Crew 216 EVA Report 04Dec2019

[title EVA Report – December 04th]

Crew 216 EVA Report 04-Dec-2019
EVA # 14
Author: Kennedy
Purpose of EVA: To capture film footage in support of Evgenia’s and Ho’s projects.
Start time for EVA: 0830
End time for EVA: 1030
Narrative:Left the Hab on foot with Kennedy, Alexandrova, Levesque, and Ho. We traveled due east towards Phobos peak. In transit we discovered a large dinosaur bone protruding from the side of a cliff. GPS coordinates taken and coordinated with Shannon. We then continued to the southern base of Phobos ridge. Michael stayed at the bottom to run his drone footage. We climbed to the top of the ridge with drone footage and pictures taken from the Hab. We reached the peak around 0945. After returning to the base we returned to the Hab following a more northerly route, passing by several capstone formations “mushrooms” passing in site of the marble ritual, before returning to the Hab at 1030. Both Alexandrova and Ho reported excellent footage being taken for their respective projects.
Destination:Phobos Peak
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12 S 0519319E 4250181N
EVA Participants: Alexandrova, Kennedy, Ho, Levesque
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
1) Walked to from Hab to base of Phobos Peak
2) Ascended Phobos Peak
2) Returned to Hab from Phobos Peak
Mode of travel: Foot
Vehicles used: None


Crew 216 EVA Report 04Dec2019

[title EVA Report – December 04th]

Crew 216 EVA Report 04-Dec-2019
EVA # 15
Author: Levesque
Purpose of EVA: To set up a cross-band repeater in the Crew Commander’s vehicle for an attempt to contact the International Space Station via amateur radio.
Start time for EVA: 1230
End time for EVA: 1345
Narrative: Walked to vehicle to set up radio in cross-band mode. Returned to Hab for contact attempt, and then returned to vehicle to shut down radio.
Destination: Crew Commander’s vehicle next to Outpost.
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12 S 0518364 4249273.
EVA Participants: Levesque and Lawson
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
1) Walk from Hab to vehicle to set up the repeater
2) Return to Hab for contact attempt with a handheld radio
3) Return to vehicle to shut off repeater and the vehicle
Mode of travel: Foot


EVA Report – December 3rd

Crew 216 EVA Report 03-Dec-2019
EVA # 13
Author: Whittle
Purpose of EVA: In-situ fluorescent mineral survey. Per agreement with the director, this EVA extended into low light and was therefore partial sim (flight suits only). No photos/videos were taken. Start time for EVA: 1700
End time for EVA: 1820
Narrative: Drove to Robert’s Rock Garden, inspected sites found on EVA 12. Proof of concept completed and a number of samples collected for lab analysis. Returned to Hab via same route.
Destination: Kissing Camel Ridge (Robert’s Rock Garden)
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12 S 0518364 4249273.
EVA Participants: Lawson, Whittle, Kennedy
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
1) Drove from Hab to Robert’s Rock Garden via Cow Dung Road
2) Explored Robert’s Rock Garden to mark (GPS) locations for EVA 13 3) Returned to Hab via same route
Mode of travel: Curiosity, Spirit

EVA Report – December 3rd

Crew 216 EVA Report 03-Dec-2019
EVA # 12
Author: Whittle
Purpose of EVA: Reconnaissance for EVA 13 (evening EVA)
Start time for EVA: 0830
End time for EVA: 0915
Narrative: Drove to Robert’s Rock Garden, found 4 sites for evening inspection in vicinity of rovers (<10m from road). All sites marked with GPS and track recorded to annotate map for nighttime navigation. Returned to Hab via same route.
Destination: Kissing Camel Ridge (Robert’s Rock Garden)
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12 S 0518364 4249273.
EVA Participants: Lawson, Whittle, Alexandrova
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
1) Drive from Hab to Robert’s Rock Garden via Cow Dung Road
2) Explore Robert’s Rock Garden to mark (GPS) locations for EVA 13 3) Return to Hab via same route
Mode of travel: Curiosity, Spirit

EVA Report #10 – December 2nd

Crew 216 EVA Report 02-Dec-2019
EVA # 10
Author: Whittle

Purpose of EVA: Climb to summit of North Ridge to determine accessible route and identify site for potential repeater site.

Start time: 0830
End time: 1000

Narrative: Crew left Hab on foot. Arrived at North Ridge. Climbed high point on North Ridge at grid 12 S 0518464 4251538. The route taken was via the South West ridge. Time of day was ideal as ground was frozen (and only slightly thawed on decent). Would potentially be hazardous later in the day. Excellent rebroadcast location on top of the ridge. Marked on GPS, along with track of route up (available on request). Fogging was an issue on climb. In visual contact with Hab at all times. Returned to Hab via same route.

Destination: North Ridge
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12 S 0518464 4251538.

Participants: Whittle, Kennedy, Levesque

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
1) Walk to North Ridge from Hab
2) Ascend highpoint at 12 S 0518464 4251538 via South West ridge
3) Return to Hab via same route

Mode of travel: Walk

EVA Report – December 2nd

Crew 216 EVA Report 02-Dec-2019
EVA # 11
Author: Kennedy
Purpose of EVA: Gather footage for education (Ho) and documentary (Alexandrova) from dinosaur quarry site.

Start time for EVA: 1330
End time for EVA: 1615

Narrative: Crew left airlock at approx 1335 and left on rovers Spirit and Curiosity, both registering at 100% battery. Road was quite muddy in spots but very manageable. This site is the greatest distance we have yet traveled, as such we minimized excessive accelerations to maximize battery life. We arrived at the parking area for the dinosaur quarry with 62% and 63% battery on our rovers. We examined the site, the quarry has been covered in. Dirt this time of year so nothing to note. We traveled along the ridge to the overlook at 12s 0518250 and 4256590. Michael set up his drone and did aerial photos of the crew. Evgenia used her tripod and took several shots. The canyon had a very distinct shape and rock characteristic that is unique from our other sites. We were quite happy with the outcome of the EVA and feel like we got excellent footage. We returned to our vehicles at 1530 and returned to the airlock in the Hab at 1615.

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12 S 0518400 4255800.

EVA Participants: Kennedy, Alexandrova, Ho

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
1) North from Hab to 12 S 0518400 4255800 via Cow Dung Road
2) Explore quarry site and collect footage
3) Return to Hab via same route

Mode of travel: Rover
Vehicles used: Curiosity, Spirit

EVA Report – December 1st

Crew 216 EVA Report 01-DEC-19
EVA # 09
Author: Whittle

Purpose of EVA: EVA footage for Roker film crew filming Crew 216

Start time: 1330
End time: 1515

Narrative: Crew left Hab in Curiosity and Spirit with Justin (Roker crew host) and crew. Arrived at Kissing Camel Ridge. Climbed high point on Kissing Camel Ridge at grid 12 S 0519008 4249540. Collected footage (camera and drone) for the Roker crew. Collected footage with rovers on way back to Hab.

Destination: Kissing Camel Ridge
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12 S 0519008 4249540.
Participants: Whittle, Kennedy, Ho, Justin + 5 film crew

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
1) Hab to the point where Kissing Camel Ridge crossed Cow Dung Rd
2) Walked from Cow Dung Rd to the high point at 12 S 0519008 4249540
3) Walked from 12 S 0519008 4249540 back to rovers on Cow Dung Rd
4) Returned to Hab via Cow Dung Rd

Mode of travel: Curiosity, Spirit

EVA Report – November 30th

Crew 216 EVA Report 30-Nov-2019
EVA #08
Author: Levesque

Purpose of EVA: Evaluate potential communications repeater site on North Ridge

Start time for EVA: 1330
End time for EVA: 1530

Narrative: The EVA team walked to the bottom of the northeast corner of the North Ridge to assess the viability of a safe route to the top that had been determined from cartographic analysis. Once again, however, the dictum was proven true: the map is not the territory. Upon reaching the northeast corner, the team determined that the steepness of the slope and the footing was not safe or suitable to pursue. In search of an alternative, the team continued west around the north side completing a loop without finding one. The team then returned to the Hab via a direct route. A future reconnaissance in drier conditions should be considered, as a GIS viewshed analysis of the North Ridge indicates it would be an ideal site for a radio repeater if a relatively easy route to the summit can be found.

EVA Participants: Levesque, Lawson, Kennedy, Alexandrova

Routes per MDRS Map:
1) Walk to the northeast corner of North Ridge at 518624E 4251655N
2) Continued west to 518248E 4251639N
3) Returned to Hab from this point

Mode of travel: Walk
Vehicles used: N/A

EVA Report – November 27th

Crew 216 EVA Report 27-Nov-19
EVA # 05
Author: Levesque
Purpose of EVA: To explore suitability for possible radio repeater sites close to the Hab. Collect footage for documentary.
Start time for EVA: 0930
End time for EVA: 1130
Narrative: EVA #5 was our crew’s first non-rover EVA. We left the Airlock at 0930 with Levesque, Lawson, Alexandrova, and Kennedy. We traveled west up the bentonite hills adjacent to the Hab, stopping a few times for footage and oxygen absorption. At the summit of the ridge we were greeted by the majestic views in all directions, looking down onto our decorous Hab below. We then traveled south to the coordinate #1. We observed a surprising amount of fossils for Mars, but found the road in good condition and excellent for travel. From location #1 we stopped, did some filming, and returned north on the road we had been traveling. We arrived at the coordinate #2 shortly after. This is the site of the old repeater according to our documents. We evaluated the suitability of the location. It would do well for comms east west and south, but site #3 would most likely provide a better overall coverage, especially north. We did some more filming with only minor queues from our documentarian and continued north on the Hab Ridge road. Shortly after we came to the break in the ridge and the old access road. We followed this down until we were at the foot of the north ridge, the base of the hill of coordinate #3. We were concerned that with the time we had left that it would be cutting it close, so we elected to reevaluate the location at a later EVA and return to the Hab. We did some minor filming and savored how we are living our best lives. We did a quick external evaluation of the Hab and returned to the airlock approximately at 1130.
Destination: In the vicinity of Hab (within 1 km), 3 specific points listed below.
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS):
1: 12 S 0517874 4250342.
2: 12 S 0517887 4250342.
3: 12 S 0518464 4251538.
EVA Participants: Levesque, Lawson, Alexandrova, Kennedy
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
1) Hab to 12 S 0517874 4250342 on foot
2) 12 S 0517874 4250342 to 12 S 0517887 4250342 on foot
3) 12 S 0517887 4250342 to 12 S 0518464 4251538 on foot
4) 12 S 0518464 4251538 to Hab on foot
5) Total distance 3.5 km
Mode of travel: Walking with powerful self determination
Vehicles used: N/A

EVA Report – November 27th

Crew 216 EVA Report 27-Nov-19
EVA # 05
Author: Levesque
Purpose of EVA: To explore suitability for possible radio repeater sites close to the Hab. Collect footage for documentary.
Start time for EVA: 0930
End time for EVA: 1130
Narrative: EVA #5 was our crew’s first non-rover EVA. We left the Airlock at 0930 with Levesque, Lawson, Alexandrova, and Kennedy. We traveled west up the bentonite hills adjacent to the Hab, stopping a few times for footage and oxygen absorption. At the summit of the ridge we were greeted by the majestic views in all directions, looking down onto our decorous Hab below. We then traveled south to the coordinate #1. We observed a surprising amount of fossils for Mars, but found the road in good condition and excellent for travel. From location #1 we stopped, did some filming, and returned north on the road we had been traveling. We arrived at the coordinate #2 shortly after. This is the site of the old repeater according to our documents. We evaluated the suitability of the location. It would do well for comms east west and south, but site #3 would most likely provide a better overall coverage, especially north. We did some more filming with only minor queues from our documentarian and continued north on the Hab Ridge road. Shortly after we came to the break in the ridge and the old access road. We followed this down until we were at the foot of the north ridge, the base of the hill of coordinate #3. We were concerned that with the time we had left that it would be cutting it close, so we elected to reevaluate the location at a later EVA and return to the Hab. We did some minor filming and savored how we are living our best lives. We did a quick external evaluation of the Hab and returned to the airlock approximately at 1130.
Destination: In the vicinity of Hab (within 1 km), 3 specific points listed below.
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS):
1: 12 S 0517874 4250342.
2: 12 S 0517887 4250342.
3: 12 S 0518464 4251538.
EVA Participants: Levesque, Lawson, Alexandrova, Kennedy
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
1) Hab to 12 S 0517874 4250342 on foot
2) 12 S 0517874 4250342 to 12 S 0517887 4250342 on foot
3) 12 S 0517887 4250342 to 12 S 0518464 4251538 on foot
4) 12 S 0518464 4251538 to Hab on foot
5) Total distance 3.5 km
Mode of travel: Walking with powerful self determination
Vehicles used: N/A

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