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 1

Changes to crops: all the suspended lettuces were harvested.

Narrative: I didn’t have time to take care of the GreenHab during the
day, because we all were in formation.

I watered all the plants at 1800 p.m. Quite a lot of water on aromatics plants and tomatoes because they were dry.

I harvested 100g of lettuce that was yellow-green because of
mack of space. I’ll harvest lettuce or other plants on these pots
tomorrow. I also harvested spirulina for the desert of this evening.

Harvest: 100g Lettuce / Spirulina

Support/supplies needed: NA

Journalist Report – March 1st

Crew 223 Journalist Report 01Mar2020
Author: Clément Plagne, Crew Journalist
Sol 0

Title: Out with the old, in with the new!

How lucky it is to wake up among friends! As we had taken our new
quarters in the Hab’s bedrooms, our fellow students from Crew 222 spent their last night in the MDRS on the Lower Deck, and it does look like a good night of sleep was had by all. It’s hard to imagine the level of excitement from both crews: one satisfied to have completed their mission, and one eager to finally start living on Mars.

Alas, while we had spent a year planning our missions with Crew 222, it was time for them to go. After a great many hugs and sweet goodbyes, they took off as the sun rose on the Martian desert. As the soft roar of the CrewCar began to quiet down in the distance, it dawned on us that we would be on our own for the two coming weeks.

Farewell, Crew 222! We wish you a safe trip back to Earth, and we promise we’ll take good care of the Station.

There was only one final step before we could finally be in isolation.
We needed to be briefed and trained by Shannon, the Station Director, on how to operate the spacesuits and the vehicles available to us for EVAs. Driving with the desert wind in our hair was a pleasant experience – sadly for us, we will all be wearing cumbersome suits from now on.

After a quick look through the GreenHab, the training was done. And, as simple as that, we were ready to go.

We spent our last moments of freedom on a quick run near the Hab,
enjoying for the last time the touch of the sun and the bite of the
freshening air on our bare skin. Finally, with the metallic clang of the
heavy airlock door, the simulation began. There was little time for us
to ponder over our newfound confinement, as it also meant there was much work to be done.

Valentin was busy at the GreenHab, making his first harvests for tonight’s meal; Luc, our Crew Engineer, had to make his first EVA check on the Station’s support systems. Meanwhile, in the Hab, the sounds of EVA comms clash with the clacks of our many keyboards, working in unison to type up the many reports needed by the
Mission Support.

Soon enough all of today’s work will be done, and we will have dinner
and some rest as a crew in the solitude of the Martian desert. A
comforting thought crosses my mind: on Mars, the sun sets just the same as it does on Earth.

Operations Report – March 1st

Crew 223 Operations Report 03/01/2020

SOL: 0

Name of person filing report: Luc FORTIN

Non-nominal systems: Nothing to report

Notes on non-nominal systems: Nothing to report

Saturday generator:
Off at 5:30 am
On at 8:00 pm SOC was 80%

Sunday generator:
Off at 5:30 am
On at 7:00 pm SOC was 79%

Diesel Reading – 70%
Station Propane Reading – 82%
Ethanol Free Gasoline – 7 gallons

Water (loft tank): 47 gallons
Water Meter: 149647.32 units
Water (static tank) – 381 gallons
Static to Loft Pump used – yes
Water in GreenHab – 14.8 gallons
Water in ScienceDome: 0 gallons

Toilet tank emptied: no

Deimos rover used: yes (for training with Shannon)
Hours: 147
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: Non checked
Currently charging: yes

Sojourner rover used: ASSIGNED TO DIRECTOR
Hours: Nothing to report
Beginning charge: Nothing to report
Ending charge: Nothing to report
Currently charging: Nothing to report

Spirit rover: yes (for training with Shannon)
Hours: 133.2
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: Non checked
Currently charging: yes

Opportunity rover used: moved from campus to the shop to repair the brakes.
Hours: Nothing to report
Beginning charge: Nothing to report
Ending charge: Nothing to report
Currently charging: Nothing to report

Curiosity rover used: yes (for training with Shannon)
Hours: 139.1
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: Non checked
Currently charging: yes

Notes on rovers: Nothing to report

ATV’s Used: yes (Honda, 1, 2 and 3)
Reason for use: Training with Shannon
Oil Added? no
ATV Fuel Used: almost 2% of the tank.
Hours the ATVs were Used today: 5 minutes
Notes on ATVs: As it already happened with the previous crew, the Honda
ATV was stuck in 5th gear and refused to go back into neutral (reason = slowing down while 5th gear engaged). Shannon fixed it by moving
manually the ATV. The gears are now working perfectly.

HabCar used and why, where? We used the Habcar to go to Hanksville to fill up the GreenHab tank (which was full at noon). We also refueled it.
Habcar gas tank cap broken. The HabCar is now parked at the MDRS.

CrewCar used and why, where? The CrewCar is in Grand Junction since this morning, thanks to crew 222.

General notes and comments: Nothing to report

Summary of the internet: All ok.

Summary of suits and radios: Suit 3 was used during the engineer EVA.

Summary of Hab operations: Nothing to report

Summary of GreenHab operations: Nothing to report

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Nothing to report

Summary of RAM operations: Nothing to report

Summary of any observatory issues: Nothing to report

Summary of health and safety issues: Nothing to report

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support: Nothing to report

Sol Summary – March 1st

Crew 223 Sol Summary Report 01-March-2020

Sol: 0 Summary Title: Starting up with little troubles

Author’s name: Aurélien Mure – Crew Commander

Mission Status: Crew 223 ready to go on Sim

Sol Activity Summary:

Both crews woke up at 6:00 am. 222 left at 7:00, it was a strange feeling to let our friends go after having spent a single night with them. We could have talked for hours!

Valentin and I started to empty the transportation tank into the Greenhab tank with issues with pipes. The rest of the crew prepared the breakfast.

At 8:00 we were finally ready for our first sports session. It was a real pleasure to share this first crew moment and a good way to get in a good shape before the beginning of the sim.

To continue the morning Florian and I went to the LOAC and the MegaAres to change the batteries. It was an opportunity to train Florian to the LOAC procedure.

Meanwhile, Marion and Valentin went to the Hollow Mountain gas station to fill up the transportation tank. They had trouble with the tank of the Habcar but they fixed it with a little delay.

After having lunch we have been through the training from the director about the rules and the sim. We went outside to be trained to the rover and the ATV’s.

Before closing the door and beginning the sim, it is a tradition in Supaero crews to have a sincere discussion about concerns and expectations for the mission. It was a strong team-building moment.
5:45 pm: The door is closed, the MDRS pressurized, the crew ready.

The crew has started to write down reports and Valentin worked in the Greenhab to harvest some lettuce.

Look Ahead Plan:

Tomorrow will be our first day on Sim, we will go on EVA in the morning if the weather allows it.
The EVA will be focused on familiarizing the crew to the protocols and to the routine of battery replacement for the LOAC and MegaAres.

Anomalies in work: Habcar gas tank cap broken
Weather: Cloudy in the morning, about 11°C then windy (up to 14m/s) and sunny at sunset.

Crew Physical Status: All crew members safe and sound


Reports to be filed: Journalist Report, Operations Report, EVA Request, Green Hab report, Crew Bios

Mission plan and Food inventory will be sent tonight or tomorrow depending on how fast we write it down.

Support Requested: None

Final Mission Summary – Crew 222

Authors : Auzou Benjamin, Bochard Marie, Bourdeaud Nicolas, Kim Eishi, Prudhomme Valentin, Roiron Bleuenn, Sedbon Nina

The mission 222 is the sixth mission of ISAE-SUPAERO students in the MDRS. This mission is combined with the crew 223, also composed of students from ISAE-SUPAERO. Indeed, the two crews share the science, and prepared these missions together.


I. General Summary

As students, this mission has for us a pedagogic dimension. The preparation of those two weeks has been intense for one whole year and taught us to work as a group, to make decisions, but also to manage an association and a budget. Then here in the MDRS we learned to lead experiments on a very specific field, with the constraints that come with it. Furthermore, we evolved with six other people during two weeks and learned a lot on ourselves and on the others.

As a matter of fact, our crew was marked by a good cohesive spirit. During this mission we shared a lot of moments together, in the Hab and on EVAs. We talked a lot and shared our feelings during those moments. For example, at the end of each day, we had a moment called the “Word of the day”, where each crew member chooses a word to describe his/her day and explains it to the others. It was interesting to see that everyone had a different perception of the same sol.

After those two weeks, each of us has found answers to his own objectives of the mission, and as a crew we also tackled the group objectives, from a scientific and a human point of view.

The crew transition with crew 223 is ready, and we look forward to exploiting the results of all the experiments we deployed here.

Moreover, in 2021 a new crew of students from ISAE-SUPAERO will come here to continue the work we are doing for now six years in our association, the Club MARS of ISAE-SUPAERO. The strength of our crews is the cohesion, as we are preparing this mission together, and the fact that year after year we have a database of experiments and we share the experience as the veterans of the previous missions.


II. Science Status

During the past two weeks a lot of projects have started in the MDRS. We wanted to work on different aspects of a future sedentary life on Mars.


Martian food

Concerning plants and food we started several experiments that will continue with the second crew of ISAE-SUPAERO (Crew 223).

We grew Spirullina which would enable future humans on Mars to eat very nutritive algae. Today the Spirulina is growing in the aquarium and we hope that the next crew will taste it (it grew about 0,5 cm at the top of the aquarium). We also started the Aerospring moss garden. This garden can be placed in different environments and different temperatures. We are currently observing the development of roots (herbs and vegetables) in the garden with a highly controlled amount of ater (max 75L of water in the garden with every nutriments inside). Besides, we also wanted to compare this vertical garden with the same seeds in gelatin. At this moment we can’t observe any change inside gelatin but we can’t make any conclusion yet.


Martian environment

When we first arrived in the station we noticed the heavy and bulky equipment a human has to put on itself before going outside. That is why we wanted to test the Backpack combined with the LCVG for an EVA. Unfortunately we did not have time to test this outside the RAM because it was not sufficiently efficient and we did not want to take the risk to go outside with a dysfunctional equipment. At this moment everything should be working well and the next crew will be able to test it during an EVA.

We also put two experiments in place, taking measurements continuously during the day. The LOAC is sorting the air particules present in the air of the Utah Desert surrounding the MDRS. The results will be analyzed after the mission, by the researcher responsible for this experiment. The MegaAres is studying the electromagnetic field of Earth (before Mars …). It will be very interesting to measure the difference between day and night and depending on the hour of the day.


Martian house

We know that water is an essential ressource here on Earth and moreover on Mars. That is why we put in place a water consumption device in the HAB in order to know where the water is used to live on Mars. Today every cables are plugged and the next crew will be able to know precisely how they use their daily water.


A Human Civilization on Mars

The Human Factors experiments went very well. It was a special moment, every day for 13 days. Everybody participated willingly, it helped the crew be more bonded. We can’t disclose the purpose of the experiments now because the members of Crew 223 will undertake the same experiments.



III. Astronomy projects

Both astronomy projects have progressed with several gigabytes of raw data gathered and expected to be processed back at my school (ISAE-SUPAERO). Regarding the supernovae research project, nearly half of the target galaxies has already been imaged twice as part of the weekly observations, with the other half pending the run of the MDRS-14 telescope in the coming days. The astrophotography project has yielded beautiful images of the select deep sky objects. A couple of targets could not be imaged as planned because they were not visible for long enough after sunset. I am still looking forward to keeping on with both projects after the mission, in close collaboration with the Crew 223 Astronomer Florian Delpech and the astronomy club of ISAE-SUPAERO. I hope the raw data collected during the mission will be a valuable resource for scientific and training purposes.


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