MDRS MAU Commander Report 25JAN2020
Sol 6
Title: Learning Medical Trauma Response and Demo New Invention
Author: Commander John Hanacek
Today was the start of crew medical training, learning protocol for first response trauma medicine. We drilled with a scenario of a crew member who hurt their leg. I found my training as a CA state parks beach lifeguard coming back to me, yet I was a little rusty! We are privileged here to have two three medical doctors, two who are experts in trauma medicine, one who works in hospital and one with deep field experience, and an ex special forces soldier to assist in training. I have been looking forward to this mission to grow my skills under the supervision of these professionals in this austere, isolated environment. Many members of the crew have no formal medical training and so this is a fascinating opportunity to test training of life-saving skills. If we are to thrive on Mars, we are required to have intimate knowledge of field medical skills. Plus, one crew member has brought in an invention, “The Golden Bubble,” a pressurized field medical system that is meant to enable the successful stabilization and transport of injured astronauts even if their pressure suits are compromised. We will be testing our skills and this unique technology on future medical EVAs. We are all looking forward to such a unique opportunity.
Tomorrow the MDRS and MAU crews will switch places. This is the next stage of the unique ‘station to station’ experiment going on here and will represent a fresh opportunity to see a new side of the Martian terrain and a new experience for all of us.
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